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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. Okay, maybe I laughed at the Ryan foot fetish thing for like 2 seconds, but now it's just getting annoying. I swear a migraine is coming whenever I hear a Ryan foot joke.
  2. Rexy is awesome. Not as awesome as Chan Gailey of course, but awesome none the less.
  3. As much as I hate the Jets, I have always loved their swagger. Their fans are pretty cool to. Wish we had some devilish fans like theirs.
  4. Even more proof that Kim Kardashian is a talentless idiot with no redeeming qualities (She's a little hot, not THAT hot)
  5. Wait, but wouldn't it be better to go out into the streets? To find more non infected humans I mean Good idea. I've been thinking up a design for some artificial claws attached to your hand. Good for close ranged combat especially since knives can be lost. Also thinking up some machete and chainsaw arm blades. Chainmail is a good idea too. Great for stopping chomping zombie teeth. All necesities for zombie survival. ESPECIALLY never seperate from the group. Like a military base? Maybe a police station. Not to mention their ONLY method of reproduction. Zombies can't have sex.
  6. This is a forum where we Bills fans talk about strategies for how to survive if zombies strike on the apocalypse (And the WILL) Because it's better to be safe than sorry!
  7. I bet there are people in DC who don't even like the Redskins. LOL.
  8. I thought Catwoman was OKAY. Not good, not bad, and I don't even like the Catwoman comics. Haven't seen Striptease, but Waterworld was CRAP!
  9. He played well in the preseason. Though Sheppard is doing a pretty good job, so I don;t think we need him. Let's ship him to Tampa.
  10. Princess Bride and Lord of the Rings. Counting comic books: Daredevil Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 Hellboy Watchmen Batman Begins V for Vendetta
  11. Anniston was pretty hot. Not amazing, but attractive. I liked all of them but Bad teacher, one of the most unfunny things ever made EVER!!!
  12. About time. One small step towards the monumentous goal of ending sexism and objectifying women in America.
  13. I hate everything about Wendy's except the Frosties. I hate the burgers, I hate the buildings, I hate the Fries, I hate the chicken sandwiches, I hate the commercials and I hate the product placement in "Zoom" (One of the worst films I have ever seen)
  14. YES!!! Big Captain America fan (Though I haven't seen the movie ) So naturally I'm VERY excited about this. Just hope it's not like that crapstorm "The Incredible Hulk" and more like "Iron Man".
  15. I would be watching if it were televised. Always been fascinated by rugby, but sadly, I;ve hardly seen any of it.
  16. I've never eaten one. Are they any good? BTW, Burger King is WAAAAAY better than Micky D's (Except for Micky D's Premium Chicken Sandwhiches. I love those things. And their fires of course.)
  17. Exactly what I was going to say.
  18. "Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot" I love that clip. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  19. Holy crap! That thing looks like something out of my nightmares! Awesome!
  20. A lot will be expected of Dareus, but judging by his performance this year, I think he will live up to the expectations as long as that secondary plays it's A game. And Merriman doing SOMETHING could help too.
  21. Dareus better win.
  22. Why me? Was that a diss or something?
  23. Did anyone else love the "Freddy v.s Jason" soundtrack?
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