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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Hey, everybody knew the Rams were gonna suck. They only one a single game last year. They are 6-7 right now, which is a huge improvement. They actually should've won 2 more games, but they didn't realize at the time that they were good enough to win those games. This illustrates what a franchise quarterback can do for a sad sack of a team.
  2. We have Fitzpatrick at QB, a bunch of scrubs at WR (except evans, who is inconsequential), a very patchwork OL, no TE's to speak of, a div. 3 RB, and CJ Spiller, and somehow we move the ball. Got nearly 200 on the ground, and Fitz has td passes in 14 straight games. Admit it, one and all. Chan Gailey knows how to run an offense. Give us a couple years to get a defense, and get ready for the playoffs.
  3. I think it was the "Just Give it to Him" game, after the guy ran up the field, gave the Pats the first down after he caught the ball 8 feet out of bounds and a yard short.....and then the interference on the Hail Mary. I was on my knees screaming at the t.v. when my wife came home and busted me. I was so angry I couldn't even tell her what had just happened.
  4. I don't hate referees, I just feel better when they're not around. They've impacted several games for us this year. Yesterday was no exception. Would we still have lost? Sure, but they turned it into a one-sided clown show. McKelvin's fumble recovery....for a Touchdown, just didn't happen, apparently. The Bills suck, so nothing makes a difference. They call these games like those guys in Remember the Titans. The Bills lost two more starter on defense last week....who cares? They're the Bills, nobody cares. We're a freaking novelty to this league. When we play close games, it's interesting....but if we won any of those close games it would be an embarrassment to any of those teams. We had 60% of our OL leave the field yesterday, and the announcers were busy showing black and white shots of Butty Ryan. I thought we were gonna end up with McCargo playing center. The reason Fitz dropped that snap at the one is it's the first or second time he's taken a snap from whomever was snapping at the moment. I didn't like the touchdown call because I don't think the receiver's second foot actually came down on the ground. I think it landed on McKelvin. On our fullback's fumble, I thought the ball was touching him while his legs were out of bounds, which should've been ruled a dead ball. Jared Allen had free reign out there. I don't know why we didn't keep in an extra guy to block him. But he did jack Fitzpatrick a number of times. no call. My favorite though was the call on our guy for unnecessary roughness by blocking the punter. As if there is a rule that you're not allowed to block the punter 20 yards downfield. That was absurd. We're a bunch of clowns, and we are a novelty. Nobody takes us seriously. Especially the officials, including that prissy dope who called the game yesterday.
  5. Oh, that guy is a GREAT guy, and I wish I had his optimism....I might actually have some of it, but I have some sort of a Bills fan reverse double whammy double jinx thing going, thinking if I pretend that the worst is coming that somehow that will affect the game and make them win. It never works.
  6. That is exactly what happened!! I was in that bar with Bob, and I had taken off toward the other end, high fiving a bunch of people when suddenly it all stopped. I spent the next 10 minutes saying, "it's over, it's over," and the guy across from Bob kept saying he wasn't giving up. But any Bills fan knew when he dropped that ball that the game was over. I also lost my mind when Roethislberger ran for a first down on 3rd and 18. I just left the room and went into the rest room to chill and whiz. I actually knew they were gonna lose when they gave up that first down.
  7. I'm not rooting for the team to lose. What I'm saying is today about 30 of us got the feeling of winning. Beating Pittsburgh. Then it went away, and we moved on. I hope they win every week. That's why I go. But when the season is over and we are outside looking into the playoff picture, for once I'd like to have a premium pick. What a tangled web we weave.
  8. I was with Bills Backers in St. Louis, and we were all jumping around high fiving when Steve Johnson had the ball in his hands, and were stunned when he dropped it. But for those 5 seconds, we were elated and bonding as Bills fans. The Bills should've won that game. But seeing what is going on, and how we cannot possibly make the playoffs, I'd almost rather lose these games than win and pick 12th or 16th or something. I want an impact player, and as long as they keep playing their guts out, I'll keep watching them.
  9. I was at a spot here in St. Louis with a bunch of Backers, and we had hope when the defense held. But then that punt bounced to the 1 yard line, and somebody said, "That bounce is a perfect example of life as a Bills fan." I don't know how something destined to happen takes a complete turn for the worst possible scenario. There are about a dozen things that could've gone the other way today. I am beating a dead horse here.
  10. The problem I have is when the official is standing next to the coach waiting for his timeout. He's paying attention to the coach and not to he game. There is no "coach judge". He's supposed to be watching the game, not listening to a coach preparing for the perfect moment to call a timeout. How many times have we witnessed referees standing four feet from a coach who is screaming at him, and pretending that he cannot hear the coach. Yet on this particular play, the referee is poised to blow the whistle the moment the KC coach tells him. It's almost a conspiracy between coach and ref. They wait for the perfect time, between when the center starts to snap and when he snaps. It's total bs.
  11. Why did the clock stop at 37 seconds? KC declined the penalty, thus the play stood as executed, and the clock should've started running at that point. Instead, it froze at 37 and gave them an extra down and more time to plan.
  12. Yeah, it was beautiful. I went to Letchworth on Friday and spent some time fishing too. I went home mainly to watch my kid play ball. I am a supporter of the team....here's an example: In 1985 I drove from Milwaukee to Chicago by myself to watch the Bills play preseason against the Bears. QB for the Bills? Matheson. I've lived through some bad times, but this seems so pathetic....you guys know what's happening.
  13. My son had a baseball game at 5 p.m. central, and I thought I would enjoy that game more. You guys have a lot of nerve to criticize me for telling the truth. I sat there with the phone in hand ready to change my flight, struggling with the idea of coming all the way to WNY and not going to see the team. But then I thought about just how far the Bills have sunk. Even worse than ever. And it made me decide I would rather watch a bunch of 8 year olds kick around a baseball. I did have fun with my kid.
  14. I booked a ticket for a return to WNY to visit friends and family, to culminate with a Bills game. On Saturday I changed my flight to come home early. I could not take the thought of going thru all that effort to get to the game, park, drink, watch the team, and leave for the airport. Turns out I was right. I am a lifelong fan, but the truth is, I did not find it within me to go to that game on a perfect day, despite not being at the Ralph for at least 7 years.
  15. Maybin had already returned to his position before the guy moved. It was a bad call. I thought the officiating was okay. They even called offensive pass interference on the Pats. Very unusual.
  16. That made me laugh out loud. I thought the same thing, He comes running in, declares Pats ball, and he didn't even look into the pile.
  17. He was paying tribute to the guys with the guns. wtf. a sack?
  18. down by 15, 6 minutes left. running the ball and throwing 3 yard passes. what's new?
  19. I'm sitting in a bar in St. Louis with a bunch of Bills fans. i just checked in to see the reaction to that call on Maybin. Just give it to them. They didn't need those yards. What about Brady acting all huffy when he gets a first down? Does he remember who they are playing?
  20. This isn't Grand Island v. Trott Vocational. This is the NFL. Everybody is lining up to worship the Green Bay Packers...as if they are the 27 Yankees. There is not one person anywhere who respects the Bills enough to say this game will be close. You know what? The game is played on the field, not in the paper. The Packers were lucky as hell that Aaron Rodgers dropped from #2 to the mid 20's in that draft. They got really lucky. That was not genius. Genius was the trade for Favre. I'm just tired of all the adolation. The Bills stunk last week. So did a lot of teams. This is a new day. There's a pool at work where every week you pick the team you are sure will lose. Everybody except me chose the Bills this week. Everybody. The pool will be over this week. I will win the pool because I did not choose my team to lose.
  21. What are they going to show? Our guys missing tackles? A punt dying at the 1 yard line? Trent throwing 3 consecutive 3 yard passes from the 1 yard line? Having a bad offensive line can be compensated for by creative, unexpected playcalling. The plays out of the wildcat were working. I don't know what to say. More of the same. I expected more from Chan Gailey's game plan. Maybe it's true that we are one of the worst teams.
  22. Greenberg picket the Jets to win the Super Bowl. He's a homer. Anyone who proclaims the Bills to be the worst team in the league, or of all time, is not paying attention. That's all. In a couple weeks they will all be paying attention, and the Bills will ascend from the bottom.
  23. I'll bet you 100 bucks right now that they win more than 3 games.
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