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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. I'd rather be circumsized then watch the Hunger Games movie. But I'll probably see it anyway so I can rant on how bad it is.
  2. Alright guys, I have the 4 nominees. The nominees are: Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn Billy Madison Voting begins...NOW!!! Just post a comment on what you want to watch. the decision will be made on friday and you'll watch the film over the weekend.
  3. What about the Wolfman of 2 years ago? That was great.
  4. Ah man! Really expecting it to be something special!
  5. Well, if you've caught my posts in the shoutbox, youm know I'm a big film buff. Im like reviewing movies, and I even give a few film suggestions up there when I can. So, because I know this site is SURROUNDED by fellow movie lovers I have decided to start a MOVIE CLUB! Basically, I'll assign a movie for you guys to watch over the weekend, and once you finish watching it, talk about what you thought about it here. Normally, I'd list the candidates myself, butm I'd like to get to know the kinds opf people who will be joining the club, and what kinds of films they enjoy. So post a comment and the films you like and once I get like 5 posts, I'll name the nominees for what movie we will watch. When that's done, we vote! I hope you guys like it (Especially SageAgainstTheMachine, him being a BIG movie buff)
  6. Ah DC Tom...His comments always give me a laugh.
  7. I think the main guy I'd want to sign is Wimbley. Sure he's not as good,l but because we can pay him less, we'll have more money to get that dimaond in the rough someday.
  8. am i the only one who thought of Hank Stram talking about "atriculating the ball" down the field when I saw this thread?
  9. Wilford Brimley and the Lorax http://www.communitynxt.com/wp-content/uploads/the-lorax-totally-looks-like-wilford-brimley.jpg[/img] Zooey Deschanel and Harley Quinn http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/7/30/ac0e2345-f872-40c7-97a0-bf8a97df5e2d.jpg I'll post some more later
  10. I haven't seen the film yet (Though you can bet I will soon!) but I HAVE read the book "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" and it was one of the best books I ever read. Plus the character playing Hugo played Bruno in "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" another great movie as well (If you can ignore that the Germans have British accents. But apart from that fantastic)
  11. Well, I saw the trailer for Silent House and...WOW!!! It actually looks like we're getting back to what made the found footage horror movie scary, not all this lame Paranormal Activity or Apollo 18 crap. I mean, it looks like a combination of Blair Witch Project and the Strangers, which happen to be two of my fav horror films. Can't wait to see it!! Most anticipated movie of 2012 for me. So Bills Nation...Is it any good? But then again....It could be an absolute crapstorm dissapointment like "The Devil Inside" was. I could've sworn I said that movie would be the next BWP, but WOW was it dissapointing.
  12. Well, young man, in this society it is standard for a man to be married to one woman at a time. Other cultures do allow men to take multiple wives, though I have no !@#$ing idea why any man would want more than one, but, I digress, you'll learn in due time. Anyway, back to the story...the guy, we'll call him schmuck, was married to one woman, though separated. Schmuck has met another woman, the love of his life, and he married her without divorcing wife #1. That is frowned upon. The only part that Facebook plays in this is it was used by wife #1 to discover that there was a wife #2. You need to read more. Well, yeah I get that it's wrong, but why is it headline news? My dad cheated on my mom, that didn;t make the paper.
  13. Wow. The last time I heard that one I laughed so hard I fell off my DINOSAUR!!!!! Sanchez is a good starting QB, he beat us 5 times.
  14. I'm happy that he's happy. God I love Morrison.
  15. There is not a single player on that list that I'd want as a Bill. Kyle Orton, Carl Nicks and Brandon Lloyd would be my main realistic free agents who I'd like to sign
  16. Bills: 1-5 Sanchez: 5-1 Do the freaking math.
  17. And this is big news why? People date on social networking sites all the time. And plenty of people (as bad as it is to say)have affairs beyond their main lover. It would be like if there was a random news headline about some divorce. This is stupid.
  18. Ummm...No, niot really. We should draft a defensive player and that's final. Not that Blackmon isn't amazing, he is, but he's not worth trading up to get.
  19. I'd say, give him a 5 mil dollkar offer, and no more. if he takes it, great, if not, we're not gonna break the bank.
  20. Yeah, I thought Assante was good. Now about Stallone and Rob Schnieder...
  21. I actually agree completely with that. But God Im just love that quote!!!!!
  22. Great guy! Glad he's locked in for the Buffs!
  23. No Judge Dredd comments yet? Better break that streak I AM DA LAWWW!!!!
  24. I guess God hates LeoNardo Dicaprio. Must have been punishment for making that awful 'Romeo + Juliet" movie. DC Tom is an athiest...Why am I not surprised?
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