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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. How about Donta Hightower instead of Hill? And Kirk Cousins instead of Fleener?
  2. Such a sweet scene. I'll admit I cried at this part.
  3. There already WAS a sequel....And...It....Sucked.
  4. Truly worse then death.
  5. Who, who and who?
  6. Tears me up every time. I loved this movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrqYKFft324
  7. I don't give a damn about college basketball, so NFl by default.
  8. You should've used "THE BEES!!!"
  9. Well...Ghost Rider is SORTA a demon from hell. He made a deal with Mephisto (a demon) to sell his soul to cure his guardian stepfather, and thus became the Ghost Rider, Mephisto's bounty hunter charged with sending evil souls back to hell...So...He's like a demon, human, guy.
  10. How about...Amanda Seyfried?
  11. Like a Kukri or a Falcata or a machete? Thos things are BA! My fav lightweight melee weaponms Planning on training how to use samurai weapons like the kanabo when I get older, so im not screwed.
  12. I'm not afraid to die. Got to keep the Samurai mentality! Said 79 for me.
  13. I feel sorry that the only GR you know is Nicholas Cage's deadpan, falling asleep, boring waste of time Ghost Rider. That movie destroyed the character of Ghost Rider. Johnny Depp should've played him, that was the original plan! So yeah, I'm talking about comic GR not the FAKE LAME Ghost Rider that Nicholas Cage is.
  14. GOD FREAKING DAMNIT!! It's not working. Guess Im just stuck with Zuko until it starts working again.
  15. Ripping of my thread are we? http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/137630-zombie-survival-thread/page__p__2294697__hl__zombie__fromsearch__1#entry2294697
  16. Zuko from Avatar. No not the crappy blue people movie, and no not the live action monstrosity. The anime show that kicked @$$. But I just changed it to Ghost Rider so you'll have to post again.
  17. I'd say he's hovering somewherew around 15.
  18. I agree...It's our only strength apart from the running game!
  19. They're so good that even an 11-5 season casn be considered horrendous.
  20. Please. Cb is like the one position were settled at
  21. If by "AFC East" you mean "Bills" tghen yes.
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