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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. I was astonished that they didn't take a knee. I was at a Bills Backers bar in St. Louis, and I muttered, "Take a knee." Thinking they would go to the locker room, try to make adjustments, and take the second half kickoff. Then Chan called a pass. Incomplete. I was thinking, WTF???? So Spiller runs one up the middle for a few, and I think, "There we go, kill the clock!!" and I headed for the restroom. When I came out, San Fran was lining up for an extra point. I asked, "What happened?" Chandler fumbled, and on the next play the scored. Check please. I'm done watching these idiots.
  2. I had so much hope this year. It's gone. They do this every year. Give us hope, snatch it away, and not really seem to care one way or the other.
  3. I left the Bills backers group at halftime after that asinine idea of not taking a knee with 45 seconds left. Anything good happen since? I cannot watch from home.
  4. When we recovered the fumble with, what, 45 seconds left in the half, I said, they should take a knee. Nothing good can come of this. Fitz throws a pass, I'm thinking wtf. Then Spiller runs up the middle for a few, and I think that's the end of the half, so I go to the restroom. I come out and San Fran is lining up for an extra point. What happened? Fumble. Why would you even take a chance? Go to the locker room, regroup, and take the ball down the field. Only down by 7. I don't even know what the score is right now, I just got home. I'm sure it's worse.
  5. Hey, I'm the OP on this. I don't think I've ever seen worse defense than the Bills in the second half. It was as if their hearts had been ripped out and they were turnstiles. It was embarrassing. But I believe that had they kept possession and run some successful drives, maybe scored a couple more td's, this game could have been won. doesn't matter what I think, though. they got killed, they looked like idiots out there, and the pats trounced them. no argument there. you can't change any of this. i'm about ready to give up. mario williams is playing like phil dokes.
  6. You gotta move on from crap games like that. Learn what you can, gird your loins for the 49ers.
  7. Yeah, I figured that out all by myself. It's simple. Anybody remember the 9 turnover super bowl? We lost by 35, and it would have been worse if not for Don Beebe. We scored 28 points against the Patriots and gave them about 4 touchdowns with the turnovers. Just curious. Had we not turned the ball over 6 times, what do you think the score would have been?
  8. We scored 28 points and gave the ball to them 6 times. Let's just speculate on that for a moment. Had Spiller not fumbled, we would have had at least 3 points, if not, 7 just before the half. Things remaining the same, which of course is unlikely, we would have been ahead 28-7 after the td in the 3rd. Add another TD, that puts us at 35. Cancel the turnovers, and take at least three New England scores. Not to mention that our drives would probably have consumed some clock. I'm just saying....any game during which you turn the ball over 6 times, YOU WILL LOSE. It's just a matter of how many points the other team gets. You can't win with that many turnovers.
  9. The hit I mention was helmet to helmet as Fitz was going down. At our backers bar we were wondering how he didn't get injured on the play.
  10. Or when Fitz ran up the middle and the DB hit him helmet to helmet as he was on the way down. I thought that might have knocked him out. There should be a fine for that hit.
  11. The only way the ball could have gone forward toward the line of scrimmage is if it were impacted by Fitz's forward throwing motion. If it were a fumble, it would have fallen sideways or behind him. It was a forward pass.
  12. I know that some in here think it's not a problem. I disagree. It's a crapshoot out there. It's like a box of chocolates. You don't know what you're gonna get. But there's a pretty good chance it won't be very good. The media is all over this. Get the real blind men back.
  13. Anybody catch the Rams/Redskins game? The officiating was absurd in the first half.
  14. The Bills have pretty much sucked all year, including pre-season. The first team offense didn't do squat till the last preseason game, and the first d looked pretty feeble throughout. I had confidence they would take it to a winning level when the season started. They looked so pathetic last week I don't know what to think. The Jets receivers were wide open all day long. There was no pressure on the QB. Fitz threw like a drunk playing touch football. While I wasn't expecting a victory over the Jets, I was expecting a good game. That was a horrible game. I have no expectations whatsoever for tomorrow. I do, however, have suite tickets for the 3 p.m. Redskins v. Rams game, and if the Bills are getting blown out, I will be on time. I hope I am late for the Rams game.
  15. It was a forward pass. But the ref was afraid to make the right call after reviewing it, knowing he would have been killed by the crowd. And we all agree that #26 got suckered out of his lane, or he would have made the tackle....or slowed the guy down a bit.
  16. I think he was signed to their active roster. He's not listed on the practice squad.....which has 8 names on it. Good for him.
  17. Bradham hits pretty damn hard, and seems to play with a chip on his shoulder. Bad things, man.
  18. I heard on the radio that Tank Carder was picked up by the Browns. That makes me mad. I wanted him to make the squad.
  19. I hope he stays with the team. I've been a fan since he literally blew up Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl a couple years ago. He is a football player. Maybe his tweet was a ruse. Maybe he's ready to hit the practice squad.
  20. I don't care about preseason. Would you rather have won that game and lost your number one draft choice, or get gobsmacked and come out of the game healthy? I think they have run a bunch of bland plays to evaluate talent. Notice that the result of that was the release of Vince Young, and the acquisition of Jackson. And the 9 cuts were made with knowledge gleaned from these games. I hope we can get to the opener without losing any starters.
  21. I am watching the Minnsota feed. These guys suck. They never name the Bills, they never show the Bills sideline, and they never recognize a good play by the Bills. Not that there have been many, but the Graham catch...not a peep about him.
  22. I was one of the guys who wanted Wilson. I also wanted Tank Carder. I'm glad we got one of them. I doubt that there are many on this board who know as much about football as Nix and company. I'm rooting for the Bills no matter what.
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