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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Maybe they really wanted this guy on the team, and thought somebody else would snag him. Who knows? Good talent slips through the cracks. Justin Peters. London Fletcher. Tom Brady went in the 6th. This was no random pick.
  2. I know that. Whenever I hear the name Duke I think about Jim Rome's repeated playing of Pete Gillen saying "Duke is Duke. They're on tv more than "Leave it to Beavah", uhhh, reruns. In that Boston accent. Makes me chuckle.
  3. Duke is Duke. They're on TV more than "Leave it to Beavah" uhhh, reruns. Big hitter. TV guys said that the guy has some temper issues. Good. Maybe he's the new Leonard Smith.
  4. Then why did you quote the whole thing? Draftek has him as the 98th pick, we took him at 46. Footballs Future has him as 5th rated LB. But I do hope he pans out. I'm just quoting prognosticators. Hey, I don't know you, but I think it's a little extreme to say I am lying. I'm just questioning the pick. It's my right to do that. I'm not lying. That's a bit of an overreaction.
  5. USA Today just named Kiko Alonzo worst pick of day 2 (tied with Dallas's pick of a tight end). They said we should have taken the guy from Kansas State. Personally, I was wondering why they took him in the second round, when most prognisticators had him in the 4th or 5th. But then I remembered that our team snagged such gems as Torrell Troup in the second, Aaron Maybin in the first, and TJ Graham (traded up for this one) in the 3rd. I hope they're right. I really do.
  6. I'm betting on the fastest guy in the draft. He can take a CB and safety out of the play. They go for the play action fake, and he and TJ will be 40 yards downfield taking ropes from EJ or Kolb. Let's hope they're right. I was concerned with the Kiko pick till I watched ESPN and saw that the guy is a crazy hitman. I'm good with this.
  7. He is. That's a good point. I meant Alonzo. He's my second favorite Kiko.
  8. I'm at work and my buddy walks past my office and announces the Kiko pick. I didn't know who he is, but the customer in front of me said, "I've seen that guy play and he's a monster." I then looked at my USA Today draft guide, and they choose Calero as 7th best inside backer, round 4 or 5. My first thought was that they seem to pick guys ahead of where they are ranked. Last year they traded up to get TJ Graham. Critics bashed that pick, and then Graham went on to prove them wrong with an astonishing rookie season. Wait, no he didn't. Then I thought about the 2nd round pick of Torrell Troup, and how he has worked his way into a Pro Bowl level. Wait, that was nonsense. I hope they're right about Kiko.
  9. Time will tell. They did this intentionally. Either they are right or wrong. Let's hope they are right.
  10. Who gives a crap who said it? It was on national tv or on espn or something. I don't have time nor interest in writing down the source. Whether or not I can quote the source does not change the consensus that we are desperate to draft a QB. I don't think we are. However, because of Marrone being the former coach of Nassib, this will be his only chance to draft his former quarterback. That gives the impression that they will draft him #8. If they are truly looking for a quarterback to take over, they don't necessarily have to have Nassib. Lots of people think that Smith, Wilson, Manuel, the USC guy, and a couple others may pan out. Somebody with talent will be there in the 2nd. Take somebody who can make an immediate difference in the first. I vote for that.
  11. I think I heard it on the NFL Network, or maybe Trey Wingo or somebody. I was a little aggravated to hear that we have the worst qb situation in the league. I don't have the time to dig out the source, but if you are skeptical, that's okay. I'm not making it up. It seems that the pundits all believe we MUST take Nassib at 8 or our team will fold like a deck chair. My theory is that Kolb was a great signing, and Nix will take the best available player that fits our needs. I don't think that Nassib is that guy at #8.
  12. There are several teams that have quarterback issues. Including Arizona, the Jets, Philadelphia, the Dolphins, Jacksonville, and some others. We are far from in a place of panic. Kolb was, in my opinion, a great signing. I think Kolb, when healthy, is a really good quarterback. A couple years ago people were drooling over the guy. He was traded for a 2nd round pick AND Dominique Rogers-Cromartie, and the Cards signed him to a 63 million dollar deal. People praised that deal. Then the put a box of marshmallow fluff in front of him, called it an Offensive Line, and he kept getting hurt. When he was healthy, Arizona was 4-0 and the talk of the league. Don't know much about Travaris, but I think Kolb will be good. I don't even know if a rookie can beat him out. Therefore, I believe that the Bills should not panic and use a top 10 pick on a quarterback. I hope they trade down a bit and stock up on some talent.
  13. I don't know if he could drop that low, but he may be the next Lawrence Taylor, possibly Biscuit. Game changer.
  14. I think the Rams are looking for a playmaker at WR. They might trade the 16th for ours, and throw in their 2nd round pick. Maybe an extra 4th, who knows? They're stacked pretty well from the RGIII deal last year.
  15. I was just looking at Draftek, who apparently makes their picks with computer data and no sense of logic. However, they have the Bills taking Chance Warmack at #8. Apparently this is a huge guy, and the best guard prospect in years. Rather than looking at Warmack as a tradeable commodity and trading down to somebody who covets him, such as the St. Louis Rams, the Bills will sprint to the podium. I predict they will pass on him and draft somebody who is slotted somewhere between 20 and 30. Just to shock everybody with their brilliance. Somebody like Troup or Whitner. Or the WR from NC State whose name escapes me like the passes flittered through his fingertips last year. Their second round choice for the Bills is Tyler Wilson from Arkansas. But still on the board at that time are Barkley, Glennon, and more importantly, Ryan Nassib. I think that it is so obvious that the Bills are going to pick Nassib that they will sprint to the podium and take the cornerback with the funny name. Blidi bladie Wrinkle. I love the draft. This is the most pointless post I have ever started. And that is saying something. Sorry.
  16. Outstanding deal. Got a starting QB without having to make a trade. A couple years ago people were drooling over Kolb, just like they were about Flynn. He was jackhammered in Arizona b/c they couldn't protect him. We can. I'm glad they aren't in a position of desperation for the draft. I'm curious as to why they don't get more attention for this signing than Oakland got for giving up 2 picks for Flynn. People should trash Oakland for dumping a 1 and a 2 for Palmer. We were smart with this signing.
  17. I would like to see him drafted by the Bills. He was the number one ranked QB in America when he committed to USC. That's good talent, right there. BTW, Woods was the number one receiver in the US when he signed at USC. These are world class athletes. How bad can they be?
  18. Outstanding signing. People were drooling all over this guy a couple years ago. Keep him healthy and we have a starting QB. A good one, too. Excellent. Draft some body in the 2nd and bring him along.
  19. Come on, dude. Relax. Dufner for a moment. Then some more. Chill. It's the easiest thing in the world.
  20. http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2013/mar/29/dufnering-american-golfer-twitter-craze I've been doing this my whole life. Which Bill fits the bill?
  21. Fitz was doing great till he was clocked by Fletcher. Same thing with Edwards getting busted up by Adrian Wilson.....Ray Fosse getting jacked by Charlie Hustle. I'm not a Nix fan. I hope he leaves soon. But I think we have been a bit unlucky these past few years. We had tons of injuries and some iffy drafting. (Troup being the best example of that) It is possible that TJ Graham can develop into a good receiver. He does get deep and open. Fitz underthrew him just about every time. I also believe that Aaron Williams may develop into a special player with better coaching. When he was drafted, most pundits thought it was a good pick. Many had him going in the first. We need a little luck and better coaching. I've said before that we were a couple bad plays from being 9-6 last year, and we'd still have Gailey and Fitz. Thank God for that. The defense cannot possibly be worse than last year. Granted, we have no quarterback, but I think we'll get one. Sometimes players need to get to a new team to flourish. Look at Brett Favre. Lamonica. Plunkett. Whoever said that Wilson might not have played here has a point. He became a player because his crazy coach decided to let him play. I was a big fan of his, being a fan of Wisconsin....and wanted the Bills to take him in the 3rd. Prayed he'd be there in the 4th. Didn't work out. There are some quarterbacks available. Hopefully we get lucky.
  22. Probably a good idea. Oakland has made it known they are not going to pay him his contracted amount, and are willing to cut him. If Palmer becomes available, he would be worth an interview. He had a great start to his career. Oakland gave up a ton to get him.
  23. He is probably a better guy to come in and start while the draft choice gets worked in. I don't know that much about him, except he started a few games in GB. They are a great team, and maybe he was equivalent to Cassell coming in to spell Brady. Mediocre. I bet Fitz is better. Flynn was beat out by a 3rd round pick.
  24. I read an article on him today, and he says he's going to come back stronger than ever. He's fast, has good hands, and is available. Book him. We haven't had a great tight end in years.
  25. It is a disease for which there is no cure. Maybe if they ever win a Super Bowl we will be able to move on. But I doubt it.
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