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Everything posted by nkreed

  1. Are they? Cause they made it clear, Low Cost FAs
  2. According to the Bills playbook those are the reads. It was well known that if the Dolphins flashed cover 0 or 1-1s on the outside that was the throw. Now if you say that the team didn't have cover 0 short beaters, great I take your point. But overall, just blaming the reads without knowing why is lazy IMO.
  3. Beer? May need something a little stronger to settle these nerves.
  4. At least the refs have them the game after letting Miami tackle our gunners in the 2nd quarter. The bills let this game get way too out of control.
  5. No reason yet, but FAA recently tweeted that air traffic is gradually resuming.
  6. Not nearly as outrageous as your Vicodin bill. No clue what to expect with the tweet. Hopefully he make a clarification if it does/doesn't come to fruition.
  7. BUF/CIN in Pitt? BUF/KC in Cin? (Indy is in the middle though)
  8. Does the owners meeting require a unanimous vote to pass?
  9. I think that second drive wasn't what you thought is was... 3rd and short. Would they have gotten it, likely, but I think the defense was beginning to settle down.
  10. To Bease, that's a normal miss for all QBs. To McK he thought there was pressure and didn't step into it. He would likely have seen that and improved moving forward.
  11. The first drive there were multiple times Josh had to ask for the play again over the noise. I'm fairly confident he called the second down play I'm the RZ. He clearly throws his hands down in frustration at about 22 seconds on the clock. I think he was hoping that his normal play call in that situation (a HB run up the middle) was going to be jumped and was hoping that misdirection was going to work. Instead they were fortunate he didn't hand the ball off. It was a backyard football reaction. He made the right decision, IMO.
  12. Nope. Refs weren't going to let them. That was another call to hurt them because it would have been bad for the Bengals.
  13. Forward progress sropped the last play. That's a BS fumble determination.
  14. So the 3rd down after the illegal formation, Heineke got pulled down by the collar...is that not a horse collar? Even if he throws the ball. I just don't understand what the zebras were watching there. Then again it was Hussey, so BS was bound to happen.
  15. What happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas
  16. I'm not sure, but I think he was bordering on the edge of a penalty, as he was pulled by another lineman back to the huddle. Then after he went back again! 🤣😂🤣 Wait a minute, you saw it? I have watched the replay tons of times and still can't find the ball! I had no clue until I saw the officials put up their arms.
  17. To a degree. I think we have done a fairly good job so far limiting SM. However there will be a point where they will make their own decisions and mistakes. How else will they learn? PS I think most of this is by giving children cellular abilities and phones too young.
  18. Morse and Bates out...your down to your last center....yeah, they'll be in shotgun the entire time to prevent mishandled snaps under center. You get it! I will give a small amount of leeway for HotTakes from the OP, but after a day it needs to be looked at from the critical lens. The Bills lost half their Offensive playbook when VanRoten went in. There were not going to be under center snaps, so that led to shotgun only plays. Heck they lost 5 yards on a kneel because of the snap issues. I get the need to harp on Dorsey, but maybe their Offensive plan from the first half would have continued I'm the second if Morse wasn't hurt. We'll never know.
  19. Well color me excited for when my kids start using it...
  20. Literally or figuratively? Yep. VanRoten's snaps were REALLY slow to Josh. We lost a ton of our offensive playbook when VanRoten came in. Since he and Josh had no snap chemistry all under center snaps stopped. I'll have to rewatch, but I'm fairly confident that all snaps in the 2nd half were shotgun.
  21. Holy Carp! I didn't expect that to be true. As of 2019 Snapchat was still the most used social media platform. Statistics 👇. I think that TikTok has emerged as number one now... https://www.statista.com/statistics/250172/social-network-usage-of-us-teens-and-young-adults/
  22. Ugly, but playoff bound!
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