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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. how do you coach them so the other team misses their block? its not like 10 seconds long like 2 or 3 seconds.. i dont see how it would help... I mean Buffalo the guy just didnt block him...thats just a mistake that was exploited.. one was a hand going around the end..
  2. whats scary is Allen Stats are almost a carbon copy of this 1 TD 5 INT QBR about the same. lets be honest both teams win with their D, and for the Pats they also win with ST.
  3. Amazing stat line. My question is how has he looked against top D's in the NFL? For example I know Lamar has thrown 66% of his TD passes and only games over 200 yards passing against Miami,Cincy (2X), Cleveland, KC (BEFORE THE D STARTED PLAYING BETTER), and Texans... 2 in losing efforts... the other games it was 150 or less with 1 TD or less throwing BUT his accuracy made them tough to beat as well as his feet.
  4. Allen didnt fumble because he missed the ball completely! and i think he got him in the ol frank n beans too. (not intentionally) Thats a tough call make at full speed and from the refs angle..
  5. Tell you how fantasy numbers are useless, Winston has a very good chance of being unsigned by the bucs after this year.. he is way way to reckless with the ball.
  6. I think you are underestimating Sean Peyton contribution to Brees growth and improvement.. He was coming off a bad injury and well no one expected him be what he is today, I think his HC deserves a wee bit of credit. Rivers had a good to HOF good HC he wins 1 or 2 SB.. he never even got above Average.
  7. I know i am not uber popular here, but guys ignore the noise!! they do it for ratings, they want people upset so you tune back in tomorrow or after he throws 4 TDs 0 INT for 350 yards.. just hear them say they were wrong.. I know this because this is the same station has Max K. been predicting Bradys cliff falling for the last 6 years.. just for rating and youtube hits. So enjoy the ride you dont know how long it will last and well why get angry with tools whose job is to get you to tune in one way or the other. (IMO to early calll Allen a FQB or a bust... just not enough time.)
  8. What I am hearing from the talking heads on the radio (SportsHub 98.5) the Jags are rumored to want Scott Pioli and Mcdaniels in to run the operation.
  9. Lol they had permission from the Browns have the videographer up there.. The HOME team knew he was there and somehow this fell threw the cracks of communication.. the fact they turned over the video so quickly pretty much makes the story dead..
  10. Ok that makes sense.. of all teams tape why them? I’d think Baltimore would been higher on the list lol
  11. I honestly don’t know.. but I know college coaches, as well as HC coaches have people at games to tape them so they have film to study.. I don’t know how you tape signals going in with the headset though.. that’s confusing to me..
  12. I agree about why McD didn’t challenge, he probably didn’t want lose a timeout on a long shot that they actually call PI via replay. the reffing yesterday league wide was scary bad. Wasn’t all TO reviewed one the beginning as well? (I’m asking I honestly thought that’s always been reviewed since it’s started.)
  13. I so agree! First let me say I do not believe the games are fixed just that the refs are just not as good as they use to be in years past. The Pats for example have had a lot of bad calls either go against them or not called.. and of course some favorable ones as well. I take it to be the refs lack of knowledge or inability for them to fix said error. Lol if you notice I kept the Pats out of it in the original post.. lol I wasn’t looking for sympathy I’m looking for fixes to something that’s broken is all.. the refs are definitely broken. as for PI how many times does that get overturned ? The refs rarely do and seem adamant not to unless the guy is trying to get a piggy back ride.. lol
  14. There would have be a fixed time limit for said review.. say no more than 3 minutes? I like the idea of the booth being able call for a review at any time during the games if they SEE an obvious error.
  15. Terrible throw the flag there, but why can’t they fix the obvious spot mistake after review? I mean they gave him an additional yard.. (I’m honestly asking it’s dumb not to fix an obvious error when you see it in review.. ok they lose the challenge since 1st down occurred but the ball be marked at the 39 and not the 40. Patriots charged a time out. Boom easy.. and you fixed a dumb mistake.)
  16. Ahh but if you lose you still lose the challenge and you only have 2 strikes before your out of challenges. So IMO the coaches still have to be smart about when to throw the flag.
  17. Any ideas? I agree they mess up way to often.. for example the two trips called against Dallas a couple weeks ago in NE. (I believe those were honest mistakes just like ruling Kelse down yesterday was an honest mistake as well as calling Harry OOB.) Again I wasn’t talking just about the Pats this has happened numerous times threw out the league. I thought this rule is there already and this is a rather minor tweek that wouldn’t tick off the refs and or team for any reason.
  18. Oh I agree was a poor decision there! I was trying keep the Pats out of it and talking in general about tweeting the rule is all. Would it be a bad idea to keep a challenge unless you lose your challenge on that play? I think keep refs a bit more honest if they knew the challenge was still there.
  19. An idea seeing as how so many bad calls are unable be challenged if you lose 1 of 2 challenges. My idea is simple, if you win the challenge you still have 2 challenges left if you lose goes to 1 and lose a time out. (Or if you have 1 you still have 1 left if won.). Seems like a plausible fix that way you always have a challenge left as long as you don’t lose two. thoughts? I know it isn’t perfect or solve every issue but a small fix at least.
  20. Be a great way to find decent replacements when the injury bug hits a team too.. so maybe just maybe teams don’t fall of the map from 3 or 4 key injuries.
  21. Last week the weather helped BOTH Defenses in the Dallas/Pats game. Passing was just very difficult with the wind and the rain made the ball very hard to catch.. there were a lot of dropped balls and balls just thrown poorly on both sides. i agree running is key for the Bills as the Boys been hashed the last few weeks by the run. I just don’t know the Bills CB well enough to know if they are good enough to cover all 3 WR as well as Elliot out of the backfield.. I will bow to your better knowledge. IMO to win the Bills need score 30 points, your D stop the Biys at times but shut them down under 20 is not only unfair it’s not realistic in a dome stadium in Dallas.
  22. He has never played a down here.. the weak link was Newhouse who Wynn has replaced at LT.
  23. Cleveland is a much better team than their record shows, their problem terrible terrible coaching! But they have turned it around. (Oh they have also beaten the Ravens and in a blowout type fashion! ) Philly is a good team when healthy, the last few weeks they been playing with 2nd and 3rd stringers a lot. Also I’m not a huge fan of their HC.. but he isn’t terrible. Dallas, has more talent than both those teams on D and have some amazing talent on O.. (with one of the. Eat O lines in football) With their talent level they should be 10-1 or at worse 8-3.. why are they 6-5.. I dare say their HC! Going for a FG when you need a TD to win? Knowing your O struggled all day to move the ball.. ya he is toast after this year. so all 3 teams have amazing talent and are more than capable of winning purely on that. Dallas by every right should beat down the Bills based on talent alone! Will they? NOPE.. why? Because Garrett will do something stupid like throw the ball when Elliot is getting huge gains on the ground or run the ball when Dak is carving up the secondary.. the Bills huge advantage is better HC, and hopefully a better game plan. (Run Singletary a lot, Michel averaged 4.5 a carry in that miserable weather Sunday.. )
  24. Ok just so this doesn’t become a Allen hate/love fest let’s remove him from the equation. My top 5 QBs under 30 are: 1. Mahomes - second year still putting up amazing numbers even though he been hurt.. Negative: Hard find one but I will go with unable win the big matchup.. 2. Jackson - I am not a fan of his style and fee he will be a flash in the pan, but right now he is top 2. Negative: hasn’t even played a full year yet, will it last? 3. Garoppolo — his stats are not gaudy but he has all of 2 losses in his entire career. Negative: Fragile like glass 4. Watson — amazing arm and escape ability can make any throws needed. Negative: not fragile but definitely injury prone so far. 5.Prescott — has looked good but inconsistent, top 5 because he has had success in the league. Negative: inconsistent and lots people think Zeke is more important to the team I love my top 4 but the 5th one was hard. What do you guys think?
  25. They only lost by 3 to the Ravens the last time they met.. and that took OT and 2 missed FG for the Ravens pull out.. and we all know how conference teams are.. good or bad they are never an easy win.
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