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Everything posted by nkreed

  1. So the rough numbers are close. If we are using the numbers as exact, and we shouldn't, but lets runs the scenarios. Facts I'm using from NYTimes political page: 86% in, Biden has 1,410,977 votes, Trump has 1,317,468 votes. That's a total of 2,728,445 votes and a difference of 93,509 Votes. Using the 86% number, the total AZ voted would be 3,172,611 (rounded up). Remaining votes uncounted 444,166 votes. So what are the possibilities? (you can do some linear algebra to get the numbers in between) Trump 80%, Biden 20% of the remaining votes: Trump Gains 266,500 Trump 75%, Biden 25%: Trump Gains 222,083 Trump 70%, Biden 30%: Trump Gains 177,666 Trump 65%, Biden 35%: Trump Gains 133,250 Trump 60%, Biden 40%: Trump Gains 88, 833 Trump 55%, Biden 45%: Trump Gains 44,417 50/50 Not Gains So the break even for Trump needs to be 60.5% of the remaining votes, which I believe is VERY doable. Then the Libretarian throws a 1% monkey wrench in these numbers and I'm too lazy to break that down.
  2. With the amount of problems that can happen in the postal service, I respectfully disagree that votes must have been received by the deadline. I believe that requiring your mail in ballot be received by the election there are too many possibilities that can cause it to be late that are NOT on that voter. I believe it would be disenfranchisement to those who legally voted. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with use a postmark as your decision maker. In fact many federal and state legal processes use this as their determing factor for timeliness. It shouldn't change at the whim of a party. Also, those who vote by mail who would be forced to send their vote in earlier than the election day may miss important information that comes near the end of a campaign. I would like to ask for clarification here: are you asking for reporting or just counting? Thank you for sharing this tweet. That's why Trump's campaign is mad at the call by AP and Fox News. Even as such, it may not be enough, but who knows. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏽🤷🏿‍♂️ it's 2020.
  3. I think the question should rather be: At what length of time would you decide voting wasn't worth it. I would expect a lie in response, since they haven't had to make that decision....EVER. That's different than those who face disenfranchisement annually. I would expect that those people's length of time would decrease with frequency (which is the real reason for making it tougher to vote).
  4. It depends on what Trump says. He may very well ask for it "for this country"
  5. "Seems" weak? What other thing in life do you wait for that isn't for personal benefit? Politics isn't specifically for personal benefit.
  6. Yes because there are enough polling sites to allow for this. Despite your specific citation to Turk, you blatantly forget to include the rationale for the long lines. Except when you are told "it's easy to vote" and then the lines are long. And for what personal gain? Not everyone is deep into politics and won't take the time to vote if they need to wait in line. You will stand in line for some sort of personal gain, something you'd get. Not the same.at all.
  7. Fraud? In what way? When did States rights become open season from the Trump administration?
  8. Too bad there isn't a response for being scared. I am scared for this country if it comes to that.
  9. Between his political commercials showing violence if he loses, to him stating that "this is the greatest FRAUD in American history" tonight; this is a call out to his backers to respond.
  10. Holy *****. He is actually inciting violence. I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to make these statements... The idea that casted ballots shouldn't be counted because he was winning before the count was done is just ridiculous. Yikes.
  11. They haven't. https://fusion.inquirer.com/politics/election/philadelphia-mail-ballot-counting-2020-election-20201104.html I agree it's a poor place to make that statement.
  12. Really? Cause Repubs have claimed election fraud for years but can't show anything. It's non existent. Steal, how? By allowing the process to play out?
  13. The recount process is something I would have to look into. Since there is a good likelihood of this being within 0.2 points.
  14. I expect GA will not be called in the next few days.
  15. This is 100% right. According to NYT, DeKalb county is only 1/3 in. Biden is up by 80k votes there (suburb of Atlanta). I believe that NYT is expecting that the remaining votes are mail in, therefore likely larger for Biden. That makes up ~160,000 votes in that county ALONE. Then more of the Atlanta vote is still missing, also presumed the mail in. Also they have this note: "So far, Biden appears to have flipped Mitchell County. According to turnout estimates, around 690,000 votes remain in counties won by Hillary Clinton in 2016. Trump 2016 counties have around 110,000 votes left to report. 3m ago"
  16. It's because two players were moving, not a motion after being set. You're right if all players are set, but because the TE also moved, both players must reset before the snap. That was egregious. The Titans player did the same thing in the next punt but got called. That penalty alone gave them at least 30 yards. (BTW the Titans held for~15 yards on that play)
  17. Starts the crap and ends it that way...
  18. Can we start a new thread now? That's the fat lady....
  19. Heavy dose of Henry I expect... Toss left, dive left...
  20. They missed the illegal hands to the face there ..
  21. Didn't one just become available? I know I know waivers
  22. Gotta make Russ the darling with Dak going down...
  23. Wow, that's utter horse manure.
  24. Add on, minutes today, Bailey has been shaky this season.
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