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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. I don't know if guys like me ran anybody out of town. I'm suggesting that Stevie needs to grow up or get out. It's a team sport. I love this team. I live in St. Louis. The Rams may be the biggest joke in sports. The Bills are a dream team compared to what's happening in this town.
  2. Wow. Well, I think this is a team sport, and when a player draws focus on himself he takes the focus off the team. I think Stevie Johnson is all about himself. I think that the guy running over to hand the ball to the Cowboys cheerleader should've kept running out the vom into the street. Does anybody think Vince Lombardi would put up with this crap? Sure, football is supposed to be fun. Winning is fun. When you're losing by 21 to the Cowboys and you run over to your girlfriend, that's not fun. That's premeditated idiocy. It's a bad idea. Get back to the sidelines and see if you can get ready to try and get more points. I don't know if Stevie is a great receiver. Great receivers make plays. His drops cost us two games. Whatever. I'm like most of you, been a fan my whole life. Every Sunday I go to church and then go to meet with a bunch of other Bills fans and watch this team. Don't trash me for having an opinion. Disagreements are good. Trashing is not.
  3. I got a little sick watching Stevie waddle over and hand the ball to the ref the other day. He just doesn't get it. That was a planned event. I'd fine him for that idiocy. Not sure I want a show-off like that on the team. Plus, he has the annoying tendency to drop big passes at critical times. How much worse would we be without him? I do blame this collapse on the injuries. We've lost starters at so many key positions. I also blame the record on the tough schedule. We're lucky to have 5 wins, playing the schedule we've had this year.
  4. Not the point. Obviously Stevie did a lot of damage. But this was in response to the guy claiming 9/11. I think Stevie just did an idiotic thing.
  5. Maybe Stevie was honoring Sullenberger, that pilot who landed the jet in the Hudson River, saving hundreds of lives. Did the Jets ever think about that? Maybe he was conjuring good memories. After all, he jumped up and ran away. This is the sign of a survivor, not a victim of a terrorist attack.
  6. There are about 50 stories about Stevie's idiotic plays yesterday. He should be benched. He cost the team the game. One Jet said that Stevie's drop of that perfect pass by Fitz was "karma." I agree. Johnson is not the only idiot on the team, however. What about Nelson running across to the other side of the field to deliver a football to his cheerleader girlfriend? Weren't the Bills getting crushed at the time? That's not team play. That's selfish. This team needs to focus on each other, not on the cameras. I'm sick of it.
  7. It all starts with a pass rush. We don't have one right now. However, I think McLovin should've knocked that ball to the pavement.
  8. Our receiver corps is a 7th round pick and a bunch of street guys. The tight end is a Dallas castoff. Kyle Williams made the Pro Bowl last year. The missing players listed above were all starters or contributors. This has been a good year, all things considered. But if we were healthy we wouldn't have been destroyed today. No pass rush. Whatever. I'm moving on to next week's game.
  9. Hey I know we looked like crap today. I thought we couldn't have played worse after the Jets game. We bottomed out today. We are missing a lot of guys. And now Eric Wood is down. Why does this happen every single year? Ryan wasn't at his best, but man did they drop some big passes today. Spiller had a 40 yarder drop, Jones flipped one to the DB for a pick. It was a bad game. Move on to next week.
  10. I thought that was a bad spot too, and read Gailey's lips "should i challenge?" and was glad they did. I thought they got screwed. But the play they called would not have worked in a hundred tries. I don't know why they didn't do a play action or rollout or something not so obvious. The Jets stacked the whole team up there to stop the run, and we got stuffed. Game changer.
  11. Hey, the Bills got nearly 300.....so it wasn't as if they were dominated. The Jets got 80 on that first drive alone. Break the game down, we were outplayed, but the refs did have an impact on the final score. And they are not supposed to do that. Whether or not they had an impact on who actually won, it's just impossible to say.
  12. It's nice to see an objective unsolicited commentary on that ridiculous series of events. Gave them 14 points.
  13. Yeah, yeah....the Jets dominated the Bills, we played like crap (being outgained by a whopping 60 yards in the game), the refs have no impact on anything at all. I've heard that. they suck. there was no reason to overturn that interception. there were at least 2, maybe 3 times the Bills receivers we interfered with. the long pass to Prison Break....he was jamming McKelvin's helmet for about 25 yards and then pushed him away so he could make the catch. The pass interference call on McKelvin was a bad call. Those last two plays alone gave the Jets 14 points. and the blown interception call gave them another 3. Yeah, they kicked our butt. Of course they did. They didn't need the additional boost by the steroid man.
  14. That was definitely pass interference on the play to Freddie Jackson. Whether or not it was first down yardage is inconsequential. Interference....first down!! I've read what the coach and the QB say about that pass to Stevie that got picked. I disagree with them making the call. We were in field goal range, and I think we could've run the ball a couple times and taken the FG. But that's why I work at my job and watch them do theirs.
  15. When you put the words "tough" and "though" back to back and they don't even come close to rhyming, it illustrates what a crazy language we speak here in England.
  16. Sorry, man. I overreacted. The guy at work mentioned that the NFL is all about the Patriots and Kraft is Satan and Goodell one of his minions. We had a laugh and I posted. Being a Bills fan for many decades has had its affect on me......I'm afraid to be confident, because it jinxes the team. I'm a lunatic. But, I mean well. No, but I sometimes I wish I could have been.
  17. You wanna bet with me? Sorry to disgust you with my words of confidence in my team. Go sheesh yourself.
  18. On ESPN's site, everybody except one guy picks Philly. Even billsdaily.com picks the Eagles. Let me ask you this: Would you rather play poorly and lose, or play great and lose? The team was way off last week, and they only lost by a last second field goal on the road to a clearly inspired Cincinnati team.....with a LOT of help from the officials. This week we are at home. We are underdogs. That's not right. Philly will be tough, but I believe our team will come out and play solid. Maybe this is good that we don't have a great pass rush. Vick would run right thru it anyway. Let's keep him in the pocket and move on.
  19. I remember a playoff game v. Cincinnati way way back in the early 80's when the Bills were victims of a horrendous game changing call. They were driving down the field and Ferguson hit Piccone for a first down at the 9. Piccone was hit in the back with a flag as he ran out of bounds to stop the clock. The penalty was Delay of Game. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when somebody is hit with a Delay of Game, don't the refs blow the whistle and stop the play? This penalty was called after the Bills had come out of a time out. I'd never seen Delay of Game called after a time out. And the penalty ended up killing the drive, and the Bills lost. I was sitting with Eddie Wise, who was at the time Martin Mull's piano player. And he opined that the refs were definitely on the take for that game.
  20. No, we were drinking kool-aid and blaming Bartman for the loss.
  21. Hey, relax. We're kidding here. How stupid are you to believe that I'm serious? Who's the moron? That's unnecessary. Do you think that grown men actually believe that Robert Kraft is Satan and that Roger Goodell sold his soul? Jeez.
  22. I've been off work since Saturday. I missed the second half of the game (at my son's little league game) and monitored it via my droid. This morning we were discussing the possible motivation for the horrendous one-sided officiating on Sunday, and my friend (Bears fan) explained that it was all designed to get New England back into first place where they belong. He says Kraft is Satan, and Goodell sold his soul to get that job. Makes sense to me. Think about it: When was the last time anybody saw the Tuck Rule called? When was the last time a ref came running from out of position to change a call (just give it to them)?
  23. You can see the shadow of the ball is well short of the end zone on Stevie's play last week. When his knee touched, the ball had not yet reached the end zone. That was pretty clear. My question was how can a review guy look at Dalton's knee, see where the ball is, and then allow it to be spotted at least a foot beyond where it was. That's absurd. You can freeze frame it and it's easy to see. I get the same response from my pals at work when I try to explain how that goal in the Philly game shouldn't have counted because it did not go into the goal. It's like mounting a deer on the wall while it's still alive. If you didn't shoot the deer, he ain't dead. The goal never existed, so the score should never have gone on the board. They say, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Wrong. Get the call right. It ain't rocket science.
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