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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. it looks like the Sabres logo got pregnant with the Seahawks logos kid, but was smoking while the baby was in the womb so it ended up like that deformed demon.
  2. I love how the kid is just like trying to make his point SUPER clear that he likes her when she gives him cookies haha.
  3. BAD idea for Smith! If I were him, I'd stay in San Fransisco where I actually have a FUTURE!
  4. I posted a similar post about a klitten, so I decided to try that out with an adorable kid. PS: This was Beerball as a toddler
  5. I'm sorry but covers suggests plural yet I see only one cover. I'm dissapointed
  6. Ummm....NO WE DON'T!
  7. Well, what's more to say? I love how adorable and innocent this kitten is. Especially his bulging eyes haha. Here's the video.
  8. That dog is adorable!
  9. I don't know...5? I'm not really into basketball.
  10. Well, I was bored, so I figured I'd make a soundtrack based on me as well as what music I enjoy. Most of it describes me. So, below comment on quite a few things. First of all, do you like the music? Second of all, do you think it describes me well? Third of all, what songs do you think describe me (Or you) best? Song 3~Decode~Paramore (And NO I do not like Twilight)
  11. Reminds me of the story of Pamela Smart, the teacher who had a highly sexual affair with a 15 year old student, and eventually got him to murder her husband because she was so obsessed with him? It's quite a story.
  12. Hamilcar would be an awesome dog name!
  13. Sorry, but I think we got enough one sword hack 7 feet of blood in that awful Conan remake.
  14. 9. South Park is one of the few shows out there that has remained funny after so many years.
  15. I thought he did a good job as Blade, but that's irrelevant. You don;t have an avatar so 0.
  16. Exactly what it sounds like. Say something about the user above you!
  17. Well, rate the avatar above you on a scale from 1 to 10. Start of by rating mine I guess.
  18. Alright, you have to watch the movie over the weekend and the winner is: Robocop or The Strangers! (You decide which one to watch)
  19. I think Serena is hot. There's something really attractive about the fact that she could snap me like a twig if she wanted too...And now, I present to you, DC Tom laughing and saying why I'm wrong. I'll give her credit, she is attractive...But I hate the Big Bang Thoery and anyone associated with it, so not so sure I'd go out with her. But she's attractive I'll give her that
  20. I agree, with Williams, who needs those two?
  21. Well, it's just a d-bag thing to do to make an entire thread making fun of someone.
  22. They're my 2nd favorite teams and they got Nicks and VJax?! YEAAAAAAHHH!!!!! :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
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