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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Ok here is my ideal scenario to the SB and HOW it may happen. Bills best Texans — How? Bills D causes a few turnovers creating a short field and the Bills win 24-17 on a late Singletary run for a TD Pats beat Titans — Pats run the ball and control the clock and force Tannyhill to throw Gilmore has a rebound game with 2 picks.. Pats win 24-10 late score by D seals the deal. Bills best Ravens — Bills come our aggressive and take an early lead, this being the second time they see Lamar the D is more ready stop their many different runs... Kay here is to be leading going in at half. Final score 21-17 Bills The Bills D holds on at the end as Lamar tries make a late comeback. pats beat Chiefs — Ball control, Pats run for over 200 yards and score TD not FG. Pats D keeps Hill in check with minimal big plays. PATS 24 Chiefs 21 Mahomes scores 21 in the second half but Pats are able run the clock out and win the game Pats V Bills — an AFCE Showdown! I’m not calling this game because this be fun to see.. Part 3.. ok so what’s your ideal scenario to get to the SB? (Have fun with it..)
  2. Brady’s decline has shown just how bad of a signal caller he is! McDaniels will fail in his next job unless he gets lucky and gets a Brady,Mahomes type talent bail him out.
  3. I love Edelman as a player.. he is no where near as talented as Marchand in Hockey! Marchand is a pest and way way dirtier than Edelman.. lol
  4. Not shocked they will finish the second half probably at 6-2 (or 5-3) first half was a disaster and the righted the ship somewhat.
  5. That has been thrown out of court because the wire tap was not done properly.. amazing what money can get you out of. (Mind you a 80 year old widower getting a happy ending didn’t make me think less of him. I don’t know how I’d be thinking at his age and my wife being gone.. I’ve learned not judge others when I have no idea what they are going threw.)
  6. He probably doesn’t cross an unwritten line I guess... but if I’m honest I don’t get how they decide to throw it.. they helped the Ravens out last week when the Browns were rolling with an unsportsmanlike taunt penalty on OBJ and I really didn’t see anything deserving of the flag. (Turned a 22 yard gain into a 7 yard gain)
  7. Thanks Happless I thought “cut blocks” were illegal and what he did was just go low.. learn something new every day. well as I mentioned Superstars get special treatment, and while Brady is in the twilight he is a face of the NFL so probably a good chance a flag is thrown if he lit Brady up. Mind you I think everyone was shocked he threw a block.
  8. That’s just awful! I use to have season tickets but with kids and well a life I couldn’t accept paying almost 5k for a couple seats.. and well tickets are so expensive I have a feeling most true fans are at home watching and not at the game. What you run into are rich snobby jerks think they have the right be a holes..
  9. Lamar is fun to watch but frustrating when he plays your team.. lol be interesting how well the RPO works next year for them..
  10. He just seems be a killer with his quickness the others IMO are not as good. I know he killed the Pats in. Alto more he averaged like 8 yards a carry.. (everyone else was under 4 including Lamar which shocked me.) I don’t think he gets enough credit for what he brings to them as a RB.
  11. Lucky! He usually gets called for those. More than once a player zigged instead of zagged and he got the call because the guy was nowhere close. I hate those calls..
  12. Where did I say that? I said the Facemask was a horribly missed call.. just stated I thought the 15 not the 5 yard line it be on. i didn’t see an attempted trip, so by saying I didn’t see it I defended it? now the elite CB thing I stand by because it’s true. The top tier get a lot more leeway from the refs than say a average or rookie CB.. just like the elite QBs get more leeway than the average or below average QB. That’s not an excuse it’s simply a fact.
  13. Complaining gives ya something to do but gets you nowhere! Write that down.. (lol a Van Wilder quote) the Facemask was a bad miss but i do believe been the 15 not the 5 yard line. I didn’t see Brady try trip anyone especially since he rarely was hit so.. I missed that. Allen had 3 or 4 groundings not called, sad thing is I think it was a mess up with the WR all 4 times. Gilmore played amazing but Brown still got his big play in.. the hands thing people need to let go he is an elite CB like White they get away with more.
  14. I TRY remember in the end it’s just a game. I need get up go to work the next day wether they win it all or go 0-16. I cheer for them and yes defend them.. but in the end all I want is good football and no one being carted off the field. Merry Xmas or Happy Hanaka (sp).. enjoy the playoffs Bills will be in it a lot I think from now on (unless something unforeseen happens)
  15. They cut away from the game when it happened here, they said it was a non contact injury.. anyone here how bad it is yet? (He is KEY to that Ravens O)
  16. Wait your calling the perfectly legal block by Brady a “cut block” nope that wasn’t a cut block not even close. I won’t argue the Edelman thing outside say he fooled me I thought he was hurt which scared the crap out of me..
  17. How did he game plan for so many missed tackles? Burkhead broke two for the go ahead TD. That was just poor execution on the players part. I was thinking perhaps they were flat because they knew they were the 5th seed unless a miracle happened so the lack of focus led to missed tackles and taking poor angles? all a guess game is over and the Bills have had a damn good year and I am predicting they beat the Texans in the wildcard round.
  18. Yes because that made a difference on the pass to Edelman for the two point conversion. I didn’t see it but again a nothing call.
  19. The clock is kept on the field by the refs. They more than once told the clock operator to reset the clock.
  20. Per the NFL rule it is the Team doctor and a 3rd party neurologist consultant that clears them in game. I saw that too, he sold it well I thought he was knocked out! He may have an acting career in the future lol
  21. They can calll holding on pretty much every play if they wanted... the Bills held as well they all do it..
  22. It was a horrible missed call.. that said the drive ended up being 1st and goal at the 8. I fully expected the Bills to score and Brady march down the field with 2 timeouts and get the game winning FG. It had that feel to it, the Bills D was spent and there was lefty of time left on the clock for a drive by NE.
  23. IMO the fact both Burkhead and Michel ran for 95 and 96 yards was the difference in the game. That’s why the passing game worked the LB bit on the PA passes. this was the first game the Pats O didn’t look like a pile of goo against a good to elite D.
  24. He has be cleared by a third party Neurologist.. he obviously was..
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