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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. He needs a new nickname...Jango Fett, anyone?
  2. How about we DON'T get Malcol Floyd and get Courtney Upshaw instead?
  3. Yeah. I've heard of Beaquette and I've seen him play as well. Let me tell you, the kid has a bright, bright future. Would be a solid addition for Buffalo
  4. Oh my God! Thaqt guy looks like the horrifying lovechild of Edward Scissorhands and Gollum!!
  5. You know what, I actually really liked T.O. Sure he may have been over the top at times, but he certainly had a fun personality. My question is if you're gonnna hate on T.O why noit Ben Roethelisberger? I mean, here you have a guy who raped two women, stealing away their dignity and getting away with it, and Terrell Owens does a damn touchdown dance and HE'S the bad guy? Where's DC Tom where you need him?!
  6. Someon'e death is never good, but I did have a sigh of relief when I found out it wasn't Bill Nighy who died when people were talking about Davy Jones. Besides, he should be more remembered for his role as Viktor in the Underworld series.
  7. It's a never ending battle between Hershey's Chocolate and Milky Way bars.
  8. I'm no drafting expert, but you look pretty good to me. Id be happy if that draft went according to plan. PS: Love the avatar and name btw.
  9. I used to be more LOTR, but I'm starting to like Star Wars a lot more. And yes, I loved the prequels (Except for Episode 1. That movie was absolute crap)
  10. Looks alright to me. I'd grab him early 6th-round or late 5th round.
  11. Well, I'm a comic book fan and I'm wondering if any other Bills fans are as well. So...Here we talk about comics/superheroes and so on and so forth. Probably won't have anyone post here, but it's worth a shot!
  12. We must get UPSHAAAAAAWWWW!!!!
  13. Wow. I don't like Swift's music, but I love her as a person. Plus she's a 50 Cent Fan.
  14. Mark Wahlberg. And Olivia Wilde ior Kelly Hu's the love intrest...And Zac Efron or this "Hossage" character plays the villain who dies at the end haha
  15. Ummm...Manslaughter and Grand Theft Auto?
  16. There's no question Sean Taylor was vastly superior...But that doesn't mean LaRon Landry is bad. Infact, the guy's a stud. He's no Sean Taylor but he's still one hell of a saftey and probably one of the top 10 safties in the NFC right now.
  17. Because you were talking about how he would serve "10-20" if he was a Bill? As a plus, it's sort of instinct. I know things. Im like Proffessor Xavier ya know?
  18. You said involved, but it was very clear you meant committed.
  19. I can't say anything that bad cause your actually nice to me so...Your avatar put me to sleep. Not horrible but...WOW IS IT JUSt...Boooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiinnggggggggggggg
  20. I still want upshaw.
  21. He looks like Doomsday from DC Comics. Wow he is ripped.
  22. except for the fact that he wasn't a murderer?...Idiot.
  23. That can't be the right wonderlic. that's like the wonderlic required to be a member of Asylum Productions.
  24. Enviro Hater. Next thing you'rwe going to say is that you wanna kill all the trees in the world because they stop construction. :angry: JK man.
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