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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Chan was three bad calls from having a 9-7 team. And we know he'd still be here, along with Buddy and Fitz. So his poor playcalling cost him the job, and changed the future for the team. I was a little miffed when Marrone was first hired, but then I heard the normally negative pundits saying this was a great hire. And since then he has shown great leadership. I hope he was the right guy. I agree with the poster who wondered why we gave Whaley a free pass on those poor drafts. But I guess ultimately the choices and decisions were made by Butty Nix. Marrone seems to have chosen good coordinators.
  2. Greggo is a DC at Tennessee. He just overnighted an autographed super bowl hat to the guy here who sold him a Tahoe.
  3. It hit me like a sack of bowling balls.....the reason we have tanked for so long is that we have not hired a good coach in years. We have talent on this squad. We can win with a good coach. Chan Gailey was an old guy who tried to do too much, and ended up accomplishing very little. This is a common problem when head coaches try to be coordinators. They lose the overall focus on the team. Where is he now? Unemployed. Jauron? Had all the enthusiasm of Joe Friday. Pleasant, ineffective. Sucked. Greggo? Psycho. Maybe the reason we've sucked for so long is that we have not had a good coach since Wade left. Maybe this guy Marrone who revived a horrible Syracuse team....maybe this is exactly where he is supposed to be, and he will finally bring success to the Buffalo Bills. He expects to win. That is a good thing.
  4. Apparently the guy showed up too fat to work. I think they cut him as an example, much like the Bills did when they cut that guy today.
  5. I can't seem to find a link in this entire set of posts. Can the original poster please help me find this article? thank you.
  6. We used to buy misprints at the Champion outlet store in Perry. There was a t-shirt "George Washington University" with a picture of Abe Lincoln, and vice versa. There was a University of Mississippi, spelled "Missippissi," and things of that nature. All for about 75 cents a copy. Wish I'd kept 'em.
  7. I am glad we got rid of Gailey and company. Has he signed anywhere yet? The Bills were lucky to have given away at least 3 games last year or they'd still have Gailey in charge. They'd still have Fitz, and we'd be looking toward another season of predictable crap. I don't know what to expect from Marrone as a coach, but so far he looks pretty good. I like the hurry up offense and the sudden appearance of speed in our offense. Wannstedt coached a defense that looked to be great into a bunch of guys who ran around like those players on the old fashioned electric football games. I am convinced that the same group of players could have been a top 10 defense with a different coach. Now we have one. One big problem is that we are in with the Patriots. They are always on top. Somebody needs to put some severe heat on Brady, and we'll see how that works out. I think we can win a bunch of games.
  8. We have a coordinator who has a plan. Kyle Williams was playing hurt, Dareus was out of sorts all season, Mario will probably play better, Carrington is coming around. I think that the rookie Kiko will be a menace, Bradham will be better, more experienced. Till the season started last year people thought our defense was gonna be a force. They were pathetic.
  9. 10-6. We should have finished 9-7 last year, but for a few numbskull plays called by Gailey, and the most disappointing defense in team history. We are improved this year, and our defense has to be a top 15 d. Offense....who could be more non-productive than Fitz? Keep the QB's healthy and the team will win at least 10.
  10. One yeaOneOnOn eeeOneonoo one year ago the Bills were the media favorites to sneak into the playoffs. because they had signed Mario, Anderson, and had a new DC, it looked very promising. turns out that defense was the most disgusting and disappointing unit, in my opinion, in Bills history. they reeked. now the same people who stood up for the Bills are staying away from them. truth is, they just might be better right now than they should have been last year. but then again, this whole offseason could be malarkey II, gwII, who knows? I'll still be doing what I do every year. Following this team with as much fervor as my heart can muster.
  11. I understand that it is almost pointless to predict at this time. However, for somebody who lives and writes in Buffalo to give such crappy grades....it just irritated the crap out of me, to the point where I just chose not to buy the damned thing.
  12. He used to write for the Gayzette, but now he writes for the Buffalo News. Much better. but he graded the team C- in a few areas, and I think D- in linebackers. Come on. We're not that bad. Thanks for the vibe though.
  13. I was at my local store getting some breakfast and I grabbed the Sporting News football preview. The guy who wrote the piece is Jay Skurski, who I think was writing for the very popular daily brochure, the Niagara Falls Gazette. This guy really trashed the team. He had very little good to say about this team. I put the magazine back on the shelf. I thought for a minute that he trashed them to give them the old double reverse double whammy reverse psychology reverse jinx. You know, where you talk like your team is horrible, and then they don't suck and you secretly relish that. But then I remembered that it's been 13 years since we have made the playoffs, and realized that he probably just thinks that the Bill suck. I think the Bills are in for a good year. Last year they won 6, but easily could have won 9 games. If they had won 9, we would probably still have Chan, Fitz, and Butty Nix. We would not have what we have right now, which is the feeling of optimism. Which I feel every year.
  14. I noticed he signed with a Bic. Don't you think they could've found something a little more elegant? Parker? Cross? Schlongweigh?
  15. Maybe somebody can explain why, if the Patriots are so brilliant, they passed on Brady 5 times. To me, this shows they are equally dumb and lucky, which is how I met my wife by the way. 6th round pick.
  16. Hope springs eternal. What's in the past is gone. What happens tomorrow has not happened yet. Celebrate today. Enjoy the day. I don't anticpate problems for the Bills because they have not happened yet. Send out positive and you'll get positive back. It's the law of attraction.
  17. Every year I feel optimistic. One thing that gives me hope is that we absolutely BLEW 3 games last year, and probably should have won 9 games. Had we done that, we would still have Chan Gailey, Fitzpatrick, and we'd be in for another year of mediocrity. I'm glad they lost those games, because we now have a new regime and things look pretty good. Last year's defense may have been the biggest disappointment in team history. We were supposed to be dominant, but ended up looking pathetic. The talent was there, but it was poorly coached. The new guy will straighten out this group, and, well, it cannot get worse. We suddenly have a bunch of wide receivers, where last year we had Stevie and, well, not much after that. We have a quarterback who, when healthy, was extremely good. And a rookie QB who has amazing talent. Damn right I'm optimistic.
  18. These guys don't arbitrarily get signed. They wouldn't waste time and money if they didn't think they had a shot.
  19. Right. They are not evaluating the Bills draft. They are evaluating how well they did predicting the Bills draft. The further off we were from their projections, the lower the score. It's nonsense. A few years ago people heaped praise on the Aaron Maybin pick. Why? Because they had him in their mock. And when he tanked, it was a bad draft for the Bills. You either trust your team, or you don't. Although they have given us very little to trust, I still believe in them.
  20. If you go to NFL.com draft tracker, you can look up information on most of the UDFA's. Several were thought to be mid-round picks. Pough, a linebacker from Howard, strikes me as a guy who has the skills to make the team. Tipoti too. And of course, Da'Rick. I am excited, just like I always am after the draft.
  21. I guess they have to grade the draft. He's subject to audit, so if his mocks were one way and the Bills chose the opposite, he owes it to himself to grade accordingly. Otherwise, he'd be a total hypocrite as opposed to a partial one.
  22. I think this guy is going to be a star. He knows he screwed up, and this is his chance at redemption. He's a superior athlete with a desire to prove himself. I see big things happening from our receivers this year. Stevie, Robert, Rogers, Graham, Marquise, and the guy from UConn, in that order. Fast and furious. Watch out.
  23. OK. I hope so. Look, man, I hope they all work out. I have been a fan of this team for more than 40 years. I come to this site every single day. I love my team. I want them to be great again. We're in this together.
  24. We don't need a pro bowler. We need a pro football player.
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