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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. Danny Elfman. Easiest question ever.
  2. It wasn't a masterpiece, but I thought it was pretty good. WAAAAAAAAAY better than expected. ANd BTW, ROger Ebert thought it was great too.
  3. I always thought Snooki was hot.
  4. Seriously, it was a shame it ended after 2 seasons (The writers got bored, though it got very high ratings) It's this show that makes fun of kids shows like Sesame Street and The Muppets, and fills them with hilarious (sometimes incredibly offensive) jokes. Luckilly, you can still watch episodes on MTV.com. I laughed so hard at "Diversity" when the numbers and letters were having a knife fight to the death, as clips of riots played in the background. The "Bible Brew" segment was really funny too. Check it out! Funniest show ever!
  5. Has anybody else gone there? It's pretty much like the best place in the world, I go there all the time on vacation. There is this boardwalk right across from this beach (Which often has HUGE waves) and on the boardwalk are plenty of treats like Amuesment Parks, Frozen Custard areas (From the Kohrs. Brothers) Salt Water Taffy, Water Parks. Really a great place.
  6. That is EPIC!! TRULY EPIC! The 10 year old in my is going crazy right now.
  7. Possibly, but I doubt it. I just think he's a moron. The only reason the New York Post still has him as their top critic is because he attracts so much attention with his idiotic statements. There are actual PETITIONS whose goals are to get this troll out of the bridge.
  8. DO you think someone could make a Fred Jackson highlight reel with the "Freddy's Coming for You" song from Nightmare on Elm Street playing in the background. That would be SICK!
  9. Deep fried oreos. MMMMMMM. I had them on a boardwalk in Ocean City and they are delicious. Way better than they sound.
  10. It really depends on the position. If you're a quarterback, linebacker or defensive back than you'll probably have a great career after 30 (If you were great in the first place) However, if you are a wider reciever, pass rusher or running back, your career will probably last at most 31 years. This is especially true for running backs. Yes, a great few manage to break the pattern, but running back's in general have very limited shelf life.
  11. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Plus one million more wrongs. Though I like Fred Jackson, there will come a time (As with all running backs) when he get's old and loses the tread in his tires. When that time comes, we need someone like Spiller to carry the load. And you want to flush that hope down the toilet?
  12. God, this reminds me of something out of a Michael Bay movies. Now all we need is some hot women and explosions.
  13. Okay, considering I like the Dungeons and Dragons movie, maybe I shouldn;t be the one to talk about crappy critics. However, WAY more often than not, I give widley loved movies the respect they deserve. Armond White does neither. White is rpobably the dumbest man to ever touch a keyboard ever. If you don;t agree with me, here's a list of the movies he loves and hates: Great Movies he Hates: The King's Speech Lord of the Rings 3:10 to Yuma Batman Begins The Wolfman Precious X-Men: First Class Toy Story 3 Knocked Up Iron Man Gran Torino The Matrix Up Star Trek District 9 Repo Men Jennifer's Body Crap Movies He Applauds: Clash of the Titans Norbit Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Bedtime Stories Grown Ups Land of the Lost GI Joe: Rise of Cobra Jonah Hex Here are some quotes from this genius of cinema: On Clash of the Titans: "Leterrier certainly shows a better sense of meaningful, economic narrative than the mess that Peter Jackson made of the interminable, incoherent Lord of the Rings trilogy." On GI Joe " G.I. Joe must be understood as an authentic measurement of our cultural values. Its appeal to the pop-commercial synapses also demonstrates livelier filmmaking than such utter banality as Iron Man and Star Trek and Harry Potter's Half-Blooded Chintz." On Toy Story 3: " Toy Story 3 is so besotted with brand names and product-placement that it stops being about the innocent pleasures of imagination -- the usefulness of toys -- and strictly celebrates consumerism." On Precious " Winfrey, Perry and Daniels make an unholy triumvirate. They come together at some intersection of race exploitation and opportunism." On District 9 " District 9 represents the sloppiest and dopiest pop cinema -- the kind that comes from a second-rate film culture."
  14. Interesting. I've always been fascinated by zombies (I have read the zombie survival guide and have already started planning for a zombie apocalypse) so I'll have to check it out.
  15. So your completely dismissing the notion that had we passed,we might have had a great chance to win? Talk about pessimistic.
  16. I agree too. Gailey took a gamble, and sometimes is works, sometimes it doesn;t If Fitz had thrown a completion, that would lead to a touchdown, we would be celebrating Gailey, not cursing him.
  17. He had a lot of trust in Fitzpatrick, perhaps too much. I still don;t think he;s an awful coach.
  18. The only thing I find even REMOTLEY reddemable about this loss is that we lost to Tom Coughlin, and he;s one of my favorite coaches. Apart from that, I couldnl't be more pissed.
  19. Without a doubt yes. And this is coming from a guy who loves VORE! I mean, what kind of sicko thinks off stuff like this? It makes Saw look like Sesame Street!
  20. Oh my God! Drafting a quartarback despite the one we have right now is great? We're turning into Bronco fans!
  21. Buffalo Barbarians...Oh wait...That's the name of a user on this website, so that wouldn;t work.
  22. Ahhh. I love Halloween. Screw all the conservatives who say it's satanic.
  23. Does this mean I win?
  24. That sounds like the name of a Clint Eastwood movie. I like it!
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