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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. You saw it. Wtf? Touchdown, followed by 82 yard return. Minutes later td followed by 60 plus. Offside on field goal. Whoever that guy/girl is must go.
  2. EJ's qb rating is higher than most of the 8 or so players rated above him. He had a couple putrid games (Pittsburgh.....he should have sat another week) and Tampa. He's a rookie who has missed a lot of time. He is an excellent athlete, and I hardly think he's the worst.
  3. I don't think they'll let Glenn go. I think Marrone is an OL guy who is trying to build a winning team here, and you don't do that by letting guys walk. Peters, in my opinion, was an aho who refused to sign here, and we got Eric Wood as a result. Fine. Don't wanna be here, we don't want you. I think Byrd is seeing something here, and that's why he may stay. Who should we take in the first? Let's see how it plays out. They did a great job last year, parlaying the 8th for a few extras. It's way too early to make predictions, but it's fun to play with the idea. I hope we beat the Pats and get a lower pick.
  4. Tight Ends sometimes fall through the cracks. I would suggest the best one available in the 2nd unless the value is not there.
  5. I'm not doin' much today, so I thought I'd put in my top 3 picks for next year. #1. Khalil Mack UB. monster #2 Eric Ebron, TE, North Carolina #3 Jared Abbrederis, WR Wisconsin. Catches everything. Like a bigger Wesley Welker
  6. Flynn looks clueless out there. I'm going to give full credit to the Dallas D. He looked worse than anybody on Thanksgiving.
  7. When he was starting his tackle, Glennon was backpedaling, so when the impact took place he had him wrapped up just above the knees. The penalty would have been legit had he targeted the knees, but he did not. It's an insult to his integrity. He is not a cheap shot guy.
  8. That's total nonsense. It was a clean hit. They're out of their minds. Why don't they also fine our db for pass interference that didn't happen?
  9. They started badly and never got going on offense. The defense was okay after the first couple drives, but the QB was confused and had no pocket presence. He would find himself with a second to think, and almost always stutter-stepped, or went for a stroll. He is the reason we could not come back in the game. And penalties and bad calls.
  10. Stevie. He must go. My dad would make money on him. My dad would buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth. Stock broker.
  11. Great people at Lesters. We keep showing up. Why? There is no logical explanation. It's really hard to be a Bills fan. Some people can't take it any more and stop showing up. A gentleman stepped up to the tv last week after the pass interference call and yelled at the t.v "F%%k you!! Bull@@t call!!" It's a family friendly place. Been coming every week for years. Not there today. We love our team. Our team is irrelevant to everybody but us. My friends at work don't even give me s@@t any more. Will this never get better?
  12. There were some ugly plays out there today. Not one of them went our way. Kiko should've made that tackle, but where were the db's? EJ does not do well under pressure. He had a rancid game.....but he was under pressure the entire game. The penalty on Byrd was absyrd. Glennon was backing up when Byrd started his tackle, and that's why it was low. It was not aimed at the knees. He's not dirty. That penalty led to a touchdown. When CJ scored, it was funny how gleeful that ref was as he heaved the flag. You knew there would be a flag. Spiller was way past where that alleged infraction took place. The sideline pass interference on McKelvin was one of the worst I've seen. Gave them new life. That ref should be suspended for that call. Every week the refs suck, but the team did not deserve to be in this game.
  13. Yes this is a very frustrating season.....we're 4-8 and it looks on paper as if we are worse than last year. However, I believe that the Atlanta and KC games were very winnable.....lost by idiotic misplays and strange events. Had we won those games we'd be a .500 team, which is about what we should be. We've played a brutal schedule. We are much improved. By the way, watch out for Jacksonville. I am girding my loins for the responses that criticize my opinion. Doesn't matter. I'm okay with that. Fire away.
  14. My grade on Brandon changed today when I read that he's considering getting rid of the Toronto games. I don't know what to make of Whaley, but I do like this year's draft. Duh. And the other offseason moves have been strong. I am starting to buy into Marrone. He was right about our defense having the ability to stop anybody, but lacking the consistency to do so. We can plug the run, then give up huge gains because we are out of position. They'll improve. They've got to wrap up deals with people like Byrd and Spiller. Keep the best players here. I do think it was wise to let Levitre walk with that contract he signed in Tennessee. Not worth that dough. I'd probably try to move Stevie. They could be .500 right now. They've booted at least 2 games (ATL and KC), and had they won those games, we would be a .500 team. The schedule was brutal this year, and they've been in most games. I'm optimistic.
  15. I was recommending Wilson too. That's because I'm a Badger fan, and I wanted to see us get him. Nobody knew how good he was gonna be or he would have been a top 5 pick. It's nonsense to think otherwise. TJ Graham seems to have been a silly pick. There are many great quarterbacks that have been chosen after the first round. And there are even more who were chosen high in the first and sucked. It's a crap shoot. I would dump Stevie, maybe package him with somebody drafting higher than us, swap picks, and move forward. He has become the focus of this team without doing much to earn it, other than to drop important passes and act like a moron.
  16. NO way. He should have taken a knee, and not returned that kick.
  17. The PI call was unnecessary. It was like the Henry Jones PI call on the Hail Mary in the Just Give it to Them Game. That illegal use of hands call against Williams was the worst call I've seen since the replacement ref called a punt downed at the 4 a touchback. Why? Because Aaron Williams did not touch anybody. It looked like he was at least 5 feet away from the player he allegedly used his hands on. And that call was 30 yards away from the incomplete pass. Screw the refs. However, as the coach says, we have to play better in order to avoid these games being so close. We should've mopped the field with those Falcons.
  18. The league experts can call this the first blackout in the NFL this year, but the Rams have had half houses for most of their home games. Somebody's bailing them out, and it isn't people buying tickets.
  19. I think we'll beat those a-holes, but 3 games against teams coming off bye weeks? Is there another team in the league who has faced this idiotic setup?
  20. Any of you guys old enough to remember this one? We were playing on the road v. 49ers, ready to take a lead. Handoff to Darrick Holmes. Plummer pummeled him. Ball popped out and returned 99 yards for a touchdown. Game, set, match. Just like yesterday. It even happens with Jim Kelly as quarterback. http://articles.lati...1_san-francisco
  21. The Chiefs should feel dirty winning that game. They were outplayed the entire game. Both touchdowns were absolute gifts. We had 8 dropped passes. We doubled their yardage. And we lost by 10. Tuel did a good job, all things considered. Bad call at the 1 yard line. He isn't instinctive enough to switch receivers and find Stevie in the back of the end zone. No way to prove this, but I bet he would've dropped it anyway. Field goal +3 rather than pick 6-10.
  22. The false start call on Chandler was total nonsense. I'm not sure what part of his nose wiggled, but his body didn't and his head may have sagged a quarter of an inch. So KC"s line starts jumping up and down, and the flag comes out. How about that 15 yarder on our guy for unnecessary roughness when he nicked the guy as he was trying to avoid him? Nonsense.
  23. I actually felt worse after the Miami game than I did today. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's true. When I saw Tuel warming up, I was shocked. I don't think I have ever seen a worse performance than Tuel v. Cle. But today I thought he did a really good job. The ball floated on him a few times, but he hit his receivers probably 80% of the time. The pick 6 was ridiculous. I just stared at that one thinking, why call a play like that with an undrafted rookie free agent from open pants Idaho? Run a counter or something. So many idiotic plays today. The illegal block on the punt return. Chandler's drops. When he dropped the last one, I was thinking he was being paid to throw the game. There were several other drops. How can anybody blame this on Tuel? He's a kid who led the team to nearly 500 yards. Undrafted. Nobody ever heard of him. The team gave away the game. Not the defense. Not the offense. The team. Oh, somebody mentioned on the bomb to Woods...yeah, that guy had his hands on his jersey for about 20 yards. Ridiculous non call. I called a friend who is a Chiefs fan and asked him if he felt a little dirty after winning that game. He agreed that the Chiefs did not deserve to win.
  24. I'm getting an ulcer just thinking about this game. I am glad they won, but man, this game tore at my guts like none other in recent history.
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