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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Can you clarify? For NE? Yes for the NFL I doubt it since only 3 have any real guarantee after year 1.
  2. Outside of the two TE and the pass Rusher from Baltimore. All the rest are very cap friendly with little guaranteed money.
  3. They needed to upgrade the skill positions and have done so very well at TE and got 2 WR who have very little in guarantee money. I am expecting they will trade up and get a top 5 QB my guess is probably be Mac Jones. Then use a day 2 pick on a true #1 WR since there are so many in this years class.
  4. That has nothing to do with this IMO. This is BB not liking Brady parade without him and little to do with the Bills. Last year any fan knew it was going be a long season with the cap hell we were in for a year. Now I hope we trade up and get a young QB.. or maybe now Watson will find NE attractive with a top o line and O talent to throw to. Lmao I doubt it.. loo
  5. Umm no we didn’t Gilmore was our 2nd best CB JC Jackson IMO has outplayed him all year
  6. One difference Pats pass D is damn good and the true game plan should be RUN RUN RUN.. as they suck against the run. I suspect the score be 24 -0 or if Stidham plays maybe 34-14 as he throws a lot of pics
  7. Actually Tua looked like a complete rookie out there! If the Pats had ANY semblance of QB play we would been up 14-0 if not more at half! I mean he fired a bullet at out TE that was a bit high and behind him.. overthrows a wide open Myers (had three steps on CB) and my favorite on 3rd and 4 runs the damn ball and fumbled it and gets dumb ass lucky some Phin touched it while out of bounds. Then in the second half has Meyers again open and he throws it so low Meyers has to slide to catch it negating any catch and run possibility.. oh and my favorite throwing it so high once Meyers had go up and get it and before he can put it away has it knocked out of his arms for a fumble. So umm ya BAD CAM showed up yesterday.. (as you can see Meyers is now our #1 receiver Ugh.. a good 2 or 3 but not a 1)
  8. That’s a tale of two Newton’s. One who could make throws and the other who was High and outside or throwing dirt balls all game. You can see how badly Newton wants to do well his arm is just inconsistent or shot.
  9. Just couple things point out: 1. Miami O isn’t the issue their D is legit good and can keep them in most games. (They did for a half against KC) 2. Don’t buy the Hype around Baltimore they are the same team the Patriots smacked around a month or so ago. They bet Cleveland because they couldn’t stop Jackson running. Make him a QB you beat them.
  10. Actually I’m looking forward to Jackson on Diggs. Jackson was the best CB the Pats had all year with 8 INT. Hopefully it’s a good matchup.
  11. Ok can someone explain to me why Bills fans were putting themselves threw tables on purpose? I would think one would have to be extremely drunk to do something like that.
  12. Lou said (nicely) what fans on every message board been saying for over a month which is “OMG CAM SUCKS! I could throw it better than him! Please put Stidham in!!”
  13. No I think he runs into the large portion of the fan base that’s been spoiled and have never known truly BAD times or BAD Teams. I mean anyone under 30 will not remember even the Bledsoe years which wasn’t that bad never mind the 1–15 year we had to draft Bledsoe.
  14. So as a fan who do you hope the Bills get in round one? Cleveland, Pittsburg, Titans, Colts, etc. Also who do you think can knock off the Chiefs in the division round to give the Bills home field advantage going forward?
  15. YAAAY! As a lifelong Pats fan I am just glad the Newton experiment is done. Be nice see Stidham up against a good team with real reps in preparation for the game. (I hope he does well and we lose 34-31 lol losing helps our draft stock lol)
  16. Not even going get most fans upset. Most have checked out on the Pats. Their haven’t been many bright spots but I’ll point them out: Meyers — started coming in in the last Bills game has kept it up since. Just had 100+ yard game last week and would have gotten a TD of Newton had been able hit him when he was open by three steps. JC Jackson — amazing year ,, was an UDFA HAS 8 INT and IMO played better than Gilmore and more deserving of the Pro Bowl. Pats D — while awful against the run is elite still against the pass and top 5 in points allowed. outside of those 3 things a train wreck of a season starting with QB play.
  17. That wouldn’t be hard! Newton just sucks!! I’m wondering if you guys prefer the 2 or the 3 seed? Or what matchup you want the Bills have for round 1. The Twitter reactions were hilarious! Meth IMO is to serious a thing make light of.. it that’s just MY OPINION.
  18. 49ers were decimated by injury when the Bills played them, and the Dolphins were not the same D then as they are now. That said it has never been a question of your O being good enough this year but rather your D. Now yesterday your D looked AMAZING! It plays like that the Bills could be SB bound! The Bills will go as far as your D will take you, I don’t THINK Allen is ready to beat Mahomes in a shoot out.
  19. How I THINK the Bills stack against other AFC playoff teams: Chiefs — that O is the best in the NFL and the D is average but all they usually have to do is make 1 or 2 stops. (Bills could win but odds against it) Steelers — their O is average but their D is amazing. They would make it tough on Allen be interesting to see if he would make mistakes from the pressure. (This is more of a toss up, IMO depends on how well the Bills O line protects) Toss up Colts — Great D and an average O. I would say the Bills should handle them easily. My only concern would be a slow start and allowing the Colts D focus on pass rushing. But odds in bills favor. Titans — is there a harder team get a read on than the Titans? Their secondary is trash but man they never give up no matter how much they are down by! (Should have made that huge comeback against the Steelers but were robbed by a bad PI, and another amazing comeback just short Sunday!) this should be a blowout, but don’t take your foot off the gas or they could bite you in the butt! I dare say one of the better coached teams in the NFL. (Odds in Bills favor) Raiders — inconsistent and come on should have lost to the (snicker) Jets! (Be a huge upset if Bills loss to them!) Miami — very good D, very good Special Teams and meh Offense. Fact I am talking about them as a playoff team one year after tanking for Tua is amazing! But the Bills should smash them too. They will be scary next year after they get more weapons for Tua. Also IMO a well coached team (huge upset if Bills loss ) so outside of KC and Pitt you should be favored against anyone else you face in the playoffs.
  20. Wasn’t offended. If I was offended it be obvious.. like you PTS is obvious by your “humor”. I mean BB lives in your head rent free.
  21. Thanks I was wondering why he wasn’t on the ballot. He definitely deserves it he is one of the better corners in the league IMO right now. He will be our #1 after BB trades Gilmore in the off season More so than you. Why?
  22. That was humor? It wasn’t funny and no punch line or even lols... maybe humor needs be more obvious and not so weird like.
  23. What does his son have to do with it? That anger makes no sense. The rest is Post traumatic syndrome
  24. He doesn’t he was an UDFA. He isn’t getting paid much at all, he deserves be on the ballot.
  25. I can’t believe JC Jackson wasn’t even out on the ballot! Leads the league in Interceptions and is definitely a top CB. Weird, he may not have made it but he at least earned be ON the ballot lol
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