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TC in St. Louis

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Posts posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. They need to design some quick tosses on these blitz situations....like the old Unitas to Mackey quick 8 yard tight end slant.


    Drew showed no ability to adjust at the line. I remember on 3rd and 2, the Raiders had every man at the line, and Drew handed to Henry, who got stuffed. He could've called a slant to Moulds or anybody for that matter.


    They do need to stretch the defense. They have not done that at all, really, with maybe a couple exceptions.

  2. Not much. The defense played pretty well for most of the game, but when they failed, they failed big time. They gave up a touchdown on 3rd and 27, with an undrafted rookie free agent safety covering a wr. There were a few plays where they absolutely whiffed on tackles. They had a pretty good game, stat wise. No turnovers.


    Bledsoe was rotten. He looked as bad as last year. He was clueless in the pocket, taking sacks rather than throwing the ball away. A few times he came to the line and there were 10 guys in the box, yet he ran the ball anyway, for zero yards. You need to be able to call a good audible once in a while.

  3. I didn't see any of the game, I posted earlier this week that I was completely shut out. But after reading a bunch of the articles....we really should've pasted those guys. Bledsoe threw a backward pass recovered by Cinci, inside the 50....Moulds fumbled at the Jags 7, recovered by the Jags, Bledsoe took a sack on 3rd and goal from the 1, Lindell missed a 42 yarder, we ended up punting from the 33, holding call on Villareal put us back....Fletcher's penalty, Clements boneheaded play on 4th down...the lucky catch to end the game...


    we are first in the conference in defense, and that includes an 80 yard drive in the last 2 minutes. take away that drive, we gave up, what, 150 yards in 58 minutes?


    This team needs to LEARN HOW TO WIN. They've got the ability.

  4. I've had the NFL package for 5 years in a row, but chose not to get it this year, I just didn't want to spend 200 bucks on it, and missing a bunch of games due to having a 2 year old, and being busy at other times.


    I was set to go to a sports bar to watch the game, and I ended up picking up a friend at the St. Louis airport at 12:30 (good timing, ruining what I've been awaiting for 9 months). Also, I couldn't find a babysitter for my 2 year old boy, and chose not to drag him into a smoky sports bar. I came home and tried to get the game on the NFL radio, which I paid for a month ago. No signal.


    So, I sat downstairs watching the Rams game, coming up to my computer every few minutes to check into the chatroom to see what was up.


    The score and time of the game was posted in the upper left corner of the Rams game, and it was 10-6 Bills, 45 seconds left, 10-6. 30 seconds, then they went to a timeout. Came back 12-10 Jax, 0 time left, and I had no idea what happened.


    I later found out that the Bills gave up first downs on 3 4th down plays on that final drive, including a 45 yard completion over Clements.


    Not having seen any of the game, I still feel just about as bad as I have felt watching them lose on the dish the past few years. Am I right in feeling this crappy?

  5. Lamar Gordon is a pretty good back, not great, but pretty good. He became expendable when Steven Jackson, the Rams first rounder, showed that he can be a factor.


    3rd rounder is not too high for a starting running back. the Skins gave the Rams a 4th rounder for Trung Canidate, who sucks.

  6. So half of it is true?  :(



    Yeah, Swede, I'm going to give those Swift Boat Veterans for Truth the benefit of the doubt and say that they can't all be lies. They fought for this country too, they can't be all bad. I did read that the author of that book says no shots were fired on that particular day, yet the truth is he received a purple heart for the same battle....shots were fired.


    I understand those guys are pissed that Kerry came home and protested the war. Hey, maybe he should be praised for that, because now everybody knows that was a bad war. I just missed being drafted myself, my number was 62 but they stopped the draft right after I turned 18. Nobody wanted to go to Viet Nam, it was a ridiculous war.

  7. 16468[/snapback]

    They attack Kerry for his record in Viet Nam, which according to them is fair ground because he spends so much time bragging about it. I can see their point. When he stood up and said John Kerry reporting for duty I nearly coughed up my dinner. But Bush sitting there allowing these attacks from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, when half of what they say is not true, is BS. He knows that these ads are having the desired effect, which is hurting the Democrat nominee, taking the focus off the real issues.


    It's like turncoat kitty McCain suddenly becoming a Bush sycophant, and chastising Michael Moore for showing people in Baghdad going about their day as world citizens....they weren't all being tortured day in and day out. Some kids go to school and ride the swings, some people have jobs and stuff like that. Then kaboom we decide to go after weapons of mass destruction, and now they hate us more than ever. And Michael Moore is the demon, he's the bad guy now because he thinks maybe we shouldn't be killing innocent civilians and kids in a war that was based upon bad information.


    There was a budget surplus 4 years ago, now there is a huge deficit. There is an unneccessary war taking place, Americans are dying. We were attacked under GW's watch. He was a hero because he flew up to NYC and put his arm around a fireman's shoulder. Then he went after Saddam, who had nothing to do with the attack.


    You know, GW gets reelected, get ready for the draft. They're gonna need it, because we will be going into Iran next. I don't know how old you are Alaska Darrin, but if you're under 25, suit up.


    If I had any trouble sleeping at night, it's because I'm a little concerned that we may have to suffer another 4 years with this friggin' doorknob draft dodger as president, and his 7 time deferment Haliburton rich mo fo VP clangin' the bell of freedom while our economy goes right down the toilet.

  8. Fox News is where the Republicans of America go to hear what they want to hear. This week it is the tremendous message being put forth by the speakers at the Republican convention.


    Can you believe that Kerry guy? He had the nerve to volunteer and go to Viet Nam, knowing that one day it would help him become president. Had he known then what he knows now....that dodging the draft and getting deferments is much more heroic, I'm sure he would've gone to Canada for a couple years.


    The only way the Democrats can win this election is to get down and dirty and fight like Republicans. Trying to stay on the high ground will have them giving conciliatory speeches in November.


    Clinton ran his campaign like a Republican. Somebody shot at him, he shot back...harder.

  9. I hope the Cards continue to play the way they've been playing. They don't look any further ahead than the next game. With the exception of one loss (a Thursday v. Cincinnati a couple weeks ago), they were in every single game since the beginning of June.


    Say what you want about this rotation, but they have more quality starts than any other squad in MLB. They keep the Cards in the game, and with the lumber in this lineup, they are never out of a game.


    That said, I think the biggest challenges will come from Atlanta and San Francisco. The Cubs are loaded with starting pitching, but they don't seem to have the chemistry it takes to win. Every time they win a game they act like they are on the brink of passing the Cards.


    Prior said recently that he can't wait to face the Cards in the NLCS. Excuse me, but don't you think you should qualify before you trample the opposition and get to the NLCS?

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