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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. What about PT Shemp? QT Hush? Anybody remember QT Hush?
  2. This guy has been a good player for Missouri. He's not tremendously fast, but incredibly quick. He is also strong. He benched 26 reps, and is the only guy in the combine who broke the 4 second barrier in the shuttle, and had the quickest cone time. He is a little under 6', weighs 204. Great slot receiver. I don't know if he'll be drafted, but he will be playing on Sundays.
  3. TJ Moe from Missouri. Slowest in the 40, strongest in the bench, quickest around the cones. Tough dude. Put him in the slot and he'll get open. Then he'll get run down by Barkevious Mingo and any other decent lineman.
  4. The non-committal responses by leadership today tell me that they are going to dump Fitz. He did not show the ability to win in this league. Nix is eating crow for that contract extension. Money is money. If somebody has to hand that guy $3 million dollars in March rather than having him count against the cap.....do you think they'll give him the money, or take the cap hit? I wouldn't pay him another nickel. Cap money is one thing. Real money is another. Does anybody think it makes sense to give $3 million bucks to a guy that you don't want to keep? Remember cash to cap. New regime. Get somebody else in there who can win 6 or 7 games. I'm done with Fitz. I like him too.
  5. The non-committal responses by leadership today tell me that they are going to dump Fitz. He did not show the ability to win in this league. Nix is eating crow for that contract extension. Money is money. If somebody has to hand that guy $3 million dollars in March rather than having him count against the cap.....do you think they'll give him the money, or take the cap hit? I wouldn't pay him another nickel. New regime. Get somebody else in there who can win 6 or 7 games. I'm done with Fitz. I like him too.
  6. I have the feeling some great player is going to fall to us at #8, and we can trade that pick to get a couple extra players. If we don't get Geno Smith at #8, we will certainly be able to get one of the others later on. I'm not that upset if we have Fitz and Nassib or the kid from Arkansas. We need linebackers.
  7. Gotta keep both of them. That's why we draft guys. To have them play, develop into stars, and keep them. Last year we kept Stevie, signed Mario. There's money. Spend it. Get it done.
  8. They both stay. I'd rather have Levitre. But I think they will both stay. We're building something here.
  9. Not to lose focus on the overpaid Kelsay, is there anybody on the team that has done less for more than Brad Smith? Maybe he's gonna fit in the new offense somehow. He does have a lot of skill. But my oh my, he OVERPAID!!
  10. What is Levitre and Byrd? Is this a singing group?
  11. ESPN has Geno Smith rated number one, with a score of 91. They say he's the 23rd best player in the draft. Their second rated QB, Barkley, scores 88, ranked #32. Glennon scored 87, #37, Wilson-81, #60. Jones gets 80 and is ranked 64th. Bray is 79, ranked #70. EJ Manuel scores 70 and is not in the top 100. Ryan Nassib scores 69, and is not in the top 100. Last year, Russell Wilson also scored 69. So these numbers don't necessarily mean anything. That said, I hope they don't take Nassib at #8, or even in the 2nd round. If they go QB early, I hope it's Geno Smith, Glennon or Barkley.
  12. The question remains whether he will be the next McCargo or Leif Larson. Or maybe he'll join the list of former Bills who moved on to win Super Bowls with other teams, or at least to continue playing. John Parella, Justin Bannan, Lodish, for example.
  13. Dodge is God spelled backward. And then some.
  14. I hated the halftime show. My son asked "aren't those people embarrassed to be in those outfits?" Sure, she's hot but it's a family show. I'd rather they went back to a 12 minute halftime like during regular season, and focus on the football. Put the big half time show before the game.
  15. Ganja style!! This dude, if he ever puts down the spleef, will be an excellent NFL pro. I think we should take him in the 4th, give him a 5th and a blunt, and work out a deal that involves rehab and career counseling.
  16. It's all computer generated. They don't factor in dumbass GM's making bad decisions, and player attitudes.
  17. The so-called draft experts had him going late 1st, some to the Steelers. This was viewed at the time as a good pick. He may pan out. Our entire defense was horrifying last year. With good coaching and a pass rush, this kid may pan out to be a solid contributor to a good defense.
  18. Walter, I don't rely on others' perceptions to make assessments like that. I remember Whitner shouldering guys right and left, and rarely using his arms. That said, please tell your mom that is a lovely sweater, and the pearls bring out the brightness in her eyes.
  19. I was glad to see him go. I don't remember seeing him tackle anybody. He would just use his shoulders to pop guys, and they would move on down the field.
  20. Maybe these quarterbacks will do better if they spend more than a few days learning a new system with a bunch of guys they've never met. I think most of the talent evaluations are on other players.
  21. Maybe he's playing badly on purpose so he drops to the Bills in the 2nd round. Easy boys, just kidding. He's nervous as a cow with a buck-toothed calf.
  22. I'd be there enjoying myself, having a few drinks, and running the franchise. He's the CEO, he can do whatever he wants.
  23. One of the guys on the pregame for last week's NFC title game said he thought that Marrone will turn out to be the best of the new hires. I was happy to hear that.
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