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Everything posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. You got to be kidding me with Cam on the good guys list. What a joke.
  2. I want to say No. 2, but I love Fitz too much. Besides, if we do happen to get in that position, we'll have no where to go but up in the years that follow. Who knows 3 years and we could be a Super Bowl team (IF it goes like Option No. 1 predicts)
  3. I don't concede with anything New England. Wait till he get's a load of me.
  4. I have a thing for asian girls/women, idolize the samurai as the greatest warriors the world has ever known, and really enjoy anime so...ahhhhhhhh. But ninjas are overrated as hell.
  5. No (But I don't see why that would matter. anime is awesome). It was a fan board for another team. Don't worry, it's not a rival team or anything, just not saying it because it angers Beerball.
  6. Well, I saw a similar thread to this on a message board site that will REMAIN ANONYMOUS and my first thought was "Hmm...I wonder what the fine folks at TBD think? What do they love?" Well, this is the board to get sentimental, or just let people know what kind of stuff you like. So, swing away, what do you love?
  7. YES...several times actually. On the subject of Kristen Stewart...Yes, I find her very attractive for some reason. Virgin joke or teenager joke from DC Tom? I find out!
  8. Often times I do. I always picture DC Tom as a muppet. I know he says he looks like Alec Baldwin, which I don't deny, but I always saw him as that muppet. I also imagine Rob's House as Nick Cage. I wonder how many people imagine me as the Ghost Rider.
  9. Can't wait!
  10. Awesome, AWESOME vid man. Gary Oldman is my favorite actor. The Proffesional, Dracula, The Book of Eli. The guy's the BEST! And after watching this little clip from Kazaam, his reaction seems justified. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D70cPxYHb0
  11. I feel bad for the teenager. I hate when parents tell you they thnk you're something you're not, whether it's being goth, gay (I have nothing against gay people. It's just bad being labeled as such when you're not.) or a drug addict. Sucks.
  12. i don't know what to say, sorry isn't enough. My deepest sympathies do go out to you however.
  13. It's not mine, it's my teachers. I could PM you my email address and you could check it out.
  14. Hello guys! Wazzup! Well, I'll keep this brief...2012 was an awful year for me. But if one good thing came out of it, it was my performance in this playfest. I play Mr. Ross, a narcissistic perverted overweight boss...The one in the tux. So, if you want to see my performance in the play. (And proof that I am 16) please do the following 1) Go to the link below Playfest 2) Click on the 2nd video 3) Tell me what you think of the play, and my performance (I'm the one in the tux.) PS, feel free to watch the other plays. The 4th one is pretty awesome too. :-)
  15. I will forever insist that Fox is still hotter...But Upton is awesome. And strangely enough, she looks a lot like Roxxane Simpson who HAPPENS to be the love interest of Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider from Marvel Comics. who HAPPENS to be my avatar.
  16. 4 and 6 are my faves. Here comes DC Tom with an age joke.
  17. Snubbed vertically challenged actors are raging at the makers of Hollywood film "Snow White and the Huntsman" for casting average-sized people as the film's seven dwarfs. The dwarf actors are threatening to protest against the film -- which stars Oscar-winner Charlize Theron and a VERY attractive Kristen Stewart -- with a "100-midget march," according to a report in TMZ. Let the sort jokes begin.
  18. I hope that was some kind of twisted joke.
  19. I think it's like this. There's people saying and doing things they shouldn't, and then there's people saying and doing things that like 2% of the population would actually do. I think the last straw for me was when they had a black guy stealing a bike, and have this crazy old man come in and yell at him, then they have a white guy, and then they have an attractive white women and nobody does anything. And then that professor guy does that retarded argument that all white people are racist. That was when I was just like "People actually buy this?" lol
  20. I love how B/R claims to be a serious sports journalism site and has articles like these xD. But notice how I'm not complaining.
  21. Ted looks absolutely hilarious. Me and my brother Griffin just loved the trailer's for this thing. OTOH, I'd have more confidence if it starred Trey Parker or Matt Stone instead of Seth McFarlane.
  22. Still less obvious then the clear as day fraud that is "What Would You Do?" That show is more fake then Paris Hilton and Selena Gomez combined.
  23. Hey, no one bumps month dead threads except ME!
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