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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Lol I literally went out of my way to compliment the Bills D... which is the only reason the Bills are 5-1.
  2. You play who is on your schedule. That said those team average almost 15 points a game, the Pats D around 6.5. Holding your opponent to half their average is impressive no matter who it is. Also you know first hand records don’t tell the whole story, if they did this place be crying how bad the Bills D is because they allowed 16 points to the Jets, 17 to Cincy, and 21 to Miami teams with all of one win! The fact is your D is damn good too and also been doing it against mostly garbage can QBs with the only loss being against the one good one. (Not their fault like the Jets game the O was awful and if it wasn’t for your D that score is something like 24 or 30- 0 heading into the third.)
  3. IMO they are not as good as that D. That D HAD to carry the team as their O was mediocre at best.. I see the Bills D being similar in the fact (so far) they have had to cover for an O that has turned the ball over WAY to much. 4 turnovers against the Jets, 2 against Cincy, 4 against NE. Mind you much better last two weeks with just , but with that D stop turning the ball over and you will win a lot easier.
  4. The D has only given up 27 points (the other 21 on O and Special Teams) they have also scored 23 or 30 points.. so basically they are almost equaling the amount they give up. (I can’t remember if they have 3 or 4 TD this year) they been beating up on bad teams.. hopefully it sustains them now that the schedule gets tougher. Ravens ONLY 2000 season they won that SB. I wouldn’t even compare any D to any other before then because of how much the rules have changed to favor the O. It just wouldn’t be fair comparison IMO.
  5. Lol he will work well in the Pats system. He also has never been a primary target.. so 830 yards is pretty good lol
  6. I like Stidham but only a dang fool knows one way or the other right now. He could start next year (if Brady retires) and light it up, but more likely he will stink it up and be run out of town because he isn’t As good as Brady.. ( sorta like the Bills after Kelly hard replace a living legend in the area)
  7. Bills fans should understand you win while you can because once it stops you have no clue when it will be back.. trust me if I could sit threw 1-15 get Bledsoe I can handle a few lean years after The Pats get 7 Lombardis
  8. They have l: 1st 2 comp 3rds for Flowers and Brown (projected) 4th 3 6ths (2 of which expected companies picks) 3 7ths
  9. Ya, but with no third it was a second or no Sanu. And well Brady has maybe 1, tops 2 years left so going get 7 let’s worry about draft picks later and stock up now.
  10. Fair price for a WR coming off an Achilles injury.
  11. Pats don’t have a third and a Pats Fourth be to low compared anyone else’s.. besides the Pats are in win Now mode. Next year we can stink and get the best QB I have seen in ages out of Clemson. Lol
  12. the funny thing for the Tuck rule is Pats fans knew it very well as it was called against the Pats earlier that same year. (Horrible rule and I tell Raider fans “it was 4th down you just had stop them 1 more time and failed”) formationgate That’s not cheating, it’s a penalty they failed to call. (I know a shocker the refs missed a call. Lol) I know the league cares but why should we? We never know what it’s for? What if it’s for a drug used for the healing process (HGH is used for that they did it for my crappy knee) or was pot which is legal in so many states and definitely doesn’t give you an advantage lol.. repeat offenders I get (Josh Gordon for example) but a 1 time thing.. just to many variables. off topic here but imagine if the Bills were in ANY other AFC division they be the #2 seed And have a decent cushion over most of their fellow teams.
  13. He did, The DC coordinator left before the year started do to personal issues. Also Shefter has stated he believes he will retire if they win it all again this year.
  14. Nope just forgot the Giants my bad! My point was simple.. the D for the Pats has suffocated their opponents while the Bills D has As well they had no choice.. the true test for both was facing eachother and if we are honest Your D earned to win that day. Sadly for the Bills they made to many mistakes on O and ST and a fourth quarter comeback fell short.. oh and the Tuck, was called correctly. A god awful rule but called correctly. formationgate - wring it was legal it was made illegal after the Ravens whined about it.. sort of like the illegal contact rule and the whiny Colts. PEDs who cares? We never know what it’s for and be honest so many of them were for pot.. (see spikes) or coming off an injury like Edelman and Harrison. the rest been beaten like a dead horse and I am not touching it lol
  15. The Bills schedule Minus the 7-0 Pats: Miami 0 Jets 1 Titans 3 Bengals: 0 yours as well with a combined 4 wins. Doesn’t mean your D is any softer.. but for fun.. average margin of Victory over those “cupcakes”: Bills: 7.2 (in 5 wins) Pats: 24.86 (in 7 wins) outside of the Bills NO team has come close to scaring the Pats. what I took from crunching the numbers? The Pats be at worse 6-1 with a D that was a little less dominant. While the Bills would be a .500 team if it wasn’t for your dominating D. (That Jets Game is a big L with even a small tick down from dominance by the bills D)
  16. What a lot of people are saying NOW is they keep him in get reps with the young receivers like Meyers and Gunner. I don’t believe that but a lot of experts saying it.
  17. I don’t expect them be best ever, but I think they are the best in the NFL right now, followed by your Bills. I hate the argument “they've gone up against garbage” well they may be bad but they aren’t just beating them they are humiliating them with how they are being shut down. For example: Jets avg: 10 points. Got: 0 Dolphins avg: 10 points. Got: 0 Bills Avg: 20 points Got: 10 Redskins avg: 12.9. Got: 7 Giants Avg: 18.9. Got 14 steelers Avg: 20.5. Got 3 total avg: 14.61. Gave up: 6.28 so only thing I left out was the 14 the Jets got from Special teams and an INT since that doesn’t count against the D. (Well at least not in fantasy lol) but you can see they are smothering these teams a lot more than anyone else.
  18. The Bills are the 2nd best team in the AFC IMO. I actually think the fact you pulled out Sunday’s game showed that the Bills turned a corner. I mean usually that’s a game the Bills lose and this board is losing its mind for the next week. Pats have strengthened their O and for some reason I am expecting Bennett be traded for another O piece.. (preferably a Left tackle that can block)
  19. They been calling themselves that since week 4 I think? They even made up a t shirt where the proceeds go to a charity.
  20. I agree with no big name pass rushers since Bennett was suspended and benched. But damn they are getting there second in sacks in the NFL and leading the league in INT by a HUGE margin. the Secondary is really good Gilmore, Jackson, Jones, and McCourt at CB. With Chung and D McCourty at safety. ( Jackson is actually grading out higher than Gilmore three 6 weeks.. not sure after all the Penalties on him last night though.) The back end is stacked and was built for teams like KC with so much WR Talent. The front 7 has Collins and Hightower the rest are really no names. i day they finish top 3.. I am not really afraid of Lamar Jackson, and KC is beatable, the Texans scare me the most of those left. Great QB, good D..
  21. I like Darnold, sadly he will be on the dumpster pile in two years because of inept coaching and being hit like a piñata. I think if Darnold was in Buffalo, and Allen there we see the same results.. that is the QB in Buffalo getting better while the other regresses.
  22. He was looking at pictures and noticed he was not seeing it right lol.. this “seeing Ghosts” kid is a decent QB when he has time and doesn’t throw off his back foot.
  23. Wow, first it was a blow out and doing it was the merciful thing to do. (Darnold was do throw a pick 6 at any moment lol) That said come December who knows what these teams look like.. injuries happen, trade deadline.. etc.
  24. When you win 30 states out of 50 yes.. Wow, people making a mountain out of a mole hill! Fact is 30 states out of 50 voted against her.. that’s 60% and in 48 out of 50 states she lost by more than double what her “popular” vote. Which means popular vote means NYC and Cali choose for the rest of us. I didn’t vote for either (went third party) but she lost and rightfully so.
  25. And lost by 10 million if you didn’t count California and NYC. (Not the state just the city!) lol
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