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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. I like Buck. I think he's funny. How about when our former DE drilled Favre into the carpet and Aikman said there should not ave been a call? How about the bogus pass interference call that gave them the game?
  2. Either we trust the guy or not. Actually, it doesn't matter what we think. I'm feeling good about the direction of this team. Really good.
  3. i already apologized. i wasn't telling people what to do with their money anyway. i was telling people what not to do with their money. and i was wrong.
  4. You guys have me convinced. I am glad that you all are die-hard, and the truth is I will be back on this board 5 times a day for the rest of my life. I freaked out most of all when they chose Donte Whitner. I thought....they had the rights to Leinart and they just drafted a guy I did not know. But then later that day I read that Detroit or somebody was going to draft him next. As an emotional guy, I cannot tell you how many times I have sat here watching the Bills alone in this house....I drove to KC for the game last year. Once, in 85, I drove to Chicago to watch a preseason game by myself. I am really nuts about the team. When a guy in town texted me about Gailey, he wrote WTF!! I wrote, well I hope he turns out okay. He can't be worse than Jauron. So I'm off the ledge. I don't think you guys need to go nuts and call me retarded. But I understand when you tell me to go away, we really don't need fans who act like I did earlier today. I miss living up there. If my wife wasn't a St. Louis native, I might have moved back years ago. Love the Bills, man. Always will.
  5. Hey easy boy. That word "retard" is offensive to a lot of people. It's not funny. Call me a psycho idiotic freak dumbass mutant mouth-breathing moron. I don't mind that.
  6. OK. I live in St. Louis so I can't cancel my tickets, because I don't have any. If I lived up there, I would have them. And I would cancel them today. I follow this team every single day of my life. For over 45 years, I have been a fan. Ralph promised change. He hired 71 year old guy from within. Then that guy ran out and hired a guy that nobody else wanted. Do you really want to plunk down hundreds of dollars to support this old bastage? Unbelievable. Chan Gailey over Marty Schottenheimer. Unbelievable.
  7. I can't stand reading all this stuff. There are not many people in the world of sports who can make any sense of hiring Chan Gailey. Now throw in turning down Schottenheimer. This is a crazy franchise, and I don't think I can get too involved in any of this any more. It's time for me to move on.
  8. I don't care who they hire, as long as he/she can keep the troops healthy and on the field. I think they should dump those talent evaluators now that we are at it.
  9. I think this is all b.s. Wilson hired Donahoe who had a strong track record. Donahoe made a bunch of bad decisions, and also had some decent drafts. He then thought that Marv would be a good GM, which might have been a good decision. Marv hired the wrong coach. Mistakes were made. We have never been nearly as bad as the Lions, and there are a bunch of really bad teams out there. I just heard somebody say that the Minnesota OL has played together for 2 years, no injuries. Our injuries have killed us the last 3 years. I have faith that we will get a good coach soon, and after watching the Jets, they can keep Schottenheimer. I'd take either Frazier or Rivera today. Still would rather have Marty.
  10. Think about it. We had New England by the shorties. There's 6-10. How do you lose to Cleveland? That's 7-9. We could've beat Jax or at least one other of those games. 8-8. This with an OL that had no tackles. No quarterback. No offense, really. 4th string linebackers. both corners gone. safeties gone. special teams rule changes. I'm not certain Trent Edwards is a bust. Last year he had some great games. He was 25-30 v. San Diego, and beat Denver on the road. He was 4-0 till he got his head busted. We probably need a new QB. But we really need is a coach who has a plan. And an offensive line. Look at the Jets. They've got 3 OL going to the Pro Bowl, and the number one defense in the league. And we beat them once, and lost by 6 the other time. We are not that bad. We need some strength and conditioning to prevent injuries. Look who's coming back from injury.
  11. They haven't hired anybody yet because they haven't found the right guy. This is a great job. One of 32 guys in the world. Be paient. Schottenheimer wants to be a Jet. Maybe he feels he will make more dough in the long run with another year on the job. I would rather have his dad.
  12. Obviously, we need to get rid of the guys responsible for the horrible draft record. I can remember screaming for about 10 minutes at the Whitner pick, and saying prayers about Maybin. I have a friend whose son plays for Penn State, and when I asked him about Maybin he chose not to comment. Maybin is a total buttwipe for holding out...as if he was worth it. When you hold out that long, you better get on the field and DOMINATE. When the new guys are in place, they had better get us a quarterback. There is no successful team in this league without a good quarterback. Fitzpatrick is a joke, Trent is an injury prone mystery, and I hope to hell that Brohm shows mad skill. Otherwise they are going to have to bust a move to get a veteran in here, and not somebody 100 like Garcia. What's Jeff George up to? They have got to get somebody in here to do something about all these injuries. The last 3 years we've looked like a MASH unit. There are guys on IR who I forgot were ever on the team. Mitchell, Ellison, last year's number one pick, about 6 guys from the offensive line. This is clearly an aberration. This cannot continue. Broken legs are one thing, but there has to be some way to build enough strength around the joints to help prevent season-killing injuries. Every year around February I start studying the draft previews, getting all worked up and ready. And every year we end up doing mysterious things on draft day. These guys should learn how to trade down, and that way they can waste picks with a sense of quantity rather than quality. And they obviously need a hard-nosed veteran coach. My preference would be Cowher, but I would settle for Schottenheimer. Maybe even Billick. Could be worse. Could be a Rams fan.
  13. The guy is out of his mind. I think it's probably a little bit frustrating to play for a team like the Rams. Their fan base is really lazy and lackluster, and he publicly chastised them....after the home fans were outnumbered and outvoiced by Bears fans and Packers fans on consecutive weekends last year. He apologized for that. He gets caught up in the moment. I'm pretty sure that life in the trenches results in some serious baiting by the opposition. Jim Hanifan, the former head coach of the Cardinals and OL coach for the Rams, was heaping praise on Incognito last night on the radio. He says the kid has first round talent, and he had advised them to draft him back then, calling him a steal. If this guy still has a career in the NFL, let it be in Buffalo. We could use that sort of passion for the game. He's got skill. Welcome, you crazy mofo.
  14. Trent had some great games before he had his head dislodged by Adrian Wilson. He even had some decent games after he came out of the ether. He managed to ring up 52 on the road in KC, and led the Bills to a road win in Denver. I think he is still recovering from that. I don't know if he ever will. He reminds me of Rick Ankiel, the Cardinals pitcher who lost the ability to throw strikes. Or Chuck Knoblach, or Steve Sax. I don't know if he'll ever get right. I do know that he had some skills, and seemed to have leadership ability. But brain injuries can ruin careers. I was at the game in KC, and noticed when Trent came out for the coin toss he was smiling and looked like a happy camper. Maybe they have just shut him down till he's 100%.
  15. Chambers drop was the result of the pass thrown half a second too early. He turned and the ball was about 2 feet from him.
  16. On 4th and goal from the 1 he calls a naked bootleg and they lose 8 yards. Should've jammed it up the middle and at worst left the Bills at their own 1. Against the worst run defense in the league he called 47 pass plays, including about 10 2 yard passes to the left side, most of them unsuccessful. But the worst, in my opinion, was going for it on 4th with about 2:20 left, trailing by 6. Wasted a timeout, and failed. Should've kicked the field goal. They would've trailed by 3, had 2 timeouts and the 2 minute warning. Instead, they got the ball back with 1 minute left, at their own 20, trailing by 6. Maybin had a huge hit late in the game. I thought he broke the guy's back. One of our special teamers had a magnificent play on a kickoff return, splitting between 2 guys and jacking a guy. I thought Kelsay looked good.
  17. Actually was referring to that commercial where the dope painted CHEFS in the end zone. However, even if I wasn't, and had made a typo, some of you need to relax and go with the flow.
  18. i just bought 4 tickets on Stub Hub for 20 each, original price $105 each. Misery loves company.
  19. I am probably going over to the game next Sunday in KC. I have a buddy who is a Chiefs fan, and we both are thinking this will be a horrible game. How did the Bills ring up 50+ last year in KC? I don't think they'll hit double figures next week. We should be able to score tickets pretty cheap outside the game, don't you think? You'd have to be an absolute moron to go to this game.
  20. Just keep him away from personnel matters. He drafted Trung Canidate in the first while Faulk was in his prime (Canidate ranked a 3rd-4th rounder) and a TON of idiotic choices over his years. He drafted one guy in the 4th round, an OL from Arizona, whom NOBODY had ever heard of.....simply to show the world his Mad Mike Genius. He was in a special place....won the Super Bowl and had 3 first round picks the next year....and blew it. He decided to keep Marc Bulger over Kurt Warner. He can design an offense, but he gets fixated on the passing game. Look at the Rams loss to the Pats in the Super Bowl. He forgot about Marshall Faulk for the entire 2nd half. I'd say pass. As a head coach he managed to ruin the Rams franchise in a matter of 2 years.
  21. I think Ralph knows how much money he needs to keep his head above water, and he doesn't want to go to his grave with his dream of a Super Bowl Championship unfulfilled. He trusted Marv, who got him close. Marv screwed up. Now Ralph is going to take over, and without losing money, hire the right people to run this squad.
  22. The fans are nuts up here in B-Lo. They will support a winner....and the economy sucks, yet fans continue to fill the Ralph. Imagine how much fun it would be if we had somebody in charge who knows wtf he is doing. That Brandon guy knows how to fill the seats. Get a football guy. Maybe Cowher would take the gig. It's a cold weather place with crazy fans, and even though we hated the chin, having that John Merrick sized appendage on the lower half of his grille roaming our sidelines would make everybody stomp till the whole place smelled like beer-sweat. Glad Jauron's gone, but I don't think the team will be much different the rest of the season. Edwards is feeble, never been a winner. Fitzgerald mediocre. No leadership. If they get the right GM/Football guy in place, I'm back on board. Till then, I'm on the sideline watching the carnage.
  23. This thread is making me laugh and changing my morning a bit. I just saw the clip on ESPN. This guy should be fined a million bucks for doing that. It was classless, clueless, and really inappropriate. And it will make headlines.
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