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Everything posted by nkreed

  1. His helmet is broken. Watch there be a penalty on both teams....
  2. That needs to change. Intent is in all other sports.
  3. If you have access to it, watch the refs signal on the sideline. Hands crossing over the head, stop the clock, arm swirling like a windmill, the clock runs. Now I don't remember the play clock running rules, but I believe that the rules changed about 10 years ago where even if the runner gets out of bounds, the game clock still runs except: Last 2 minutes of 2nd quarter Last 5 minutes of game Change of possession
  4. Not trying to say that the refs tried to give it to the home team, but the spots by the line judges were poor for the Bills the entire game. The 3rd down QB sneak and the safety, plus the 4th down Bell gain are the ones that stuck out.
  5. This crew really loves being on their knees for Bell. He hasn't done THAT much.
  6. Had a shot in the backfield...F!
  7. The act of putting your hands up without looking back is textbook interference.
  8. Did they get rid of the DPI by putting up you're hand without playing the ball? That was Mosley's pass break up.
  9. That's to calm Josh down. He's likely to go play Favre ball. It's only 2 scores
  10. So if they call OPI, can the Bills challenge the holding the entire route?
  11. Girls, girls, girls!
  12. First bolded point-Just cause isn't "too hard" to prove. What I have seen is that employers will not take the necessary steps and document. This is to make sure that ALL employees are treated the same way. Just think about your place of employment, you know the workers that could get away with murder. Second bolded point- every employee has the right to Union representation. That's not to say that unions aren't aware that there are bad apples. It's not as "easy" as you propose to "get rid of" them. Third bolded point- How many concessionary contracts will it be necessary for a Union to take before the workers become fed up. The corporate system is set up to pay the top executives exorbitant salaries to make the Wall Street investors more money, on the backs of the working class. Unions aren't in the game to increase Union dues for plush salaries. They are forced to increase dues because of rising costs for arbitrations etc. Just ask a local representative if their monetary compensation is worth the time they spend on Union issues. (We're talking stewards, chairs, and local presidents who don't have release).
  13. Only as long as everyone already on here is grandfathered in....?
  14. I fully expected it to be and article about the immediate bowel movement that happens when you eat there. Maybe GC needs to buy those Charmin giant toilet paper rolls!
  15. I hate these stories that are "blaming" millennials. I know that Charmin is making that statement, but it's just absurd to say it's all the millennials fault. Charmin is making the statement because that generation is quickly uprooting the baby-boomers. All products that cater to all ages with make millennial claims now, it's their largest target. The re-release of products that were popular 20-35 years ago is a direct target to the millennials heart strings of their youth. (This is hardly a new concept)
  16. Just saw a replay. That is the most blatant thing I have seen. (Yes I realize intent doesn't matter, but at full speed it was obvious). Wow. That needs to be reviewable, no doubt. Really though, I don't care if it's the third OT of game 7 of the finals, that needs to be called. It's just like Offside for a linesman. Hand passes are not a usual put your whistle in your pocket non call.
  17. This feels like it has the beginnings of a hit piece on the county executive. However, they are using the turf because it has a direct financial impact in the area. Maybe the study has some merit. It really means an injury, no clue on extent, per game. I don't think that the Bills will stop using a local source any time soon.
  18. So we had it tonight. It was sweet with a different buttery taste. Almost like butterscotch. The head definitely defrosts faster than the body. It was more of an anteater by the time we had it.
  19. I'll let you know how it tastes. It's sweet cream I've cream with a hint of butter.... It is umm interesting? sounding
  20. For dessert we have a Lake Effect Ice Cream butter lamb ice cream cake. I was told that they stopped at 900 pre-orders. Lake effect didn't expect that kind of response!
  21. "Come on home, girl" he said with a smile"You don't have to love me yet, let's get high awhileBut try to understand, try to understandTry, try, try to understand, I'm a magic man"
  22. Drive like the windStraining the limits of machine and manLaughing out loud with fear and hopeI've got a desperate planAt the one-lane bridgeI leave the giants stranded at the riversideRace back to the farmTo dream with my uncle at the fireside
  23. If Garafolo is right about OBJ to Browns, we'll soon see what the cost for OBJ was.
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