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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. I keep getting messages to get the new Buffalo Bills Touch at the app store, but I cannot find it. Have any of you been able to download this app? Thanks.
  2. I would not do that trade. Way too much to get a guy who might just be a little lazy.
  3. I believe that the Rams will trade the 2nd pick to Cleveland in return for the #4 pick, this year's 2nd round pick, and next year's 2nd round pick. And Cleveland will take Manziel. And St. Louis will take Matthews with the #4 pick. The Rams are pretending that they will draft Manziel to get Cleveland all worked up. They flew to Texas last week to meet with Manziel. Fakeout.
  4. Everybody trashes the Bills for their choice of Mike Williams, but at the time it was heralded as a great pick. Good character, great athlete. Needed polish. Well, Greg Robinson strikes me as similar in that he needs polish on his pass blocking technique. He's a monster, plows people over. He's like an offensive lineman's version of Leif Larson. Well, that was a cheap shot. If I were going OL in this draft, I would take Matthews first, Lewan second, Notre Dame guy third, Cyrus fourth.
  5. I went to high school with Bob Koshinski. He never lied to me.
  6. I live in St. Louis, and I think Sam Bradford is the master of mediocrity. The guy has a cap hit next year of 17.5 million. He hasn't gotten it done. If they make this deal, they could take Watkins at 2 and Manziel at 8. Or Manziel at 2 and a tackle at 8. Bradford does not excite anybody around here.
  7. The Rams were the worst under Martz. They drafted a guy in the 4th named Travis Scott from Arizona (2000). Nobody on ESPN could find anything on the guy. You could hear papers shuffling, silence. Turns out Martz went down to look at another guy, and found Scott. Thought he looked good. Drafted him. That same year they were bragging that they found a long snapper that they guaranteed nobody had ever heard of. And then they drafted him. Why draft a guy than nobody else has ever heard of? Sign him afterward. I just looked at ours since 2000. Some really awful drafts. Lately we have done better. I never stop watching, though. Bills 4 ever.
  8. I think EJ has the potential to be a star. We need to keep him on his feet.
  9. I was looking over the NFL Draft History. I thought I'd have another look at the Rams 2000 draft, which at the time I thought was the worst, most pompous draft in history. Martz liked to show his brilliance at the draft. But then I started going through the Bills drafts since then. Wow, it's no wonder we never make the playoffs. We traded up in the first to get Losman, and then McCargo. Who does that? We took Aaron Maybin in the first!! Erik Flowers!! There are so many whiffs, it's awesome. But the last couple have been pretty productive. Let's hope they don't screw this up. I know that there are egos involved in keeping things secretive, and pulling surprises. But it seems that our new GM knows what he's doing. Hope so.
  10. Monster. Take him. The Bills often draft people who don't come in for visits. They try to outsmart people, but it can backfire. This is the problem when the draft gets moved so late. Everybody, including me, has visions of everything.
  11. We'll have all these speedsters and nobody who can throw it far enough to reach them.
  12. Glad to get rid of them. I go to football games to watch football, not those airheads.
  13. I've always thought that history would look at NFL Cheerleaders as an embarrassment. They are glorified strippers without a pole. They dance around in skimpy outfits and shake their racks. They may look good, but that's about it. For them to sue the team is like the Hooters staff suing management for making them wear those tiny shorts and low cut tops. Ridiculous.
  14. EJ didn't publish the story about his workouts. He's just taking the initiative to try and improve. He is driven. He was the #2 rated QB in America in High School. He did a great job in college, MVP of the Senior Bowl. I'm sure he wasn't thrilled with his first year. If you look at some of his highlights from last year you will see flashes of brilliance. I'm glad to hear he's working on his game. He might turn out to be amazing. Hope so.
  15. That old bastard trashed EJ Manuel on tv the other day. I don't know what his point was, but I thought EJ did okay for a rookie, 16th pick in the draft. I don't know what moved him to make those comments. We shall see about EJ this fall when he's got a better line and is healthy.....has a few more weapons at his disposal and a year under his belt. I saw some plays where EJ just excelled, and some where he did not. Either way, what the hell is with Casserly?
  16. I haven't read all these posts, but I think if we draft somebody like Matthews at #9 it will give EJ more time to work with back there in the pocket. He has a great arm. Needs time to find the open man.
  17. I think it would be a lot worse if he stabbed his brother. To get a veteran receiver with a lot of talent for a 6th? Seems like a good pickup. Let's take Jarred Abbrederis in the 3rd. First round Matthews, second round the TE from Notre Dame, 3rd round Abbrederis. Or maybe that kid from Kent who ran a 4.2.
  18. Remember what we gave up for Bennett. Was that worth it? Clowney has been the best player in America till this year when he was triple teamed and trying to stay healthy so we could draft him. He can hang with Gilmour.
  19. An NFL player was in our shop today, he plays for the Vikings. I asked him what he thought about DeSean, and he said his problem is he doesn't put in full effort. he takes plays off. He says if he's a decoy, he'll jog out his route. I pointed out he had over 1300 yards, he said, shoot, he could've had 2000 if he hustled. Then he said, "If he comes to the Vikings, I'd love it. I'd get to cover him in practice." For what it's worth, I'd love to have him on our team.
  20. RIP Ralph Wilson. We ran into him on the way into the Ralph one bright Sunday. He smiled and shook my hand. Odd to see the owner of a team just strolling across the lot like that.
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