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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. Damn. You broke the chain!!
  2. CAN I HAVE AN AMEN?!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I'm a Michigan State fan. Big one too. and Miami Hurricanes too.
  4. This should be proof to all that the Bills are legit. At the start of the season, I had them 7-9. Now, I have them at 10-6! Cahn Gailey is a great coach, and God is smiling on the Bills right now. Go Buffalo!!
  6. As for my top 19, this is how it goes: 1: The Wolfman 2: The Matrix 3: Underworld 4: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 5: Daredevil 6: Princess Mononoke 7: Monsters Inc 8: The Book of Eli 9: Happy Gilmore 10: Big Daddy 11: Titanic 12: Spider-Man 2 13: Hellboy 14: Spirited Away 15: 3:10 to Yuma 16: The Iron Giant 17: Spider-Man 18: The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring 19: Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny WARRIORS! COME OUT TO PLAAAAAY!!!
  7. Here's my list 1) High School Musical 2) Baby Geniuses 3) Super Baby Geniuses 2 4) Thunderbirds 5) The Last Airbender 6) Battlefield Earth 7) Troll 2 8) Sky High 9) The Gameplan 10) Cool As Ice Oh my God. I hated that one. I HATED it. By far one of the worst. You should check out the Nostalgia Critic's review of it. 10'000 BC was really, REALLY bad, but far from the worst.
  8. I saw it a while ago. It was all right. I'm more of a Deadliest Warrior guy than a 30 for 30 kind of guy. Speaking of DW, has anybody seen the Vampires vs Zombies episode yet?
  9. Thanks Buftex. Glad someone else appreciates it.
  10. possible but unlikley
  11. How about this? Big Evanescence fan.
  12. Agreed, agreed agreed. She is very attractive, more so now that she's a brunette. BUT, that would be saying that the Megan Fox super bowl commercial is not THE example.
  13. People are truly immortal. That's what makes it even harder.
  14. Haha. I love a good Philly joke. Did you hear what they said about Joe Jurrevicous? Joe's wife was pregnant, and after Joe caught the game winning touchdown pass for the Tampa Bay Bucs in the NFC Championship game, the Eagles fans yelled "Your sons gonna die!!" turns out, his son actually did die shortly after being born. Nasty, huh?
  15. Srry, meant Sportsdome. Sports Soup is still funny though.
  16. I know I will be absolutley HAMMERED for this but (sighs).....the 2010 Wolfman remake. I know I know, this movie has gotten negative reviews, but I loved it. The special affects were amazing (see oscar nod) as was the action, but that wasn;t the major reason I liked it. The main reason is how meaningful it is. It;s a character story, and I really felt for the cursed Lawrence Talbot, suffering through the hatred of the fellow villagers and putting the woman he loves in great danger. The acting was fantastic, especially Del Toro and Hopkins, there was a great twist and (again sighs) I teared up a little at the end. A underrated, underappreciated masterpiece
  17. I've never lived in Buffalo, but I've been a Bills fan for 4 years and it's paying off. Now I know what the 79 Bucs felt when they're team made it to the Playoffs after 3 years of ridicule and poor play. Spiller has been on fire the past few days. Excited about that defense. Go Bills!
  18. If you had a big red button that would do one of these two things: a): It would destroy the world and annihilate all life on Earth OR b) it would cure the world of all diseases, and make everyone live forever would you press the button or not? (Answer truthfully)
  19. I swear to God, this guy is the funniest YouTuber EVER!! Look him up on YouTube if you get the chance! He is hilarious! Basically, he rips bad movies from the 90's a new one in a comical matter. And he get's paid to do it. ALSO, if you like him check out: Blockbuster Buster Taylorem and Dill Childhood Screams
  20. East: Clemson Florida Florida State Georgia Kentucky Maryland Miami South Carolina Tennessee Vanderbilt West Virginia West: Alabama Arkansas Auburn Boston College LSU Ole Miss Mississipi State Tulane Virginia Virginia Tech Do you like it?
  21. I don;t think Moon's CFL stats should be counted towards his hall of fame bid either, and I agree that the CFL without a doubt is more inferior. The only CFL player I can name besides Moon is Simeon Rice, and he played there for half a year when his NFL days were over. I think neither should be counted, but that Kelly is a hall of famer either way.
  22. Never watched Onion before, sounds like a Sports Soup ripoff. Speaking of Sports Soup, look what I found! You either love or hate this show and I LOVE it! http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNZkxuc5dmw
  23. Funny stuff man. Seriosuly, that was hilarious. BTW, love the Disturbed reference. Reminded me of the angry Tennessee fan's rant about Lane Kiffin. I don;t have the link, but you should check it out on YouTube.
  24. As much as I love Kelly (I'm a UM fan) I have to say no. The USFL was an inferior league to the NFL. Yes, it had some great ones like Reggie White, but in the end, NFL defenses (Especially now that there are 32 of them) play to a higher standard.
  25. I, for one, would like to see Clemson join the SEC. I love ACC football, (Probably in the minority) but considering Clemson has HUGE rivalries with teams like South Carolina and Georgia, they should join. Also think that maybe Miami should join the SEC. It would be brutal,. but at least they could restore their rivalry with the Gators. Also, Miami would eventually have it's time in the sun. Almost every SEC program has.
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