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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. Perhaps they got of on the wrong foot? haha. Yes, I know, that was a troll comment. Shame on me. Shame shame shame on SelmonSmith6378!! :wallbash:
  2. I'm sorry to say I have Arachnophobia.........
  3. Woody doesn;t like your choice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuO8IMfF-Us
  4. Let's see what Mr Dumas has to say about that! PWNED!!
  5. Well, the last time I did a false advertising prank, people took it way too seriously. So...This is a pretty funny commercial for HD TV. WARNING: I've rated this commercial PG-13. Just a warning.
  7. Must be some preeeeeeety good cookies if they fought so hard to defend them!
  8. I actually know a few Twihards myself. Thety aren;t mean...A bit airheaded and ignorant, but not cruel like Hunger Games fans.
  9. You misspelled Twilight, but yeah, way worse. but i don't really hate nor love twilight, so maybe that's part of it. But hey...At least Twihards aren;t so damn nasty. THANK YOU! You are officially awesome!
  10. I just don;t think we'll be able to afford him. Our best hope? Pray to God we'll get a great pass rushing prospect in the near future.
  11. Well, everywhere I look people seem to be raving abou the Hunger Games...Give me a break. I'll have you know I READ the books, and I didn't like them one bit. OPNE BIT!! First of all, it's ripping off a Japanese movie called Battle Royale! Seriously,. kids forced by a government to fight to the death. IT'S FREAKING BATTLE ROYALE!!! Second of all, I hated the characters. The Hunger Games has some of the most uninteresting bland characters I have ever read about, whom I couldn;t even THINK of liking...Or remembering Some were just so horrible, I remember them out of blandness however) But I think the thing I hate the most about the books...The fans. Hunger Games Fans are some of the most nasty, despicable, hateful people on the plabnet, even more so then Michael Bay or High School Musical fans. They will tear apart anything even resembling opposition to the Hunger Games like a pack or ravenous wolves. And now a movie is coming out? :doh: Houston, we have my razzie nomination!
  12. Perhaps...But he's also growing old. And you must know all about what happens to running backs once they hit the 30+ meter.
  13. I'm actually positive it's a comedian. I heard his name a while ago. I just can;t remember his name right now ya know?. Yeah, that makes me look bad but....Tell you what, what do you want to bet that it's him?
  14. 10 million? That's like, Peyton M<anning in his prime money. I was thinking more on the lines of...say, 7 mil?
  15. hahaha...you're kidding right? The guy is WAAAAAAAAYYY younger. The only thing they have in common is the skin tone and MAYBE the eyes.
  16. I've actually seen Jackson play. Let me tell you...He is a great defensive end, and would be fantastic in Buffalo.
  17. Dude it was a joke. I was asuming you'd be smart enough to realize it was a damn joke. hell, that's not even Obama. besides...ron paul's got my vote. Again...It was a joke. I was hoping you'd get a laugh out of it. jeeeeez!!!
  18. Tydreke Powell of North Carolina would be a great late round prospect I think.
  19. Ripping off my false leading forum idea are we?
  20. I wasn't thinking as a starter, (Unless he shows it) just as competition for Ryan.
  21. I wazs thinking Kirk Cousins out of Michigan State. Give Fitzmagic a good fight for the starting QB job.
  22. Well, I don;t know about you, but I think the other candidates have some catching up to do.
  23. Alright, first thing's first. Well Claiborne is an amazing player, an AMAZING player...Do we really need a CB right now? We already have 2 solid corners and we shouldn't be making any moves that aren;t necessary.
  24. As much as I would love to have Hines as a Bill, no way it's gonna happen. Ever. He could bring some great experience and passion to Buffalo.
  25. Congrats man! I'm in High School and just started wrestling last term, and let me tell you. Toughest sport ever. To go 4-0 and win Gold...Quite an achievement!
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