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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Having 2 first round picks be amazing! Even one as low as KC will be. Pats desperately need a good Young QB and WR who helps make his job easier.. which of course means BB will use both on D lol
  2. No Phillips I believe plays a LB role.. probably be the rookie. And how did you leave JC Jackson off that list? He had better stats than Gilmore this year lol.
  3. There is a reason why the Pats D is still decent even though 5 (I think) starters opted out because of Covid on it. He is a defensive Genius, Who had a great QB before to run the O, sadly he thought McDaniels could actually be O coordinator lol
  4. Give us the Texans First round pick for Gilmore... roflmao... they wouldn’t but I’d make that deal in a heartbeat.....
  5. If the Bills lose to the Patriots Sunday I would be beyond shocked! First Cam can’t throw for crap anymore and even if he remembers Sunday he is without Edelman (knee surgery on IR) and Harry (Concussion) on D Gilmore is out with a tweet to his Hammy.. add in the Pats are just not that good this year and well if Buffalo losses Sunday I expect the Phins win the division.
  6. Who do you guys THINK Lawrence is hoping will draft him? Of all the QB needy teams who do you think he feels is his ideal spot?
  7. Offense, in particular QB play which has cost us 2 games.. (KC and Denver) Our D is damn good and will be better next year because all these guys got playing time and played well. Winovich looks like he is going be very good. on offense, we have a damn good O line, decent Running backs but a sub par QB, unknown at TE, and poor WR. I think this O with average QB be good enough to win 10 games maybe more. I say that because with BB you know as long as the WB played smart the other teams HC will do something stupid to give the Pats the win.
  8. Not really. Brady went to a stacked team with a decent D. The Pats of course would need rebuild after losing the GOAT, then add in like 6 starters opting out for this year (4 starters on D) and we have no idea how good or bad NE would be in a regular year or god knows a consistent QB. jury is out till we have one “normal” year.. I hope Brady wins #7 I have no hard feelings I knew his departure was coming.
  9. They can’t stop the run KC.. that is their weakness just like NE. Why it isn’t a big deal? 99% of teams are not patient enough just to keep running the football.. they all want those pretty long passes .
  10. It was quoted on football talk radio that QBs have a 101 QBR when throwing at him.. that is god awful! They are saying his cap hit is 12 mill next year which is nothing for a top CB which is what Gilmore is when motivated.
  11. Not saying you have not beaten anyone, just that your one statement win you needed help and that your D is the weakness of the team. KC is very beatable this year, the Pats D smothered that O to only 19 points.. and their D isn’t that good, the Pats O is just that bad with Hoyer and lately Cam) lol.
  12. Yes but did you see his cap hit for next year? It’s Nothing.. why he is playing like crap I am sure.. he wants a new deal and BB will not give it to him.. I see him on Seattle by Wednesday next week.
  13. You did, but you needed a very questionable PI call to do it.. worse you blew a huge lead and needed Allen to do a 4th quarter comeback. the Bills biggest weakness is D.
  14. Why I have stated many times I rather have started Stidham all year. If he sucks we get a high draft pick and I trust BB when picking a high draft QB. If he is average, we win the AFC East again (Pats D is still the best in the division). I have also stated MANY times that when my Pats time ended I hoped the Bills were the ones to claim the mantel after their demise. I have 20 years to look back and enjoy while waiting for our next QB lol
  15. 4. Since when is the defending player of the year not worth a first round pick... 4 should be.. The Pats would never trade him to Buffalo..
  16. Yet with competent QB the Pats would be tied with Buffalo right now for first place. I mean look at the 3 of the 4 losses. KC — there were plays to be made and hell Hoyer left a minimum of 9 points on the table. Was a lot closer game than the final score showed. (D played well) Denver — by far the worst of the three. Cam refused or didn’t see wide open receivers all day and took sacks or threw balls so badly Denver had a better chance to catch them. (D only gave up 18) San Fran — the D looked bad to, but again Cam sucked and missed open receivers and left points on the board. the 4th loss was a great game and I wasn’t upset by it.. these three shows that with BB all we needed was AVERAGE QB play and we win.
  17. The game Sunday all depends on which Cam Newton shows up. Will he be the good Cam from weeks 1-3 who actually hit the open man. Or will he be the Bad Cam of the last two weeks who is not seeing all the open receivers and when he does he either air mails it or puts it into the dirt 2 yards in front of him or when he does hit them puts it in a spot where they almost get killed? i will say this if the Pats lose then Gilmore will be gone by Tuesday hopefully for a first round pick, and Cam will be benched for the rest of the year if not cut.
  18. After watching this game, if the Bills don’t beat the Pats I would be shocked. Cam just looks awful and he can’t hit wide open receivers, and worse he has all day to pass and just holds onto the ball. Ugh I miss Brady already lol.. you guys better win the division! Don’t you dar let the Phins sneak in and take it.
  19. Am I reading the stat line right? No runs at all by a bills running back at all? Just 3 by Allen? (Sorry I cant see the game in my area just seems weird not one run play 1 1/2 quarters in)
  20. The last couple of years he has had the dropsies. He had the most drops on the team last year. This year the same but he has had a run injury. I am more worried about Newton not throwing to wide open receivers! He missed a wide open Harry at the end of the game.. (he admitted it was his mistake) and refused to throw to open rookies.
  21. Bills 21 jets 17 closer than you expect, The Jets D shows up for 3 quarters and keeps it close.. Jets score a last minute TD make it look closer.
  22. Good breakdown. The Pats D is stellar where Bills O excelled and that’s in the secondary. The Pats secondary IMO is one of the best in the NFL and right now is #2 in the NFL.. which might not sound like much but seeing as how we have faced Seattle, KC already that’s pretty amazing! i day you guys go 2-2 as well but win against AZ and lose to the Pats in a close one.. but I can change my mind if Cam after a full week of Practice is still not seeing the wide open receivers and throwing them the dang ball!
  23. Well a .500 team in the NFC East is running away with the division right now. And a little better than .500 may have a lock on it lol
  24. I agree Flores is a much better coach IMO the Phins will be winning division titles in a couple of years. I mean the draft picks they have stockpiled and the cap space they have.. (and let’s face it who wouldn’t wanna be in south beach to play) I see big things ahead for the phins..
  25. Lawrence can just decide to go back to Clemson for his senior year if he doesn’t want to be a Jet. While the team has been dysfunctional that may not be the main reason why. He may not want go to a big market like NY, not everyone can handle the media and just sheer pressure being the face of the Jets or Giants. also why shouldn’t they have a say who they play for? That’s like saying you and I shouldn’t have a say for who we work for.
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