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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. The end of that game left me drained and a little pissed. They got themselves a lead and nearly kicked it away. What luck that our kicker tripped up that guy. And a couple plays later a receiver was wide open for a td had the qb made a moderately good throw. The last play was absurd. So I was stomping around wondering why they have to make it so hard? The decision to throw 3 straight passes from about the 20 was a bad decision. I don't give a damn what he says. You get the ball to start the second half. Run it down and take your 10 point lead into the locker room. I stomped out of the Bills Backers Bar at halftime and kicked around the next door Goodwill till I cooled off and came back to watch the second half. I'm really glad we won, but it was not very satisfying....to surrender a 10 point lead for no apparent reason, and then to nearly give away the game with that last kickoff and horrible coverage. Sickening. Tainted the win.
  2. Somebody was running a route across the middle in his area, within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage. They collided, and Kiko popped him into next week. A second later a pass was thrown elsewhere. Had Kiko not smoked the guy, he may have been the target. Great play, no need for a flag.
  3. I'm down with all that you guys posted. I just like beating Miami on the road. We have beaten 3 good teams so far. The schedule is brutal.
  4. If you can get past the rambling about things that are obvious, he publicly criticizes his players too much. After a big win like that, he was saying some things that I think he should just not say. For example, when asked about Mario's sacks, he said, "yeah, it's about time." When EJ had a good game, he'd say, he's improving but he's not there yet. You can leave out the second part of that sentence. Nobody expects EJ to be there. He's a rookie. I think Marrone needs to curtail the public criticisms of the individuals on this team. I also think somebody should have put him on the spot about that idiotic sequence right before halftime. He sort of dismissed that as "just trying to score more points." I think most would agree that it would have been much better to try and run out the clock and get to halftime with a 10 point lead.
  5. I missed the beginning of the game.....so when we got the ball with 1:47 left in the half, I asked the guy next to me, who happens to be Bob in St. Louis, do we get the ball to start the second half? He said yes, so I said we've got to run out the clock. 10 seconds later we were punting. Somebody posted "Maybe they were trying to score." There is no need to take chances at this point in the game. We're getting the ball right after halftime. Take the 10 point lead (on the road) into the locker room and get ready. Instead, they gave up a big play, and eventually a touchdown. That killed momentum. Bad decision. The end of the game about killed me. Why they ran a short kickoff is beyond me. Then the 50 yard return. Ughh. I had visions of interference on a Hail Mary. I'm glad we won, but what a tense ending.
  6. I got to the Bills Backers thing after it was 7-0. Most of the game I was sick to my stomach. Especially at the end of the half when they threw the ball 3 times, killing just a few seconds and gave the ball right back. I was calling for pressure on the QB but instead was rewarded with a 50 yard pass down the sideline. They should have been up by 10 at the half. The final minute was excruciating. Floating the kick to the goal line, rather than putting it thru the endzone, and having the guy run the kick back 50 yards.....inexcusable. And when Tannehill overthrew his guy who was completely uncovered.....near heart attack. The last play, our DL missing on 3 sack attempts.....all I could think about was the interference call on Henry Jones against the Patriots. They won but I nearly puked. I'm thrilled that they won the game, but I nearly chainchoked my way thru a bottle of Rolaids.
  7. Flynn is a perfect signing for this squad. A veteran backup to an injury prone staff.
  8. When Kiko Alonso was born, he slapped himself and passed out Cuban cigars. By the way, I like this tongue in cheek crowning of Kiko. It makes me laugh. That's fine with me. Lot of clever stuff in this thread. I think Bill in NYC must feel extra proud today.
  9. I was sad when he signed, and unless I'm wrong, he signed the first day of free agency. The fact that they were able to slap together a deal within hours tells me they already had cut the deal. He was out the door. Legursky may be fine.
  10. The Rams have not sold out a game in a while. Last week's Jacksonville game had about 35,000 in the house. The game was televised locally. I don't get it. They weren't even close to selling out. Haven't been this year.
  11. He played for the Rams last year.....looked really good and mobile in preseason. They cut him. He's a great athlete with a strong arm. It's a matter of instinct and what is between the ears. As it is with any quarterback. People like Rob Johnson, big arm, fast, absolutely no feel for the game. Frozen in space. But Lewis might rise to the occasion. Would not surprise me either way. It's a home game, so he's got that going for him.
  12. When I was in 10th grade, Dane Wallace kicked me in the solar plexus. I'll never forget that. I hope they don't go for that. A kick to the solar plexus can take the wind right out of you. I still get shortness of breath once in a while after I smoke.
  13. From what I recall, we were going to take Von Miller had he dropped to us. He didn't and we filled a need with what most experts said was an excellent pick. JJ Watt and Aldon Smith have played amazing football, but they are both on otherwise strong defenses. Those calls for illegal hands to the face are unfortunate, and I wish there was a simulcast on these plays to see the timing of the flags v. the passes being completed. Seriously, I believe the flags came out when the ref saw the completion.
  14. No, you don't have to beat the Patriots to earn the playoffs. But instead of waiting for your turn, you could actually win the game and set the tone for the season. Instead, he dropped a pass that probably would have made a big difference. Certainly would have prolonged a drive. That's not how you win, that's how you wait your turn.
  15. Your turn starts today, Stevie. If you want to make the playoffs, you win your home games. You win the opener. If you lose the opener, no matter who it is, you don't get a turn at the playoffs.
  16. We should have won 9 games last year. Chan blew 3 games with horrible playcalling. We are better than last year. Therefore, I am optimistic. I take it one game at a time. I don't believe that New England will sweep us again. I don't see the defense giving up 49 points in one half. I think we will win on Sunday. That's as far as I go. 1-0.
  17. I like the guy. I was a fan when he was with the Badgers, and was thrilled when the Bills brought him in. He was a good punt return guy too. Reminds me of Kelso with a regular sized helmet. Bring it!!
  18. awesome. pretty much sums it up, although there was no mention of the New England Monday Night game when our first round pick fumbled the game away on an unnecessary kickoff return. Or Just Give it To Em, and a million other moments. Well done.
  19. It's less than 2 weeks till the end of preseason. And that gives him 10 days to get ready for the opener. Most first stringers don't even play in the last preseason game, so in effect he's missing one start. They can use this game to decide whether or not to get rid of Kolb and keep Tuel. This might be a good thing. If he heals well.
  20. It's the only game next Sunday. I'm thinking it should be televised, because the nation wants to see Charlie Rhinehunt. Or the Colts quarterback, what's his name again? Oh yeah, the Replacement for Payton Manning, Andrew Luck.
  21. I just didn't see the point of his article. Why drum up negativity when all is well right now? Who can blame Marrone for getting a little sideways when asked the same question over and over? How many ways can you ask what's going on with Mario? He had a sore foot. Somebody's looking at it. I'll let you know when I get more information. There are 88 more guys on the team I gotta worry about. Next. Then Sullivan suggests Marrone is a hothead, and doesn't know how to handle the media.
  22. It is great to be a Bills fan. We'll put up with anything.
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