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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. We just smoked the Jets on the road a couple weeks ago, and should've beat them early in the season....we dominated yet somehow lost. They are not far ahead of the Bills. If they were far ahead of the Bills, we would not have smoked them a couple weeks ago, in a game they clearly felt they needed to win.
  2. My bad. They punted after the bad call on the Peerless catch. It was a difference maker. I couldn't keep up with all the horrible calls.
  3. I was at a sports bar with a bunch of games going at once, the volume down on our game. There was a Chargers fan, and he agreed with your assessment on just about every call. It was puzzling. Hochuli looked frozen with fear out there. The worst call, to me, was the one where they called Losman down on that great toss to Cieslak. Great play, great throw, great catch. First down, momentum lost on a really bad call. It was 10-0 at the time, who knows what would have happened had they made the right call. I'm pretty sure the game would not have been 17-0 at the half, though. Peerless's catch was a catch, but they ended up scoring a couple minutes later anyway. The better team won. LT was great. At the end of the half, his average was higher than Willis's total.
  4. Just before halftime, the New England kicker was lining up for a 52 yarder. The Bears got a timeout just as the ball was being snapped, and the guy kicked it anyway. It had plenty of distance. The crowd booed like crazy, as if he had made the field goal. Joe Buck and Troy Aikman were just raving about how it would've been good from 60, and what a smart move Lovie Smith made by calling the timeout. Problem was, the kick was wide right. Dude missed it by a couple inches. Then after the timeout, he MADE THE KICK. The Pats won by 4....not saying that if the Bears hadn't called timout and they didn't get the 3 that the 2nd half would've gone exactly the same, but if it had, Chicago would've only needed a field goal instead of a touchdown to win that game. Nobody ever pointed out that the guy actually missed the first kick. I think the announcers' view from the 50, obviously they thought he made it. But the replay clearly showed it was wide. Somebody should've made a point out of that timeout actually unfroze the kicker, and maybe won the game for the Pats.
  5. I know, dude. Just being honest. But like I said, I was pulling for Lindell, so I guess I really did want the win. Just can't stand the Fins.
  6. I know. Even though I was pulling against the Fins of 72, when the Bills lined up for that FG I was really hoping for a win. oh well, mixed blessings.
  7. I had a feeling the Bills were gonna scare the Colts today, and I'm sort of glad they lost. The thought of Csonka and company swilling Andre's Cold Duck in somebody's living room, that just makes me sick. Truth is, the Bills should've won one of the games in 72 against the Dolphins.
  8. I agree with this. The Colts would've come down and made a field goal and won anyway. The Bills did well to be in the game at all. The Colts are a much better team.
  9. From what I hear, Hargrove is more suited to be a tackle. He got himself in deep trouble here by skipping a practice without notice. They never did accept his apology, and his days were numbered. People are trashing him on sports radio, but before this incident everybody seemed to think he was a pretty good player.
  10. The Bears just eked past the Vikings a couple weeks ago. I was eyeballing that game as the Bills were giving away the Jets game. I was certain the Bears had lost, they were being whooped. But somehow they won. I didn't see the end of the game. We played the Vikes and beat them, correct? We can beat the Bears. Win the turnover battle, have some good special teams play, play good defense, run an efficient offense.
  11. I was really upset with that penalty. Basically, April spotted some flaw in the Vikes design, and put in a play to take advantage of it. It was perfectly executed, our guy caught the ball on the fly....what a kick, and because the Vikes were half napping, we got penalized, and they got the ball no the 50. The refs were wrong, and they are asinine.
  12. In my opinion, the worst one was the "just give it to them" game. We had stopped them short on 4th down, the guy caught the ball out of bounds (on the front page of USA Today the next day) short of the first down, the ref ran up the field and said "just give it to them." Then, Henry Jones was called for pass interference on a fyuckin Hail Mary on 4th down, giving the Pats first and goal at the 1. My wife nearly left me that day. She says I have FTS...Football Tourette's Syndrome
  13. I got those numbers off nfl.com, right after the game. I understand that they've been adjusted. But that's what it read at the time I made the post.
  14. Ok. Not acting like some holier than thou guy who accepts what happens and has some higher form of logic. I sat in the bar with about 50 Bills fans today, and it was pretty clear to all of us that 1) The Pats tackled our kicker and there was no flag, no replay, no mention by announcers. 2) Pats jumped offside on the play prior to the safety. No replay, no mention by the announcers. 3) The interception....whistle blowing the play dead was b.s., and the penalty flag seemed to have been thrown from the stands, it was almost a yardage marker, it had nothing to do with the play. Clements' block had absolutely zero impact on the return. It would've been interesting to have the refs explain exactly why they stopped the play. 4) The call on Royal was a Royal shaft. The flag was tossed by the ref after it was clear the Bills had earned a first down. It was a great catch, and the guy who fell down after being dusted by Royal actually made the stop, so who gives a !@#$? It was a mickey mouse call that had major impact on the outcome of the game. If they used similar standards to call infractions for the entire game, there would've been 100 penalties today. This is football, people bump into each other. 5) The Bills were meant to lose today. The referees believe in the Pats, and they favored them. You may disagree, but you are kidding yourselves. The outcome of that game was affected by the officiating. The Pats had 2 penalties for 5 yards. We had 14. Come on. Yes, it is 9 hours later, and I am not over it. Here's a tip from me to me: Get over it.
  15. Whitner never came close to being out of bounds. Was it like that play a few years ago when the unconscious Patriot was lying with his head out of bounds and his leg touched the ball.....today, the guy Whitner jumped over, was his foot out of bounds, thus making Whitner out of bounds by jumping over a guy who is out of bounds? That previous paragraph may have set a new record for the number of times "out of bounds" was mentioned in a single paragraph.
  16. Howard Balzer, who used to write for Pro Football Weekly, and knows about as much about football as anybody in sports, has a radio show in St. Louis. Every week he drops an H Bomb on somebody.....sort of an upset special. He dropped it on New England, saying the Bills will cover, and may win the game outright. Good to know somebody out there in the world has a little faith in our boys. Well, maybe he has a disrespect for the Pats.
  17. Maroney is a friggin' rookie RB, and why is he big news? He's from a high school in St. Louis, and he's had a great collegiate career, but the first time Takeo drills him in the upper chest, he'll fold like a deck chair.
  18. I chose to phrase that like Yoda. So, who's picking the underdogs? Me. New England, and most others, are probably overlooking the Bills. I see a closer game. What do you guys/women think?
  19. okay. that, then. not having a sense of humor. sorry about that.
  20. I read the cuts, and I agree with many of you who thought Wire should be gone, and several of the other people who made the team....I questioned the logic. But then I remembered what I do for a living, and it is not football-related. I believe in Marv Levy, and consequentially, Dick Jauron and the others who make decisions for the team. I believe we are a much improved team this year, and as bad as last year's team played at times, I thought they could easily have gone 8-8. Logically, we should have a better than .500 record.
  21. Last year the Bills beat a couple good squads....Kansas City and Cincinnati (on the road). They held their own vs. Carolina, and in an early game v. New England. They should've beaten Miami twice. What I'm saying is that the Bills were not as bad as they looked most of the time last year. They were poorly coached, and they had some significant injuries. Bottom line, I think the team is going to have pretty good year. I think they will be in most games, and with tenacity may win some games they are not supposed to win. The difference between 5-11 and 8-8 last year was about 10 minutes of stupid football. Had they finished 8-8. the old regime may still be in place.
  22. I don't know if you guys have checked out videos of any press conferences, but you should. It's a good chance to see what Jauron's all about. I like Jauron's style. He's pleasant, intelligent, articulate, somewhat funny....very likable. And the players seem to respect him and like playing for him. I'm optimistic. I was not a fan of the hire when it took place. I wanted Sherman. But I'm on board. Not that it makes any difference in the world, but I am on board.
  23. Such maladies can only be treated with front loaded suppositories of special anti-movement placebo type non contact support valves. In other words, don't look for much action this weekend, Big Mike.
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