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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. I want David Hawthorne out of all the ones you listed.
  2. So...How do we celebrate? Do we each make cupcakes 3.14 inches by 9.26 inches? Do we pay everything in $3.14? God, this holiday is so epic we need SOME way to celebrate?
  3. She's pretty hot too. Forgot about her.
  4. Well "spoilers" indicates that the twist is actually good. Well here...It's not...At all.
  5. Their hardly spoilers. That's like calling giving away the plot twist in "The Village" or "Knowing" a spoiler.
  6. Well, a few months ago, I caught up on a crime show called "Breakout Kings", watching all the episodes from season 1. I have to say, it was a really great and awesome show! Basically, it was about 3 genius convicts recruited to become cops and help capture fugitives. For every capture, they got 3 months of their sentence, plus they got to move to a better (for the inmates) and low security prison. I must say, the show had enormous potential. Give it a couple years, I said to myself, and it could be in Criminal Minds territory. And then...Season 2 started. My God was that first episode bad. Lloyd Lowery's jokes weren't funny like they were in, the convict was bland, and I actually found myself cheering when who I considered to be the 2nd least likeable Breakout King died. Did I mention Erica Reed get's a boring, uninteresting and unnecesary love intrest? I never thought I'd say this, but here's hoping for the end of what used to be a promising and great tv series.
  7. Stop showing that thing! My eyes are gonna fall out!!
  8. Again, for the 5 millionth time, KYLE ORTON!
  9. The deadline is the 19th. Have fun! Thank you. Always appreciated!
  10. Why is it that whenever someone get's injured, everybody automatically think's he's terrible?
  11. I hope that was a joke.
  12. And that my friend is why you shouldn;t be GMing any NFl teams any time soon bud.
  13. You misunderstand me, I see more then 7 wins.
  14. Not into the Olsen twins...Like, at all. Betty Freaking White has more sex appeal then those two. Plus she wasn;t in an awful crappy, sugar coated sit-com that was 7 seasons too long.
  15. At first I thought 7, but thanks to the schedule...Meh, I don;t know.
  16. The years we've suffered through losing seasons are nature's punishment for making that abomnible turf and suffocating the underground animals.
  17. Clarence Bodicker: It work Dick Jones!!! Dick Jones: Mr. Bodicker, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. Wouldn;t that be something special haha. but seriously, what's your vote?
  18. Come on, that's just ridiculous. There the Niners and Texans, not the 1989 Vikings.
  19. I'll consider that a half vote for each. 1/2 vote for Wolfman, 1/2 vote for Blair Witch Project.
  20. Yeah, I did more realizing that the Bills fans tend to like comedies. And I added some more after that. :-). So...Who's got your vote?
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