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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. I don't know what those idiots in the press are drinking. I don't care. I know this: Sunday 9/11 at noon central I'll be at Lester's in St. Louis with about 100 Bills fans, and we will be cheering for our team. I hope we win that game!! I think we're much improved. Can't wait!! Bring on the Chefs!
  2. Time will tell. I believe that tonite is the first game when we've had all the defensive starters on the field at once. Should be fun to watch for a few minutes. The team cannot help but improve against the run. Drafting Dareus took care of that. It's the pass rush that will make the difference this year. the key to a great pass defense is the pass rush. Hopefully Merriman and his pals will take care of this. I like having Wanny in charge of that group. This could be a fun year. That's a FACT. This could be fun.
  3. He's looked pretty good. Blocked a field goal attempt last week. I think he'll be great for the Rams.
  4. The operative question: Why DID you watch that sober? Tip a few and move on. It's the Buffalo Way.
  5. I don't know why anybody would choose to trash the thoughts in the initial post. The guy who yawned is particularly rude. This guy is a die hard Bills fan from day one, and should be given a big round of applause for NEVER abandoning his team. He's lived through more disappointment and heartache than most of the younger people on this board. He's witnessed glory days and disasters, and he keeps coming back. I'm the same way. I'll always be a fan of the Buffalo Bills, no matter what.
  6. The Bills should invest a 3rd round pick on Pryor. He's a beast who can fly.
  7. Gailey said he was just playing basic offense and 4 man rushes on defense. He said he was trying to see how people played. He didn't throw any wrinkles. When we had a 4 man rush, they had six guys blocking. I saw a lot of good in that game. I'm not worried at all. They're right where they are supposed to be.
  8. Actually, it's "toute suite" or "toute de suite." As soon as I read the post, I googled and found out the truth toute suite.
  9. Spiller.....8th pick in the draft, and almost zero impact last year. There must be some talent in that guy, or he would not have been drafted that high. I don't even know if I noticed more than a couple flashes of talent all year long. My question is this: Can Chan Gailey design an offense that enables CJ Spiller to break loose and live up to his billing? We've got 2 guys...Spiller and Parrish who are allegedly very dangerous in the open field. Can Gailey get them out into space? He also has Brad Smith to mix things up. Are there going to be enough plays to diversify this offense enough to get these guys enough touches to make a difference? If Chan is as creative as he seems to be....watch out. This can be a very explosive group of athletes. I don't want to watch CJ Spiller dancing around behind the line of scrimmage looking for a hole. I want to see him breaking open, faking LB's out of their shoes, and scoring a bunch of TD's.
  10. Maybin says he's excited to see the Bills twice a year. If he makes their roster is there any way he'll actually suit up for a game? I watched the Chicago tape. it was almost as if he were avoiding making contact with people. He just isn't a good professional football player.
  11. Absolutely not. The Bills are going to play a lot better than that.
  12. Booker Moore got Guillen Barre Syndrome, or something to that effect, and was paralyzed for about a year.
  13. More experience and hopefully more health on the offensive line. Better tight ends. A confident Fitz. Spiller adjusting to pro offense. Brad Smith. Better backup QB. Another year's experience for young wideouts. Return of Easley. Return of Parrish.
  14. Let's hold off for a bit before condemning this trade. Maybe they'll take the money they saved and get some help for the OL. Evans did not have a good year last year or the year before. I think we'll be okay without him. We stunk with him. How much worse can we be? I will miss him not catching passes (average 2-3 per game), and honestly I don't think i could pick him out of a police lineup if he wasn't wearing his gear.
  15. I remember watching Brad Smith dominate for Mizzou. And he was a pretty good passer. There's strong competition in the Big 12, and Brad Smith was a terrific player. I think that Chan will find a way to take full advantage of the gifts of Brad Smith. One good thing is that he can't be too banged up. He really didn't get the ball enough for the Jets. I'll bet he gives defenses big headaches this year. I was really happy they signed him. He threw for nearly 9000 yards, and ran for over 4000 in 4 years. Scary good player.
  16. I'm sort of glad Stevie dropped that ball against the Steelers. The St. Louis Bills Backers were jumping up and down, high fiving each other and going nuts except for one guy who was sitting there saying "he dropped it." So for about 5 seconds we all felt the thrill of victory. Then we got Dareus. I'd rather have Dareus for the next 8-10 years than a 5th victory last year. At the time I was bummed, but I'm over it. Let's go Buffalo. I don't believe for one second that the Bills are the worst team in the league right now. Anything can happen. We're a much improved team over last year's.
  17. I thought he signed with Detroit. Is he still on the market? Seems like a good fit....small market team with insane fans.
  18. OK. You don't like the move. I do. I watched the guy play at Mizzou. He was the best player in the Big 12. I think he'll score a bunch for the team.
  19. Why wouldn't you want to play in Buffalo? It's a great place to play football. You can go play in cities in the offseason and during bye weeks. Bills fans are the best in the world. We never stop.
  20. Poz said he really wanted to stay in Buffalo, that's where he felt at home, loyal. great fans, etc. One day into free agency and he is gone. It reminds me of Cornelius Benedict Arnold scurrying off to Atlanta after saying he wanted to be a Bill for life. I'm not blaming Poz for leaving. I'm asking him why he laid out the BS about wanting to stay. And then they laid out more BS about what a great organization we have here. It's all nonsense. The players go where the money is. That's how we ended up with Langston Walker and that guy from the Redskins we signed 7 years 49 million, which led to the departure of Jason Peters. Give it a week. The dust and the lies and BS will dissipate and we'll have ourselves a nice roster. Thigpen is a nice pickup. Maybe we'll get Barnett from Green Bay. Who knows? It's all about the Benjamins. If this team is healthy, I think we're in for a fun season.
  21. If you google Aaron Maybin, the first prompt is "Aaron Maybin bust". I'm wondering if that can motivate this kid to get going. He's got talent, speed....I saw him destroy a guy in a game at KC two years ago. If he could just do that about 8 times a game, we might have something. Has he no pride? Does he want to go down in history as "Aaron Maybin bust," or "Aaron Maybin's Bust in NFL Hall of Fame"?
  22. He landed on his own guy. I think if somebody wants to get a head start and try to leap up and block a field goal, that's AWESOME. They are rarely blocked, and it might add an element of suspense to chip shots.
  23. Yes, they got the call right. But even Periera admitted they shouldn't have made the call. It was idiotic, like "in the crease." I believe they could call "Leaping" on every field goal attempt, because somebody is always leaving his feet to try to block the kick. Why would the idiot enforce that rule and give the game to the Colts? It's not as if everybody on the sidelines and stands was screaming, "hey, LEAPING!! LEAPING!!" Nobody knew wtf happened, and it should not have been called. Right?
  24. NFL network ran a show of the top 10 comebacks in history. Of course I watched to see the Oilers game. But #3 was a Indy/Tampa game that featured an absurd call. In overtime, Indy lined up for a 40 yard FG and it went wide right. There was a flag. They got some Buc for "LEAPING." Yeah, the guy jumped in the air, and landed on somebody on the way down. He did not block the kick. He jumped in the air. Unsportsmanlike conduct, rekick, the Colts win. Leaping. It brings back memories of "Just give it to him" and "interference on a Hail Mary" Leaping. Manning's comment on the game: "Leaping!"
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