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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. I think aliens have visited Earth in history. But time travel and creating human life? Ummm...No.
  2. Considering my pet of choice would be a Minotaur...I'd probably be in a worse position!
  3. Surprise there aren;t more references of "Fred: The Movie"...Probably because people are sane enough to avoid that ABOMINATION AGAINST MANKIND at all costs!
  4. Neither are bad picks. But I'd go with a Utahraptor over a T-Rex. Just as fearsome, and wicked smart!
  5. You'd rather have a dog then, I don't know, a Minotaur?
  6. Deadly high voltage electric fences. Oh yes.
  7. I love animals, so I thought maybe I could find some fellow animal lovers, and what pets they'd love to have! So, if you could have any pet, living, extinct or mythological what would it be?
  8. mead, that's really tragix. Never had a pet, but I love animals and I know it must feel awful. She's in a better place though!
  9. Evil Dead 2, Sucker Punch and The Happening weren't exactly "obscure", but they're all pretty weird and all REALLY good. (Yes, The Happening was a good movie. Deal with it.)
  10. That's...disgusting...I...Uh...
  11. I'm not finished yet. Check back in 5 minutes to edit your comment...:-)
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC7EKWA4HGU&feature=fvwrel Hello and welcome to SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights, Buffalo Bills Forums official review post/thread/thing/whatever. I'm your host, SelmonSmith6378, and let's talk about REMAKES! Well, over the decade, "remakes" haven't exactly been the best category to make a movie in. We had a few great ones like "3:10 to Yuma" or even "Peter Jackson's King Kong". But sadly, many movies in the remake genre including "Friday the 13th", "Clash of the Titans" and "A Texas Chainsaw Massacre" have ended up lackluster to downright awful. That said, Joe Johnston's "The Wolfman" has got to be the best remake I've ever seen. It's certainly my favorite movie. I loved every minute of it. It had fantastic acting, great special affects, a surprising plot twist. It was down right amazing, and even better than I thought it would be. This film, my friends and viewers, is truly the pinacle of film making. "The Wolfman", tells the story of a world renown actor named Lawrence Talbot, who has returned to his home in Blackmoor, England to search for his missing brother after receiving a letter from the brother's wife, Gwen Conliffe, as well as to reconcile with his estranged father Sir John Talbot. When he get's there, he finds his brother has been torn to pieces. While meeting with a group of gypsies to investigate, he is bitten by a werewolf, the same one who murdered his brother. After being bitten, he must find a way to control the beast inside him, or accept his new fate and become pure evil. There are a few things I want to say for anyone who haven't seen this movie. First of all, don't expect something very scary, because it is hardly ever scary. There were a few creepy scenes, like the gypsy massacre and the nightmare scene, but this is really just a action film or perhaps a "psychological thriller" that thinks it's horror. Also, don't expect a story anything like the original "Wolf Man", the one with Claude Rains and Lon Chaney. They are very, very different, particularly the endings. Think of Johnston's "Wolfman" as more of a retelling of a great story. Now that I got that out of the way, I can get on to what I liked. This was some of the best acting I have ever seen in the past few years. It was certainly the best acting of 2010 (And yes, I saw, and loved "The King's Speech") Every single actor did a fantastic job, particulary Anthony Hopkins and Benicio Del Toro. Del Toro did an extremely powerful and realistic job as Lawrence Talbot, a man returning to his fathers estate in Blackmoor, England to visit his brother's funeral. Lawrence is a sympathetic character with a very sad, dare I say heartbreaking, story, and we feel for him, and pity that even he cannot control the evil and bloodlust of the Wolfman at the full moon. Then of course, there was Anthony Hopkins. His role as Sir John Talbot was incredible. He manages to play him as a very mysterious character, who we don't really understand until the end. Of course, behind his friendly, gentlemamly facade, Sir John is not a very nice man. I also greatly enjoyed Emily Blunt as Gwen Conliffe. She was very emotional in her part as Gwen, the fiancee of Lawrence's dead brother. She seemed like a kind, sympathetic character who had no idea what to do when Lawrence was stricken with the curse. The realm of the supernatural and the macabre is a world unknown to her. Even when she finally confronts Lawrence in werewolf form, she has this look of hopelessness and desperation in her eyes. Of course, what's a monster movie without great special affects? And great these special affects were. Sure, it's nothing spectacular, but considering the awful werewolf makeup and eye-soring CGI monsters we've seen, it's definitley one of the better makeups I've seen. The action is excellent though, reminded me of Peter Jackson's "King Kong"...A primal monster from a land far far away, released into civilized society going on a full rampage? Pure awesomeness. Another thing I particulary like was the plot twist. When Lawrence is taken back to the asylum, there's a great plot twist that will make fans of M Night Shyamalan squeal with joy. I won't give it away though. Mayne people I know didn't like it, but to me, it was a sign of terrific character development and just added to my sympathy towards the main character Lawrence. And speaking of characters...I LOVED the characters in this film! From the cold Sir John, to the hopeless Gwen Conliffe, to my personal favorite, Lawrence Talbot. "The Wolfman" is full of very interesting characters I will remember for the rest of my life. I really cared about them and their struggles throughout this haunted tale. And if I haven't made my point any clearer...This is an emotional, powerful tragedy film. The idea of a kind man forced to brutally murder and eat his fellow man at the full moon, and in addition forced to relive some of his greatest childhood horrors. I'm not going to lie...I cried at this movie. 3 times actually. I am a huge Joe Johnston fan, but after Jurassic Park 3, I thought I could never start liking him again. Well, The Wolfman, got me right back on the Joe Johnston fan train. I don't understand the massive amount of hate for it, and it frustrates me. In fact, dare I say this film has a better story, better characters and better acting then the source material. There I said it. Not only is "The Wolfman", an Oscar worthy film...It's even better then the original. In a sentence, this movie is a classic. Grade: A+
  13. I never said she wasn;t gorgeous. I just like Fox more. But if you like Beckinsale more that's fine with me.
  14. The Road to El Dorado is a VERY underrated animated film that I highly reccomend you check out...SUCH a good movie!
  15. The Notebook was a great movie. The Vow...Oh God...Oh GOD!!!! That reminds me. A lot of people say Troll 2 is "so bad, it's good". But I just think it's plain bad. Just stupid, annoying and bad. The Marine and Battlefield Earth...Now THOSE are some so bad it's good movies!
  16. Umm..Megan Fox? Win.
  17. Like I said, never seen Pick of Destiny. It ios the funniest movie I've ever seen. And you deserve to be kicked in the balls for saying Tropic Thunder wasn't funny. And I don;t watch movies just cause they have someone hot in them. Some movies I love (Underworld, Underworld Rise of the Lycans, Sucker Punch) DO have hot women in them which is a bonus. But I don't watch movies just for some @$$.
  18. Clearly you've never watched Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny or Tropic Thunder.
  19. Be there or be left in the dust! http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/146047-rping-two-bills-drive-style/
  20. I used to not be, but I watched an episode and man that show is the BOMB! BRONY FOR LIFE!
  21. It's not random s***, it's stuff that stood out to me, whether they were really good or really bad or just movies I really wanted to see.
  22. Alright, took me a while but I got this AMAZING idea! Basically, I was thinking we RP here on Two Bills Drive! WHatt is an RP you ask? Well, basically it's when members of a website tell a story, and then members who read the chapter post another chapter, and the next person posts another chapter. Basically, we all work together to create this awesome story! The twist? Basically, this is gonna be the Wonderful Universe of Two Bills Drive! The users here act as characters in the story like me, or perhaps DC Tom, or perhaps Sage. This could be a really long thread if we get the right people! BUT...I'll post the first chapter. Chapter 1: It was the stroke of midnight. DC Tom entered the subway, wearing red sunglasses concealing his cold, demonic eyes. He had to get to the Netherealm for recruits. By his side was another man wearing red sunglasses and a tuxedo. His name was "Jauronimo", right hand man to DC Tom. The third man was codenamed "/dev/null". dev/null was a hybrid of toad and man, wearing a bright, vibrant and colorful suit that flashed every color of the rainbow. He was created by Tom in his pursuit to destroy the Legion of the Moonlight, sworn enemies of DC Tom's "Legion of Blood". As the three were about to step on the train, DC Tom stopped them. "We're being followed." The two looked at DC Tom with a look of confusion. Jauronimo scoffed "DC Tom, that's the most ridiculous thing you said since you said Battlefield Earth was a great book.." Suddenly, a roar was heard. It was SageAgainstTheMachine, leader of the Legion of Moonlight. Only Sage, wasn;t in human form right now, but in the form of an enormous, fearsome werewolf. DC Tom was unfazed. From out of his pockets, he drew two pistols armed with silver bullets, firing them at Sage. Sage dodged the bullets, and ripped off DC Tom's arm in the process "ARGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Sage was about to go for the killing blow when dev/null shot his extra long tong out at Sag'e neck, wrapping around it. Jauronimo rushed to DC Tom's side. "Master are you hurt?" he asked. "Get me to a doctor you idiot! Idiot! Your all idiots!" Jauronimo quickly jumped on the train with Tom, abandoing dev/null. Sage bit through dev/null's tongue, causing him to let out a scream. He tried to get away, but in his way was The Poojer. Poojer was a vampire who wore a skull mask with a red buffalo in the center. Quickly, he put his arms out in front of Sage. "WAIT!" he yelled. "dev/null is an imporant and valued member of the Alliance of Darkness! We have to bring him to the base for interrogation!" Sage put his arms down. In a growling voice, Sage replied. "If we bring him to base, he will kill all of us. Even newcomers like that Selmon kid and that rook Mark Miller won;t be safe." Poojer sighed. "It's a choice we'll have to take To be continued...
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