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Everything posted by nkreed

  1. I can't disagree with you. Again I will point to Corrente and his bias against the Bills (I know those things don't exist....). This is just what we have to deal with.
  2. In Bills games? Average of about 0.75/gameish That had been called all season, and almost all of them have not been forceful. It was a rule change for this year that NEEDS to go.
  3. I get it. I also remember Hughes being are the back of a pile on his own sideline after the fumble recovery and getting an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty for.......... trying to get Texans off his teammates? I was surprised that Tony Corrente allowed the first down to stay on the last drive, but he has called a lot of sh***y calls on the Bills over the years (my bias is showing, and so is his). Once I noticed it was Corrente heading the crew I was waiting for that, "huh?" call. Also, the head to head hit on Allen... They don't call that two plays before....I was actually surprised they didn't take Allen out of the game.
  4. It's because it's a new rule this year. Every time this had been called this year it has been ticky tack! There are a handful of blindside blocks that are vicious and deserve the penalty, but all Ford is doing is sealing an edge. I hate the call, absolutely hate it, but it has been there rule all year and I think it needs to change again.
  5. Almost no doubt he was concussed on that QB sweep where he was drilled helmet to helmet.
  6. The 1st Jets game, just the other way round.
  7. I think your best bet for an answer will come from calling into "One Bills Live" and asking Steve for his perspective and insight. I know it's propaganda and all but you may have a chance to get some information while they have an opportunity to gush over Roberts (if that suits their narrative).
  8. Yup and I was about to edit my post saying that I only get tv OTA (antenna).
  9. The bills Patriots game last Saturday... In Buffalo it was on channel 7.
  10. The last time a Bills game was on ABC (in Buffalo) the Bills laid an egg on Defense and still were 1 play away...
  11. Except both players were guilty. That's why I don't think it got reviewed. There was clear opi too with the TE grabbing on and shoving back.
  12. We'll see what kind of mood McDermott is in. Do they try or do they just kneel it out
  13. Well that will should pretty much wrap it up for the Jets. As long as they don't do anything stupid
  14. I don't fault him for missing it after I saw he slipped and had just gotten up.
  15. There were 2 fouls there. D was offside and hands to face
  16. I was attempting to quite the NE catch last week. I was doing it quick. He has a drop every game, yes, but his hands aren't bad. He had a much higher ceiling than Sweeney, and I think is a better blocker (however like everyone he whiffs too). I'll take his hard running over the touch me and I'm down TEs.
  17. I'm pretty sure I saw 3 blocks in the back there...
  18. Hmmmm. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/highlight-josh-allen-rolls-out-and-fires-to-dawson-knox
  19. That looks like a neck stinger.... Hopefully
  20. They are hoping that delayed runs, wether it be a shovel pass or toss get the jets too far upfield before the run starts. I think keep the screens and quick PA will work.
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