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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. The Bills are still irrelevant to the public eye. 14 years of bottomdwelling and mediocrity at best tends to cause this. I think Doug Whaley even made the point that the Bills need to become relevant again. I have no idea what's going to happen between now and September 7th. If we're healthy going into that game, I think it will be a good opportunity to make the team relevant once more.
  2. It looked like he didn't want to be there. He has other things to do. The whole thing took 4 minutes. He does seem like he wants to win preseason games. Marv used preseason to pick the bottom 4 guys on the roster, and to keep the starters healthy for the games that really count. I agree that if winning was the most important thing he wouldn't take the starters out after 2 series. Maybe he's just trying to motivate the squad. Somebody finally called him on the abuse of the term "obviously." Glad to know. He started most press conferences with that word. It reminds me of hockey players who answer the first question with "Like I said....."
  3. I got a buddy who can get tickets through the Bears. But I don't know if I want to go through all that crap when I can sit in a sports bar with Bills Backers and kick off another season. We have been together for years and years. Two of our group passed away over the winter. I think I just answered my own damn question.
  4. Last time I remember opening day on my birthday was September 7th, 1980. I was not able to find a sports bar with the NFL Ticket because it had not been invented yet. However, the Bills defeated the Dolphelons for the first time since the 60's and it caused me great joy. I'm thinking of maybe driving up to Chicago and watching the game. But then again, every time I go to Chicago to watch the Bills they get pasted. Last time I went, Todd Collins was the QB and it was a rout. He looked like Napoleon Dynamite's uncle. Should I? I am going to the Denver game on Pearl Harbor Day in December. By then we will know if we are waving the white flag or fighting for the playoffs.
  5. I think it took Cyrus a quarter to adjust to the speed and pace of the game. After that, he played pretty well. Seantrell looked good from the start. Cyril Richardson came along. This was their first action against total strangers, and I think they adjusted well. I don't think that Marrone was happy at all with anybody because they lost the game. What he should be looking at is evaluating personnel. Who cares if we win a preseason game? Although we should have won this game. We tossed two picks in the end zone and gave up a ridiculous bomb. Otherwise, we had them by the short hairs.
  6. Once he settled in he did a good job. He actually showed a lot of improvement within the game. He's gonna be fine.
  7. One question: Who is this Landon Cohen guy? Where did he come from? Didn't he write "Hallelujah"? Was he bagging groceries at a deli and suddenly became a force on the defensive line? Landon Cohen? Bet he moves up a bit today.
  8. Amazing that large homo sapiens can beat the crap out of each other, 22 at a time, for 60 minutes and nobody got hurt.
  9. Cyrus, Richardson and Henderson are all giant homo sapiens with tons of natural ability. Coming from college to pro is a big adjustment. There is a learning curve, and they are approaching the bend. Henderson was the USA Today Offensive Player of the Year as a high school senior, so he is likely the best athlete of the 3. Maybe that's why he is ahead of the others....he's just a better athlete. However, the other two are still studs, and will eventually adjust to the Big Boy game and be starters for years to come. That's my prediction.
  10. Just found this, special team rankings from some on-line thing I googled: Number 30. 30. Buffalo Bills The Bills have a kick coverage superstar named Marcus Easley, who made 19 solo tackles on kicks and punts last year. But why was Easley forced to impersonate Steve Tasker? Dan Carpenter's low touchback percentage (41 percent, 24th in the NFL) was part of the problem: More returnable kicks mean more tackles for Easley types. Punters Shawn Powell and Brian Moorman were a bigger issue. Powell was released after booting returnable line drives straight at Travis Benjamin in the Browns loss, prompting the return of Moorman, whose leg is nearly gone. Harvard punter Jacob Dombrowski will challenge Moorman in camp. Leodis McKelvin returned three punts for touchdowns in 2011 and 2012 but averaged just 5.6 yards per return last year. It's misleading to judge returners based on one or two plays (or the lack of those plays), but whether it was McKelvin, his blockers or the circumstances, the Bills return game was lacking. Marquise Goodwin was also ineffective on kickoff returns despite track-star speed. Carpenter was fine on field goals, but the Bills aren't getting the production from teams that they got in the mid-to-late 2000s, when their special teams were often their best attribute. Mark Pike was a backup DL. But his special teams talent kept him on the team.
  11. Sorry. I read the story on the front page of tbd. Anybody think Steve Tasker was at the bottom of the roster? You need to have great special teams to succeed in this league. Ours dropped off the map last year. Cost us a few games. Why he didn't fire that coach is beyond me.
  12. Crossman goes on about the bottom of the roster changing during the season. If they are using the bottom of the roster to fill special teams it is no wonder that they suck. Special teams has a huge impact on the game. Why would you put the bottom of the roster in a position to ruin a game? Something in there about not knowing the guy next to you, and not knowing what he's going to do. What? Why doesn't Marrone put more emphasis on Special Teams? Last year they sucked. The year before they were just fine. They blamed it on the players. It's the coach. He sucked at Detroit, and he sucks here. This is nonsense. When Marrone insists on running a hurry up offense and drives last 14 seconds before the punter hits the field....and you load up the field with the bottom of your roster, you're not likely to win many games. One of our prior coaches insisted that everybody on the team, with the exception of the quarterback, was going to be considered part of the special teams unit. That sounds like a plan to me.
  13. Unbelievable. It's never the backup safety or one of our no-name tight ends. One of the best players on the team. Unbelievable.
  14. Nobody can predict what will happen with this team. We have become irrelevant. That's why nobody gives a damn except for the fans and the team itself. Here's what I see: Bad things, man. And I mean bad in a Bruce Smith way. Nobody will want to play the Bills.
  15. Sorry it's last minute. Our lodging fell through, and we are scrambling for a decent spot for Saturday night.
  16. He crazy. Crazy good on the defense. Butkus, Nitschke crazy. Brandon Spikes crazy. Tim Rossovich. Lyle Alzado. Jack Lambert. I like crazy on the DL. If they cut him they have lost their mind. They crazy.
  17. Who cares if he gets high and drives like a madman? That's like Tim Rossovich, who used to eat glasses and birds. Ray Nitschke. Butkus. We need a crazy mo fo on the DL .. I don't care what he does. Drag racing? Cool. Bring it.
  18. I agree that there were other factors in the game. Kelly calling timeout at the 47 instead of spiking the ball was not that wise either. Lining him up for a kick that he had virtually no chance of making was a big factor too. Not Scott's fault, though. Laces not turned forward hurt too.
  19. Not that it was Scott's fault anyway. He was 1 for 5 beyond 40 yards on natural turf. He was doomed. But a few plays earlier, Jim hit McKellar, who made a shoestring catch. Following that, the Bills lined up and Kelly had his hands under center and the clock was at 31 seconds. The refs called for a review on the catch, called it good, and Kelly lined up in shotgun with the clock now at 29 seconds. And it started running. Kelly got the snap at 26 seconds. They lost 5-6 seconds of action. Maybe they would have run another play with 13 or 14 seconds instead of a 47 yard field goal attempt. The review cost them 5 or 6 seconds.
  20. People are bored right now, and it's become popular to second guess the Bills trade for Watkins. Let's see how it plays out. The line needs to give EJ time to choose which of his talented players (Woods, Watkins, Williams, CJ, or a tight end) is most open, and toss the ball to him. We got the goods. Let's make it happen.
  21. The number one recruit in America. The USA Today Offensive Player of the Year. That means that we have superior athletes. You cannot fall apart that quickly. Although there are countless examples of athletes who have been labeled "can't miss" and go ahead and miss anyway. Steve Emtmann, Mike Williams, Bosworth, Ryan Leaf, Tom Cousineau, Walt Patulski, Aaron Maybin, Rudy Glandowski, Eddy McCrawfish, Liddy von Baatenburg, Shlerme Beckermann, Murray Head, Andy Markforth, Ilie "the hawk" Ingerplank, Paddy Chayevski, Monroe Doctrine, Phil Dokes, Barry "the Zit" McCabe, Wolf Blitzer, and Booker Moore, the guy we drafted from Penn State who had Guillen-Barre Syndrome and was paralyzed for a year. Mickey Way, the candy bar.
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