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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. CJ Ah You is actually still playing....with the Rams. Had a decent year for a team that is the worst in football. They won 2 games. one they won because cleveland missed a 20 yard fg at the end of the game. the other win was a totally absurd victory over the saints. should've gone 0-16.
  2. Projected by many as a first round pick. Went to high school right here in St. Louis. Only difference between him and Jeremy Maclin is talent.
  3. I was just walking across the parking lot to get a burger, and suddenly stopped to reflect upon which player was more of a disappointment.....Kamil Loud or Kwame Cavil. I would still be standing there, but I chose to move on with my life. I still don't know the answer.
  4. I read a story someplace that the Giants defense is #27 overall in the league. Aren't they famous for their defense? What happened? I'll tell you....Perry Fewell happened. Giants fans were after his head. So our defense was rotten and porous, and finished a couple clicks behind the Giants. Put that in perspective. Glad to see Edwards out. That defense was out of position half the time, and lost the other half.
  5. the St. Louis Bills Backer squad did not report for duty this week. The restaurant where we meet closed at 2 p.m., so we decided not to meet. That's why they won.
  6. Here in St. Louis they force the Rams/Steelers upon us.
  7. While I respect your opinion to disagree with others, I don't think it's necessary to call names. It's sometimes good to find solace in these losses. If we took them all to heart, there would be a 5-mile line to jump off the Rainbow Bridge.
  8. Yeah, I'm aware of that. I'm in denial, though. At the time, we were playing a lot better than we are right now. We are not a playoff caliber team right now. Earlier in the year, when healthy, I think we could play with nearly anyone. I think my point is that we stink right now, and as long as we stink I'm glad we're getting a good draft position out of it.
  9. I think we should have beat Cinci.....17 point lead, couple bad calls, tuck rule away from that win. Should have beat the Giants....had the ball in field goal range with under 3 minutes left and threw it away. Should've won. Could have, maybe should have beat the Jets....Stevie Johnson's manic end zone deal and his dropped pass prevented that win. My point is, yeah we're broken. We've lost so many guys to injury and have played rotten in a few games, and our record is 5-8. We could be 8-5, or realistically 7-6 and maybe not feel as badly as we do right now. Question, and I seriously doubt that anybody is still reading this.....knowing that we're not a playoff team, are you okay finishing with 5-6 wins and picking in the top 10? I still go the the same place every week and sit with the same people, win or lose. We're fans.
  10. Think about the matchups. They've got Vincent Jackson and Gates and other big timers running around being covered by 7th round draft choices and street free agents, and well, Leodis. But the key is the pass rush, which does not exist. Their starters are better than our backups. And we have no pass rush.
  11. Hagan caught at least one pass that I recall, and he had worked himself into being wide open downfield....the ball was slightly underthrown and he was muscled to the ground. Flag was tossed, the ref closest to the play called interference, but after meeting the crew remembered it was the Bills, so they put the flag away. But it was good to see a guy get open. Caussin was all but invisible. I think he caught one of those fancy 2 yard passes. I may be wrong about this.
  12. Here are a bunch of players sitting around, injured. Wondering how many of these you guys think will be starters next year: Demetrius Bell Eric Wood Roscoe Parrish Freddie Jackson Donald Jones Marcus Easley Kyle williams Torrell Troupe Shawne Merriman Terrence McGee Torbor Rian Lindell I would say Bell, Wood, Freddie, and Williams will be starters. Troupe, if he's healthy and the scouts have any ability whatsoever, should contribute. Parrish, Jones, Easley (if his ticker works) should contribute, although it could be argued that none of them will be around. Merriman.....probably done, McGee, cut. Torbor, I'm not even sure what he does. We had a lot of other guys miss significant time, Leodis, Aaron Williams, George Wilson, Hairston, Kelsay. I'm just thinking that maybe we might have a decent nucleus....maybe they need better doctors around here.
  13. Hilarious observation. You opened the door for a bunch of amusing responses, but the original post set the standard. Well done.
  14. Yeah, man. It was really good. There was a point in 1962 when one of the characters called somebody an "ass-hat," and that sort of broke the spell for me, like the penny in "Somewhere in Time."
  15. I just finished Stephen King's new book, "11/22/63," a really good read about a guy who is able to go back in time, and his efforts to prevent the assassination of JFK. Last week while watching the Bills lose to the Titans, I asked the people in my group if they thought somebody should write a book called "01/27/91"....A guy goes back in time and somehow gets Norwood to make that kick. I think Buffalo would be that shining city on the hill that whatsisname....Ross Perot....kept referencing. Alabaster streets paved with shiny children and happy people. I think we would've elected Norwood to Congress, and certainly by now he'd be running either Wegman's or the USA. Bennett wouldn't have left for Atlanta. They would change the name of Lockport to Kellyville. That's what I think for starters. A better planet for all of us.
  16. It's annoying to go through this year after year. Every time there's a guy down, it's one of our better players. Seeing Eric Wood in a heap was the one that really got me. Anyway, go down the line....Wood, Bell, Freddie, Roscoe, Easley, Kyle Williams, #24, Aaron Williams, George Wilson....not to mention the countless starts missed by starters. This happens every year. I know other teams have injuries, but it seems we have the worst. Our receiving squad is a 7th round pick, a bunch of street guys, and Ruvell, who couldn't catch a beachball handed to him by a Dolphins cheerleader. I've been telling guys at work that our team is "broken" and we just don't have enough left to make the playoffs. We still try, and we'll knock a few people around before all is said and done. I can't wait for a healthy team next year. I say that every year. Oh yeah. Screw Maybin.
  17. OP here. Know what? You guys are right. I don't give a crap. I'm an a-hole. Have a good night.
  18. amen to the first part of the post. boo to the second part about my being an idiot or a troll. it's just a way to pass some time.
  19. Sorry.....I didn't know that somebody already pointed this out....I was responding to your post on page two. I think Chan showed good restraint with his public comments about Stevie. I hope his internal handling of the issue was pretty intense. Stevie's actions were quite costly. I don't want him to leave the team. I totally disagree with cutting him. I might fine him for the waddle, because it seemed as rehearsed as the shooting/plane crash deal. But that would be internal. And I might put him in a room with a veteran like Barnett to have a chat about the issue.
  20. I said what he did was idiotic. I didn't call him an idiot. I think he needs to grow up and take the focus off rehearsing his celebrations.
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