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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. Well, character can change over a certain amount of time.
  2. That's messed up...Which makes me messed up for laughing!
  3. Len Bias should be a pitchman! Wow...That was a kind of cruel joke...
  4. NOTE: I actually really like Billy Mays. He seems like a nice guy. But this is pretty hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCEwZm9jh38
  5. I just ignore commercials that boring.
  6. If you mean the Cars.com with the rising confidence then I agree...But the E-Trade babies got old fast.
  7. "Pirates: Band of Misfits" looks great. I love claymation, especially Aardman. And I need a break from Pirates of the Carribean haha. "Cabin in the Woods" looks like a nice return to the campy, cheesy, but incredibly violent slashers of the 80's that I love. Can;t wait to see it!
  8. You mean the creepy @$$ one with the creepy @$$ talking babies? Yeah, I've seen it.
  9. I used to like Sapp untill I found out what a pathetic human being he is. I know this guy on B/R named Tom Edrington. He's a a reporter for the tampa Tribune and lives for two things: Golf and the Tampa Bay Bucs, and even he hated Warren Sapp.
  10. Wow. That's pretty shocking. Sorry about that.
  11. Wow...Bills fans really want to pass on ANOTHER offensive lineman? I'm confused...
  12. Isn;t it funny how we hear about this 17 years after the trial? Just OJ trying to regain his sparkly clean image.
  13. Marijuana, while capable of destroying people's lives and ruining their mental state, is not a deadly drug like others you named. I mean. I never plan on using drugs, but there's no way pot smokers should be treated the same as meth heads or heroin/LSD addicts.
  14. IO have yet to see that movie...It's never on! But as a werewolf afficionado, I plan to make that change VERY quick. Speaking of awesome werewolf scenes
  16. Rorschach is one of my favorite character's in film. I almost cried when Dr Manhattan offed him. What do you think about him?
  17. Why do you hate me so much DC Tom?
  18. I have a habit for torturing myself by watching films I KNOW will be crap. It's in order to prepare me for a future where I plan on being a comedic YouTube reviewer like Nostalgia Critic in college. And as for twilight...it's not that bad. granted it's not great (or even that good) but it's not bad. It's okay.
  19. There are so many reasons why the Bills should draft Cousins it's actually a little insane. First of, while Fitz is a good QB (At least in my opinion) he's sorta getting old. Cousins can provide the Buffalonian Bills with that great young spark he brought to Michigan State at his time there (Believe me, MSUs my fav team. I'd know what kind of impact he has) He's smart, he has a fair amaount of arm strength and good accuracy....Buddy DO NOT PASS THIS ONE UP!
  20. He's like MJD 2.0. He is certainly a phenomonal player. BUT...Getting him when we already half both Freddy "Krueger" Jackson (My nickname for him since he is a scary good player, and I love Freddy of the Nightmare slahser films) and C.J Spiller is ludicrous. These moves have been done before and they'e rarely EVER worked out! PS: Way to name this thread "I WOULD NOT PASS!" without a picture of Ian McKellan. Really blew it, didn't ya?
  21. Clearly you haven;t watched her appearence in the Twilight films. You will laugh so hard you'll forget how to be all Scroog-y like you are on these forums alot! PS: I LOVE Amy Lee!! She is a goddess!
  22. Fantastic ending to a fantastic movie.
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