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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. they have excellent RB,, and RPO will only work so long before teams just decide take the QB every time.. he throws a nice ball? We must be watching a different QB, he is sort of accurate but zero zip on the ball and thanks to Harbaugh design almost every pass is to a WIDE OPEN receiver. Jackson forced to throw the Ravens will lose against a good team. He averages less than 250 yards a game.. I also notice when the other team scores 21 or more points they are 1-2 with the one win being in Pitt after Pitt missed 2 FG. I stand by my assessment force him to throw to win and they will usually fail.
  2. Good point Gugny! But the Rams O has been so bad this year just look at stats wise. Could Gurley being on the downside be the reason? The Ravens IMO are the class of the AFC this year just like KC was last year.. be fun see how they do the second time around against teams in the playoffs. (KC,NE,Pitt,Buff, Houston all be their second crack at then whoever it is)
  3. Can someone explain to me what happen to the super genius and the next great HC McVay this year? That had to be the most predictable offense I have seen all year. Absolutely horrid play calling and execution. on a side note, everyone says how bad the Pats O is, but yet they have scored more than the Texans, Rams Combined against the Ravens.. hell the Pats v Ravens game was close until Edelmans fumble in the third quarter. (The Pats were down by 4 when that happened)
  4. He is definitely better than I expected, but he is not a VERY good QB.. he is a run first throw second QB. It will be very interesting how well they do once the NFL figures them out which they will. This style will fool a HC once but if he has the right personnel it won’t fool him a second time.
  5. Like Bosa hitting Jackson like a pinyata! I am convinced the key to beating them is getting out to an early lead.. get a 14 point lead and they need change their game plan. Their plan is a long time consuming drive.. a fast pressure D like SF SHOULD negate a lot of what they do and I am so wanting see how Jackson is after he gets a true hard hit.
  6. The Ravens throw to their TE more than any other NFL team. You need be able cover them as well as watch out for their version of the option play, which is almost faking the handoff and standing there hiding the ball well and when you choose the RB he runs right by you. Right now the Ravens winning with College style plays drawn up just a bit differently and relying heravily in TE for catches with the occasional big shot to Hollywood.
  7. Yet the cowboys have not beaten a team over .500 yet. All there wins from sub .500 teams.. be an interesting game Thursday. Both teams have a lot to prove, and both playing for the playoffs.
  8. That could play against the Bills. They could come out angry and wanting to punch the bills hard in the mouth, especially at home. i don’t see how the Bills win against the Ravens anyways, your biggest weakness on D is their biggest strength.. running the football. I hope I’m wrong because I’d like see the Bills beat the Ravens.. give everyone a good blue print how to do it..
  9. Baltimore has be the favorite in the AFC, followed by NE. The Patriots are probably the only 10-1 team in history be called “average to poor team” lol. in the NFC i day the 49ers just made a statement that they are for real and their #1 threat be the Saints. my guess the SB: Pats V 49ers the NFL would love it and want that game.
  10. I don’t know about that.. I’m just grateful Carroll three the ball instead of running it. Lol
  11. Hey there is nothing wrong with stealing a game! All good/great teams do. The Patriots STOLE that game from the Bills in Buffalo.
  12. I agree! If he had the Bills lose.. that was the one game the Bills stole victory from the jaws of defeat!
  13. I hate all the whining and Bashing regarding schedules. They play who they are scheduled to play! The games are determined years in advance and that’s that. We all make fun or lampoon them if they lost to these teams but when they win we feel “well look at how bad these teams are” ugh
  14. The jets LOST that game more than the bills won it. Had like 3 missed FG and the Bills O did everything they could in the first half to hand them that game. it will be a better test this next meeting.. let’s see if the Bills D have Darnold seeing Ghosts again. Lol
  15. I’ve said before I don’t expect him back in a Patriots uniform next year I think Stidham takes over.. best case we keep winning, worse case we suck for a certain Clemson QB.. win win in my mind.
  16. Need a 3rd good CB as well they have 3 very good WR.
  17. Been a fan since Tony Eason and Andre Tippett days. (Tippett would have had Lawrence Taylor type numbers if he had BB as a DC) as for being washed up? Not yet but he is near the end.. but he is still better than Allen.
  18. Dax has a few weapons on O to pass to with Cooper,Gallup, Witten and I forgot the former GB WR name now but he has some weapons. Unlike the Patriots yesterday there will be no weather to help mitigate them as well.. BUT the Bills should be able to run on them, will your OC be patient enough to just keep running?
  19. They will make it to the AFCCG again and unless it’s Baltimore there be in the SB.
  20. I agree! I was not arguing about that just that Brady looked bad. He actually looked pretty good today had a bunch of drops and they were able to run. (Michel averaged I think 4.5 a carry) the first trip call ended up a non factor since they got a First after it.. what’s weird they called two bad tripping calls but missed tons of holding on both sides.. so weird.. (and the false start on NE when falls clearly went over the line on D to draw it was awful as well) the refs been awful in general all year.
  21. In Dallas? Against a team with a. Winning record? Ya no chance Vegas does that! Dallas be favored by 5. Brady stink again? He had a minimum of 7 dropped balls. Not surprising in this weather. Oh and the Pats found a run game now that Wynn is back.. the O be fine and next week they put up 40 on the Texans.
  22. Tomlinson is a tool! Of course it was a teachable moment, how? By teaching them to disengage and walk away especially a QB! Garrett was the ultimate tool, but Pouncey And Rudolph were also Dumb. I’m shocked Rudolph didn’t get a game himself for the ruckus.. whenever you get suspended it’s a teachable moment how prevent said suspension.
  23. I see a close low scoring game. Here are my reasons: 1. Denver is good on D and will limit Allen’s ability, I also see a turnover or two keep it close. 2. Denver can run the ball pretty well but only have 1 truly good WR in Sutton 3. Bills D will keep the Broncos out of the end zone for the most part. 4. Both teams have been in mostly close low scoring games with the Bills pulling theirs out and the Broncos grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory. final score? Bills 14 Broncos 10
  24. Coaching.. that’s how Flores wants his D to be, he wants them edgy and hard even if they don’t play wel he wants them pushing to the end.. he is trying change a culture down there.. doing a pretty good job with some pretty bad players
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