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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. Fight Club's a great suspense thriller. Not really sci-fi though.
  2. If it were The Coon, I would have liked it more, but as it is, an 8.
  3. That's fine. It's the way Lee Ermey says it. Hoorah!! I love that guy. :-)
  4. Don't tell me you liked AVPR?! No senor. Blair Witch.
  5. no love for wesley snipes? hater.
  6. hoorah=great word!
  7. Everyone so hyped up about Tannehil. His name is heard more often on this site then Tebow haha!
  8. Thanks DC Tom. Always great to find another person who loved that movie! I was actually (and you're laughing behind that computer screen) shivering and crying at that movie. Yes that's right. Shivering and crying.
  9. It's all good. I have a half-Chinese friend named Sherman who hates all Japanese people so if it's all in good fun, I'm fine with it.
  10. Wow, talking in ghetto language because my avatar happens to be a black person. How..."accidentally" racist. And BTW, Blade wears sunglasses to cover his red eyes so people don;t know he's a vampire.
  11. I love Ancient Greek Culture. 9.
  12. Wow. Tim Tebow is so cool he can HEAL PEOPLE BY TOUCHING THEM! Put him on a team with Bruce Campbell and Chuck Norris and nobody can stop em!!
  13. I hated that show, so sorry but ya get a 2 from me as well.
  14. Clearly you need to read more sci-fi/suspense thrillers. Or just ONE sci-fi/suspense thriller. I actually really hated the Hunger Games.
  15. Now THAT is how horror movies should be made! More Blair Witch and less Saw or Hostel will make everyone happy!
  16. That was a really funny joke. Normlly, I'd give you're avatar a 9.5, but that brings it up to a 10.
  17. Possibly the greatest ending of a horror movie ever. Oh how I loved and feared this terrifying film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMQQpmm5u3w Now THAT is an amazing monster scene! One of my faves as well! And the best part? There was NO CGI IN THAT MOVIE!! NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT!! Ah, I love when people use good old fashion practical effects over today's CGI garbage.
  18. Really Jack? Friendly's? All the places in Buffalo and you pick Friendly's? You're killin me smalls.
  19. Looks awesome, at 1:43, you can totally tell there's a chestburster inside her. (FYI, It's an Alien prequel)
  20. Well, I watched a special on the History Channel on the history of ice cream, and naturally, considering almost everyone here is from Buffalo, and I hope to live in Buffalo someday, and I along with everyone else likes ice cream...Bills Fans, what is the best place to go for Ice Cream in Buffalo? In addition, when you go to that place, what flavor do you always get? C'mon, didn;t even have ice cream tonight so hopefully i'll get answers haha.
  21. I've always imagined aliens to be the most ancient form of intelligent life in the universe, and lightyears above us in intelligence. I even believe that they've played a role in helping civilization get to where it is today (Not creating humanity though. God did that) Call me nuts, but it's a little bit ignorant for us to believe we're the most intelligent people in the universe.
  22. Oh shut up Beerball. This is coming from the guy who made a fake thread on how he was deathly ill. Pathetic....BTW, your avatar's a 4.
  23. 9.5. That woman looks hot. She looks like a vampire chick, and I dig vampire chicks.
  24. Dumb dogs are always more fun. They're like babies sort of, all innocent you know?
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