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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. I agree. If anything, ray has been what appears to be, a model citizen. he has done so much for underprivleged famalies in baltimore, and I hear he even wants to be a cop when he retires! Well, it would be the closest thing we got to a Robocop for Ray Lewis to be doing police work.
  2. I love Roger Ebert...But I love Felix Vasquez Jr of Cinema Crazed more.
  3. Id say (In order) Yes, Upshaw and Linebacker.
  4. "While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME...I...Was being trained...TO CONQUER GALAXIES!" That quote never gets old haha. Or how about "Your out of your SKULL BONE if you think I'm going to list "Shot by man animal" as cause of death unless I SEE IT!!" Never read the book. Should I check it out?
  5. And your answer is?
  6. He looks like Anthony Hopkins with that beard. I would sure like to see him eat Mark Sanchez's liver with some Fava Beans and a nice cianti. SHIPSHIPSHIPSHIP!!
  7. Congrats man. Best of luck with the kid.
  8. Go back to the 1996 draft. WE WERE TWO PICKS AWAY FROM GRABBING THIS GUY!! Ray Lewis, (Who happens to be one of my top 5 fav NFL Players) is the kind of guy who can turn entire organizations around. I honestly believe that we would have had about a 9-7 record if we had drafted Ray Lewis back then. he inspires teammates, fans and even coaches. Oh...Did I mention he's the best linebacker we've seen since
  9. Get used to it. The same thing happened over the PS3 a few years ago. Humans are by far the most violent life forms we know of. It's depressing, I know, but it's what we are and nothing's gonna change that. We should just be lucky they're not fighting over something even dumber like Justin Bieber or something.
  10. Your a Game Dude fan. That's the only insult I need. :nana:
  11. its an okay superhero film. But, I gotta admit, heath ledger's performance is quite possibly the greatest villain performance I have ever seen (matched with Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith, Bill Nighy in Underworld Rise of the Lycans and Gary Oldman in every freaking movie he's ever been in) I still like the 2nd Spider-Man movie, hellboy and (sigh) Daredevil more. Oh crap. I admitted I loved Daredevil. :wallbash:
  12. Here's a good one: Would you rather A) have all your emails read to you by a salty old sea captain who you also have to introduce to every girl you date OR B) All your pety arguements turn into serious like Bourne Identity style fight seqeunces.
  13. I agree. Great interesting show. Agreed, archer is quite funny. not as funny as Wonder Showzen, Simpsons, Futurama or South park...But a little funnier than Family Guy
  14. Surprised no "Battlefield Earth" from you. that movie was hilarious. so many wtf moments.
  15. It's boring. It's basically people running around doing stupid pointless tasks that a 3 year old could preform, and are seemingly uncapable of doing them right. they're not even exciting tasks like climbing a mountain or something. they're like, finding a piece of clothing in a store or something. I mean, I respect your opinion, I just hate the show. It's right up there with "What Would You Do?" as far as crappy ABC shows go.
  16. It's a really great resturant (and expensive too) and it's a really great movie (That the rest of my family hates except my mom who hasn't seen it)
  17. holy crap. that guy is scary. Penn State's newest defensive coordinator? P.S: Jerry Sandusky plans on remaking 2 Arnold Schwarzangeer films in one., what will the movie be called? The Kindergarten Predator
  18. ummm...why is it called the dinosaur b-b-q? Are there, like, dinosaur bones or animatronics? We need answers Poojer!
  19. Like I said. Going to an awesome mexican resturant, and will probably watch my fav movie tonight.
  20. Oh great. More amazing race crap (shoots self)
  21. I love your avatar. Oh, hi Mark.
  22. Well...It's my birthday! Gonna go to Sol Ateca (An awesome mexican resturant) tonight, watch my fav movie (hopefully) and pend some time with my two sibs. Yay!
  23. I love Joe too. He's a Michigan State Alum! Go Spartans! :D
  24. You're going to hell man. Sorry to say it, but you're going to hell.
  25. Well, everybody has those movie that are so awful, they're hilarious. My Top 5 are: 1: Battlefield Earth 2: The Room 3: Every Asylum movie Ever Made 4: Max Keeble's Big Move 5: Plan 9 from Outer Space
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