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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. I don't get all this disdain for the old man. He has dumped a lot of dough on this team, and I bet he wants to win more than any of us. He just hired the wrong guys. For all is southern charm, Nix has made some bad decisions.
  2. The main article describing the Rams win focused on the wide receivers and the catches they made on the last drive. They failed to mention the two dropped interceptions by Wilson, or the phantom penalty on Gilmore's return. However, they did run Sullivan's article tearing Chan to shreds. I'm tired of Chan Gailey's playcalling and decision-making. He's whiffed on so many opportunities, and cost us at least 3 games. One could argue that he got us the other wins, but we are a better team than the ones we beat. We are a better team than the Rams, too. And the Titans. It is time for a change. Bring Marty out of retirement. What is he, 90?
  3. I remember when Gregg called for a punt on 4th and 2 at the 32 v. the Patriots in Fall, 2002. All the talk radio after the game was about that gutless call.....that's not Buffalo Bills football!! we cried. I remember claiming that he had tic tac testicles. Now we have Gailey repeatedly showing no guts, but we just discuss it and move on.....why? Because we have come to expect NOTHING from this team under his tutelage. I watch the games, as I have done for more than 40 years, because I am a fan. Tomorrow at work I will be besieged by Rams fans saying blah blah blah, Bills suck, etc. I'll shrug it off. I think everybody watching that game knew the Bills were going to lose the moment Gailey chose to punt. Actually, I knew it was a loss when they called our guy for holding on that interception return. We expect nothing, and that's exactly what we get. We need to demand more from this group. We pay their bills.
  4. How sad is it that we are already looking at next year's draft!!
  5. I bet you don't hear that very often. In fact, this may go down as memorable as the "he was giving him the business down there" call during Kelly's rookie year.
  6. If you're referring to the play right before the field goal at the end of the first, I too believe that the clock struck zero before the ball hit the ground. I think they should have reviewed that. They basically handed the colts 3 points. Well, we handed them the opportunity when, as earlier in the year, Chan decided to throw the ball with under a minute left in the half....when we were getting the ball to start the second. First time he did this Chandler fumbled and San Fran put the game away one play later. It was stupid. And the interference on Gilmore may have been the right call, but the ref waited till the play was over for about 5 seconds and threw the flag after the receiver whined about it. If it was interference (and it was) the flag should have happened immediately. Sometimes you have to let it go and let the teams decide it on the field. They handed the Colts the game right there. An earlier interference call on the Bills was rotten, because the ball was uncatchable, but again....bad officating. They made several bad calls. But the reason we lost, primarily, was Fitzpatrick. And that they chose to rest Spiller after 14 carries. Furthermore, the reason we don't get any calls is this: Other than us, nobody gives a s**t about the Buffalo Bills. Except maybe those who have CJ on their fantasy team. Question: Do you think there was one person who played our backup tight end on Fantasy Football? Other than his immediate family I cannot think of one individual in the universe who would have gotten points for that touchdown.
  7. They should cut the OC and donate his salary to some charity. Because he's useless. What they really should do is let him call the plays, and have Chan take over as head coach. He has no idea what his defense is doing. He has no idea what's going on with special teams. He needs to be the head coach, and let his offensive coordinator take over.
  8. Once Spiller crossed the 100 yard mark, he pretty much sat down. Except for the horrible passes thrown in his direction on that drive later on. Maybe Coach decided he had enough success, and put Fred in to pile up some stats.
  9. I wish Gailey had gotten up in the ref's face after that one that landed in the stands. That drive was all penalties. And he just stood there pondering his playbook.
  10. I just watched the Rams/49ers game end in overtime with one second left. Nobody even looked at it. The guy caught the ball and landed out of bounds and there was still one tick. They could've tried a field goal. I don't know why nobody noticed that.
  11. I was just making an observation. They were particularly bad, and all the bad calls were to Indy's advantage. Not a big deal. Maybe we should trade for Gabbert.
  12. Not saying the Jags would have won. But the refs made some crazy calls.
  13. The Bills defense is probably the single most shocking element in Pro Football this year. They were supposed to be dominant up front, and they had a really good secondary. Iffy linebackers, but with that front four, we were gonna be great. Instead they are so bad it is beyond belief. They walk around like a bunch of tackling dummies.
  14. Andrew Luck's touchdown was questionable, not reviewed. He lost possession, and maybe it didn't even cross the line. Later, an obvious catch by the Jags receiver was overturned. Horrible.
  15. If the Bills, er, when the Bills beat the Texans tomorrow, there will be some SERIOUS talk about this cover jinx. I won't be able to see the game, because I will be on my way home from Louisville, where I am seeing Bruce Springsteen in concert tonight. The Bills do better when I am not watching. I am taking the Sports Illustrated on the trip with me. Probably put it under my pillow tonight.
  16. Steven Jackson is a monster. I think he'd be a great player for the Packers, for at least 3 more years. He has nearly 10,000 yards for one of the worst teams in recent years. Well, they're much better this year, but the past few years they've been in a daze.
  17. I think the most disappointing unit in the NFL this year has to be the defensive line of the Bills. All summer long I was under the impression that having Mario on one end, the two awesome DTs in the middle and Anderson on the other end....I thought we would dominate. They have not dominated. They have been atrocious. On a scale of 1-10, my expectations were 9 or 10. Instead, they have played like a 1 or 2. And I think it's a combination of attitude and schemes. They just get blown out, or they are out of position at least 10 times a game. They'll stop the run a few times, and then allow a 40 yard run to a guy we've never heard of, or an 85 yard td to a guy who has not scored since last year. Hopefully Mario's wrist has healed, and the week off has given these guys some time to soul-search and get their heads out of their butts. Chris Kelsay's words might light a fire. My expectations now are that we will play better.
  18. The Tackling Dummies. The 12th Manhole. The Muppets. Men with Shingles.
  19. I've decided to make an effort to not get angry about this team. This is after about 48 years of followership, watching debacle after debacle, a few good years in between. From now on I will take this team as if i were watching NFL Football Follies, and rejoice in their buffoonery!! If you raise the bar high enough, the Bills will walk right under it. I will start drinking during the day, and enjoy the idiocy. Two weeks in a row having the lead late in the game, and throwing picks!! Hilarious, if it didn't break your heart you'd be laughing.
  20. At our Bills Backers bar here in St. Louis, we play the Shout song whenever the team scores. Today the cd skipped at the part where it goes The Bills make me wanna... the bills make me wanna.... and this regular guy says that's perfect, because he never knows exactly what to say at that point. Right now, I would say the Bills make me wanna forget I ever heard of football.
  21. Last year we had the Giant right where we wanted them. We had the ball at about their 30, 3 minutes left, tie game. Run down the clock, kick a field goal, win the game. Chan calls a pass to Stevie down the sideline, and it's picked off....same route that was picked earlier in the game. The Giants go on to win, eventually to win the Super Bowl. Sunday, the pass from Brad Smith. Same stupid call. By all rights, we should have lost that game. In fact, when Fitzgerald caught that pass and took it to the Bills 20, I turned off the game and went for a ride. That he hit the upright? Gift. I think Gailey needs to hand over the playcalling to somebody else. He cannot get a grasp of the entire game when he's looking at his notes and making calls like that.
  22. Many of you don't recall a game vs. the Jets a few years ago when Jim Kelly threw a pick with about 30 seconds left in the half, and the Jets converted that to a field goal. When you're getting the ball back to start the second half, why would you even take a chance at a turnover? I'm glad that a lot of you disagree. It's a free country. I would not have done it. I would have run out the clock and come back fresh. They hadn't moved the ball well, and there was only time for 5 or 6 plays, even with the timeouts. I don't think it would be gutless to not try. I think it is just a way to regroup. If they got the turnover closer to midfield, even the 30, I would say allright, let's try. But weren't they at the 12? Many things can happen, most of them bad.
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