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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. I join the St. Louis Bills Backers nearly every week. I had to leave at the half yesterday. My 9 year old son had a 2 p.m. baseball game, the scoundrel. I watched the game unfold on ESPN.com. I missed most of the bad calls. I will mention that I called the "tuck rule" during the t.v. timeout. i knew they wouldn't let that stand. bastards. i have yet to see the controversial Stevie Johnson play. However, I did catch the re-spot of Dalton's run. that was bullshi@. When his knee hit the ground, he was CLEARLY short of the yard marker. When they spotted it, the ball was halfway across the yard marker. I do not see how a replay official could miss that. His knee was down and the ball had not reached the hash mark. It's clear. I was sitting in the bleachers at the time, and ESPN read 3rd and 3, Dalton runs 2 yards, 4th and 1. And then it just sat there for about 5 minutes, then it changed to Dalton runs 3 yards. 1st and 10. I told my sister-in-law, the refs just decided to give the game to the Bengals. I had no idea that they had decided that earlier when that a-hole from downfield took the catch away from Johnson. Although I did sense it earlier with the tuck rule, and the Bengals being allowed to hammer the f##k out of Fitz after he released the ball....including one play where it looked like the guy was trying to twist his knee off the joint. You guys can stand with all this feigned dignity about how the officiating was poor but the Bengals outplayed the Bills. That's fine. We don't stoop to blame the refs. Except for one thing: yesterday they did affect the outcome with at least 3 huge mistakes. not to mention numerous pass interferences, holds, etc. Stand tall and take the blame for the loss. the refs never cause the loss. Yeah, right. I do think they should dump the DC. He just doesn't look like he knows what he's doing, and the facts prove that assertion.
  2. He should remember not to keep his mouth shut when speaking to the press.
  3. This game contained what was perhaps the most gutless call in Bills history as Gregg Williams called for a punt on 4th and 2 from the Patriots 31 (instead of a FG attempt or GO FOR IT!!) and ended up with a 12 yard punt. That punt killed the Bills spirit and they went on to lose the game. They were tied for first going in, and were out after that. However, my recollection is that the Patriots ran at least a dozen screen plays, each of which worked to perfection. Years later somebody leaked that Belichek had spies in the stands. They must have been stealing our defensive signals and abusing us. Cheaters. Chan won't have that happen.
  4. Line up and beat the guy in front of you. It's as simple as pud.
  5. I thought you looked familiar!! Is that a freckle on your elbow? I don't remember your having one of those.
  6. I remember him dropping a few in preseason too. I don't know why he's on the team.
  7. That play was perfectly designed, and the two receivers were so close to each other it must've looked like coverage. Smith could've lobbed that 50 yards and one of them would've tap danced into the endzone.
  8. There have been some great moments. I think the loudest, most thrilling game ever for me was 1973 MNF vs. Oakland when Joe Ferguson was a rookie and we had Ahmad Rashad, and there were about 4 lead changes in the last 2 minutes. George Blanda missed a 50 yard field goal as time expired. I lost my voice. Yes, I am old.
  9. In the story, the reporter states, "Neither Easley, family members nor his agent could not be reached." Do two negatives = a positive? Actually three negatives in that statement. WTF does this mean anyway? What is reality?
  10. They Bills are all the way up to number 17 this week, one notch behind Oakland. That's a good rise, eh?
  11. If that's what he meant, great. If he meant they bear the chips, as in they are there and....well, you know the rest. I stand corrected. If that's what he meant.
  12. That's funny. I was going to respond directly to him, but I guess he is already being pomparded with abuse. That's right, POMPARDED. Not a word. I would like to amend your statement......what Emerson said was "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Doing good things consistently is fine. Doing foolish things consistently is a little kooky. Or is that cookie? Also....shouldn't it read "Bills Proudly BEAR Chips on Shoulders"? The header reads "Bills Broudly Bare Chips on Shoulders"
  13. I hope that the team doesn't look at the Oakland game as an automatic win. That team swept its own division last year, and they are ALWAYS tough to play. Get ready for a huge test.
  14. I don't know if it's called Elimination Pool, but you know, the one where you pick one team every week.....to lose. If the team you pick wins, you are done for the season. This punk at work swung in my office and declared he was going to pick the Bills every week this year. I said, "Are you nuts? Miami's playing New England!" He explained that my team sucks, and I said, hey last year we took KC to OT, should've won the game, and we're much better this year....and KC isn't looking too good. He scoffed at that, said, "Buddy, your team sucks!!" He's OUT!! Can't wait to get to work today and say hello.
  15. The satellite was out, and they only had one cable feed. So the Rams game was on, and I split. I was upset with myself that I did not tape the game. So far, looking good.
  16. Starting to get a bad feeling. Nice adjustment to put Hali over Pears. Welcome to WalMart, here's our quarterback.
  17. My son and I went to the St. Louis Bills Backers event, and the satellite was down. So I came home....it's on t.v. at home. How can you not like what is happening here?
  18. I thought Antowain Smith was a good football player. Same goes for Jeff Burris. Thomas Smith was good too. That's my opinion.
  19. I like Chan for speaking his mind and believing in his team. The defense is much improved, Ryan's got a full year under his belt, as do the rest of the guys on offense. Let's go, Bills!! I hope they knock KC's ass right off!
  20. Four other major events on September 7: 1980, Bills beat Miami, ending a 10 year losing streak. 9/7/79 ESPN on the air the first time. 9/7/36 Buddy Holly was born. 9/7/2003 Warren Zevon died. Also, it's my birthday. That's how I know all this crap.
  21. I noticed that Peter talked very slowly, as if he were trying to stretch to fill one minute with interesting info on the Bills. It reminded me of writing papers in college with 4 inch margins on each side.
  22. There are some things that winning teams have in common: Good coach, great quarterback. What was Bellicek before Brady came along? Nearly all the New England coaches have failed to excel in their new posts because they are lacking Tom Brady. The Colts are gonna suck if they don't have Peyton Manning. The Packers got to the Super Bowl with who? Don Majkowski? Lynn Dickey? No. Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers. We got to the Super Bowl with uh, Jim Kelly. The Steelers win with Bradshaw and Roethlisberger. We were gonna take Roethlisberger but Pittsburgh snapped him up. That ship has sailed. I trust that Nix/Gailey have the right concept in place, and the best quarterback for the present time is Fitzpatrick. They chose Dareus over Gabbert. No brainer, if you've seen the guy play. Game changer. There is an Andrew Luck sweepstakes, but I predict that he will not go to the team with the worst record in football. Somebody will step up and do a trade similar to the Herschel Walker/Ricky Williams type deals, and trade about 10 picks to get Andrew Luck. Maybe it will be Buffalo. Maybe this is the year they build the team so that they don't need an entire draft next year. Just one pick. Trade the whole draft for Luck and move on. Maybe Luck will get hurt and this will all be a moot point. I'm ready for the Chefs. Bring it, Bills.
  23. I don't hold anything against anybody for the Maybin fiasco. Most draft pundits had him going right around where he went. Some had him going as high as #6. He supposedly was a crazy talent. Didn't work out. I wasn't too fond of the holdout and the haircut. I did see him make an awesome tackle against the Chiefs 2 years ago.
  24. There was a Southwest Airlines ad a few years ago during which a guy had painted the end zone "CHEFS" instead of "CHIEFS". Since then, many of us have referred to the Chiefs as the Chefs. That's what I did in my post.
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