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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. I agree. These Three Musketeers are the centerpiece of Buffalo's success. Out of all of them, Freddy deserves the highest contract of all. He has been, arguably, the most productive running back this season.
  2. This is all I have to say:
  3. Upshaw is another good one. Here's a sleeper fans need to keep their eyes on...James Gayle, DE Virginia Tech. This guy is a monster in the making. He's only a sophmore, but he's oozing potential, and by the time he's a senior, he could be one of the NCAA's elite pass rushers.
  4. Here is my Rotten Tomatoes page: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/user/id/911548/reviews/ Am I a good movie reviewer? (I know, I was a little over the top with Daredevil. The fight scenes were no where near as good as LOTR. But it's one of my fav superhero films.)
  5. Agreed. Big B Jenks fan, and I hate Florida State. That guy would be an animal for the Bills. Love to see a line with dareus, williams AND Jenkins. Scary!
  6. If you want to see giant special affect monsters fight each other, go see the first "Transformers". At least that was OKAY. Plus: Megan Fox. xoxoxo. Or see the 2010 Wolfman remake. Or Underworld. They're actually REALLY GOOD!
  7. Odd. Yet at the same time, interesting.
  8. A thread for people to post Evanescence songs they like. BTW, huge Evansescence fan.
  9. My Poem: https://sites.google.com/a/bcdschool.org/english-9/my-poem-walker You like it? FYI, in home, there are a bunch of songs for people who like music.
  10. Clinton Portis over Mike Williams
  11. LOL. That was hilarious! Funniest song I've heard since the last Jon Lajoie song I heard!
  12. O.K. So basically, we each take turns picking a different draft class, and changing it through one pick. (At least)
  13. Minus. What was so bad about the old uniforms that they had to change? I LOVED their old uniforms! IF you're gonna replace em, get some better stuff than THIS crap!
  14. I just like him because he's a Miami alum.
  15. Woah man. Hold your horses. Playoffs? Maybe. Super Bowl. NO WAY!
  16. I;d say Kyle Orton, and that's a huge compliment.
  17. He's never used as a HB, and he would be a nice addition for the Fitz.
  18. Great review. Wow. This sounds like crap. Go watch "Sons of Anarchy" if you want some REAL entertainment.
  19. Wow. That was horrible. But hey, it's better than this: If you think that's funny, check out this http://bleacherreport.com/articles/547639-the-120-worst-logos-of-all-time/page/14 BTW, worst logo of all time The gun in his right hand looks like a bottle, which makes sense because he looks crazy and drunk in the picture. Maybe they should have been named the "San Fransisco Dolphins Fans"
  20. Eh, at least they're smarter than Dolphins fans
  21. Great article. And agreed, the atmosphere in Buffalo is very Packer like.
  22. Does anyone else like the TV Show Deadliest Warrior? What was your favorite/least favorite episode? And what do you think about the Vampires vs Zombies episode? Interesting or dumb and uneccesary?
  23. I', sorry, but I've always hated this show. Like hate hate HATED this show.
  24. I'd say Reed, with Bennett and Knox tied for my 2nd pick, though Knox is tough cause he never won a super bowl. Totally deserves tha hall, and one of my favorites, just not sure the voters agree with me.
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