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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. He was the 10th pick in the draft. He must have some talent. Best lineman ever produced by Vanderbilt. My buddy the Bears fan said they put him in at LT and he couldn't handle it. So he was labeled a failure for years. The Rams had him start 16 games, and they were not a good team. I'm gonna have to wait and see what hopefully good coaching will do for the guy. Can't be worse than the person he's replacing.
  2. Not saying he's a poster child, but he did produce for this team. Maybe that Gragg guy will be great. Who knows? He's huge has speed, and caught a few last year.
  3. I'm lamenting his loss, if he goes, because he did have some nice moments for us, more than most. And I'm also butt/nutt confused about the Caussin deal. Why don't they just sign Lonnie Johnson. He hasn't played in a while.
  4. Hey, now. The original post was "Have we lost Chandler too?" That is a question and not a declaration. My poem was more about the enormity of signing Caussin, a guy who has not played for 2 years. If we think that's a better signing than the guy who led our team in receptions last year, then maybe we are buying into the company line. By the way, being the leading receiver on the Bills may be akin to being the tallest short person in the land of Oz.
  5. When the kid said this to Kiefer Sutherland, was he being racist? Where does cheap dime store hood imply color? Are you kidding? I wrote it because I'm pissed at Byrd, joining a long line of players who have no loyalty.
  6. Hilarious. The only reason you don't find humor is that you are bitter. I don't blame you. Mike Caussin? Awesome. Should be fresh, not having done a thing in 2 years. Carpenter: kicker on the Bills.
  7. I just read a post here that we lost Chandler. Hey, at least we got Caussin. Huh? Who? Well he hasn't played in a couple years, but he totally rocks. But Chandler was our leading receiver. Yeah? But we got Caussin!! What about Byrd? We got Meeks!! You mean the guy from Silence of the Lambs? No, that wads Miggs. This is Meeks!! Great!! Byrd is a liar. But Caussin isn't. He hasn't had time to lie. Too busy doing absolutely nothing for 2 years.
  8. I just read a post here that we lost Chandler. Hey, at least we got Caussin. Huh? Who? Well he hasn't played in a couple years, but he totally rocks. But Chandler was our leading receiver. Yeah? But we got Caussin!! What about Byrd? We got Meeks!! You mean the guy from Silence of the Lambs? No, that wads Miggs. This is Meeks!! Great!! Byrd is a liar. But Caussin isn't. He hasn't had time to lie. Too busy doing absolutely nothing for 2 years.
  9. Yeah, we fly so far under the radar we just signed Armand "Ace" Cacciatore as our Special Teams Quality Control Coach.
  10. Hard to imagine that a safety will make more than 30 mil in his first 3 years. So Byrd will find that out, come to his senses, and maybe stay home where he belongs.
  11. Maybe he's a special teams demon. Remember our special teams sucked asss all year, but it was not the coaching. it was the players.
  12. Tampa guy we've never heard of strolls down for an 80 yard TD. New England's guy Blount, what, 250 yards? WTF? We turn average guys into jukebox heroes. Well, one reason is that our people are out of position......way out of position, at least half a dozen times per game. Perhaps that can be attributed to Pettine. He loved to blitz, get the sacks, etc. But his run defense was invisible quite a lot of the time. With that front four, Kiko and decent linebackers, etc. they shouldn't be trampled. On review of my own comments, maybe the best acquisition we have so far is Schwartz. Could use a stuffer at LB, though.
  13. I think we will end up with one of these guys at #9: Jake Matthews, Khalil Mack, Sammy Watson, or Mike Evans. I would be happy with any of these.
  14. Is it possible that Byrd and his guy are just trying to see what the market will bear? maybe they'll come back and give the Bills a chance to sign him.
  15. The take that he played for 2nd round money for years would be valid if they didn't pay him nearly 7 million last year. He earned that. There are football players all over the league who play out their first contract and get the big money on the second. Look what Mike Trout just did. He is young, but might be the best player in baseball. he signed a 1 year 1 million dollar deal. Tanaka just rolled into 155 mil, and hadn't pitched in MLB till last week in an exhibition game. Money is strange, but the parameters are set for a reason. Byrd is a really good player. But he ain't Polamalu or Ronnie Lott.
  16. The Bills can be a winning team. They will be a winning team. Byrd could be part of that. But he is turning his back on his team.
  17. I believe that he will do just what Levitre did, and sign with another team about 3 minutes into the Free Agency period. i don't understand why he wants to leave his teammates. I'm really upset that this guy thinks he's more important than the team. If he doesn't want to be here, let him go. Tired of it. Jason Peters is a punk. Levitre? Punk. Byrd? Punk. No team concept any more. Bunch of punks.
  18. My first choice at #9 is Mack. Choice #2 Watkins Choice #3 Robinson Choice #4 Matthews That's about it.
  19. Let's just hope that EJ stays healthy. And they should use a pick on a qb like the guy from Eastern Illinois, or South Carolina, or even Alabama.
  20. Take away Tom Brady. What's left? How was he in Cleveland?
  21. Has anybody verified that Crossman is being retained? I haven't read anything except right here.
  22. There is no reason to keep the guy. We had a top 10 special teams unit last year with a similar pile of humanoids. This guy dropped them to the bottom of the pile. The mistakes cost us 2 or 3 games. If they keep him I will have a hard time supporting the head coach. That's a bad decision.
  23. The elephant in the room is the Special Teams coach. 45 minutes of nobody confronting the coach about his buddy the horrible special teams coach. When they hired him, he had a horrible record at Detroit. 4 games in a row giving up kick/punt returns for td. Horrible hire. No shock,.
  24. He hired his friends, and in this case his friend let him down. He will fire his friend.
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