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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. We didn't score a touchdown on that drive. We didn't get any points. We punted. Nobody knows for sure if refs cost us the game. We only know they sucked. And they probably had an impact on the score. They definitely impacted the game in St. Louis on MNF with a moronic offensive pass interference call.
  2. It can all be traced back to that call. All of it. A team rolling into the locker room with an 18 point lead has momentum. The crowd is behind them. It made a huge difference. The 90 yards....80 of it was on one play, blown by the db and no safety help. It was horrifying. Completely took any wind from the sails. The shoulders sagged. Even though they had a 4 point lead, they were destroyed by the call. What happened in the second half was a direct result of the call. That's what I believe. If you disagree, that's fine. You can post all you want. It won't change my opinion. And I won't change yours. No big deal. I'd rather talk about the Bills anyway. Go team.
  3. You make some valid points here. However, I believe that the Rams would have gained some yards from 1st down at the 25. And worn down the clock in the process. And their kicker has made 60+ yard field goals at least 3 times, so I believe they would have gotten at least 3 points. Janoris Jenkins totally blew the coverage on that 80 yard touchdown. That probably had more to do with the crush on the morale of the team. Had they held them, I think coming out for the second up by 11 is a lot better than being up by 4. The call changed the game. The Rams are the youngest team in the league, and did not recover from what happened. I can't believe they have one sack all year. That's bizarre with all the talent on that line. Maybe Greggo cannot coach any more.
  4. Last night the Rams were leading San Fran 14-3, and on a nice drive. The QB hit the tight end with a short pass, and he broke a few tackles to get a first down at about the 20. Flag. Offensive pass interference. Replay showed absolutely unequivocally indisputably NO infraction. Not even close. (a worse call than the one on Woods the other day). Instead of first down at the 20 and the opportunity to run down the clock to the end of the half and get at least a field goal (17-3) or a td (21-3), they were moved back to the 45, ended up punting, and San Fran got a TD before the half. Instead of going in to the locker room with a 14 or 18 point lead, the Rams led 14-10, lost all momentum, and lost the game. I am saying this: That bad call cost the Rams the game.
  5. I enjoy when the refs go over to Belichek to explain their interpretation, and later on one of them is standing on the sidelines, chuckling and chatting with Gronk. It's a family affair, with well-shaven referees all over the league. Complete with lube jobs and reach-arounds from the Gillette Girls.
  6. Brady was 15 of 17 for nearly 300 in the second half. If they are worried that putting the blitz on the guy would result in a higher completion ratio, how much higher can you get than 88%? Blitz. Hit the guy. Make his head shake. Drop him. Make him a little tentative. Scare him.
  7. That's my friend Leslie who came in near the end and. The tall one who asked for $200. Maybe I can get that t-shirt from her.
  8. On Brady's fourth down sneak you could see a guy with his arm around Dareus gently pushing him to the ground. Look, the refs sucked today. Had they not tossed the flag on Woods, we would have likely gotten at least a field goal.....23-17. Things would be different. They sucked. Walt Coleman and his crew have a lifetime supply of razors coming. Our defense fell apart in the second half. A guy who had 3 career catches had 2 TD's in the 4th. We lost. The refs definitely had an impact on the score. They made a difference. It happens to be true. You really mature guys who think that it's whiny to complain about refs.....go somewhere else. We're here to express our hatred for unfair officiating. Which this was.
  9. You're bringing up the comeback game? Wow. That's one call in the Bills favor 22 years ago.
  10. This entire thread had me laughing out loud. I don't believe that Brady will miss the game. He's heroic. Look at the night he created the Tuck Rule, just when it appeared his team lost, he convinced the Referees to create something out of nothing.
  11. Colts. No way do they lose to the Houstonites. Fitz v Luck. Take luck.
  12. The Patriots became dominant when Tom Brady became quarterback. Hoodie is great at defense, but the team revolves around Brady. Look at the parade of ex-Patriot coaches, and how poorly they've done out there in the real world. Weiss just got fired from Kansas!! He failed at Notre Dame, KC, and now Kansas. Crennel....wth. Todd the OC failed at Denver and St. Louis, and now he's back where he started. Calling plays for Tom Brady. I'm not a Brady fan. But I think he's the main reason they've kicked butt since he arrived. I hope we knock Gronkowski on his butt all day long Sunday.
  13. I'm glad they put the DC on their shoulders. That guy devised a great game plan, while missing some key pieces, and went back to the place where he got the heater. I am thinking that further cemented the bond he has with his boys. He deserved it, because the defense is one huge reason why we pulled the upset. Virtually everybody in the media picked Detroit to win that game. It was a tremendous victory.
  14. Just read something about Golden Tate criticizing the Bills for putting Schwartz on their shoulders. Said it was a b.s. move. You know what I thought was a b.s. move? His shimmying around like a golden retriever after a dousing, whenever he caught a pass and got a first down. I thought a good size 12 to the nuts might have been in order for that guy.
  15. Very rewarding finale. The Bills truly deserved to win this game. Had their guy made that 50 yard FG, the football gods would have crushed us once again. That 55 yard run after catch by Golden Tate was a busted play, really. The entire game we sort of stuffed them, and that play nearly ripped out my heart. I thought the refs were absurdly bad, and they had major impact on the game. When we stopped them at their 20 and they called the penalty on Gilmore, that was bs. They both jacked with each other for about half a second then separated. Horse hockey. They kept throwing flags on our DB's that entire drive. But the one when their guy just ransacked Sammy, and they picked up the flag? Holy what the f was that? Even the announcers said there was no doubt it was interference. They also missed 4 or 5 holding infractions on Detroit, including one major hold on Dareus on their most productive run. Our play calling was horrific near the end. We had the ball at midfield, and on 3 plays we ran CJ up the middle for 2, threw a pass in the flat to Chandler for no gain, and then tried a 2 yard crossing pattern to Sammy. That's nonsense. We needed about 20 yards to win the game, and ended up punting. And then the 55 yard pass play. We deserved it, but we were also quite fortunate.
  16. I think Cyril Richardson will fall down on Suh, kick him in the sack, and Suh will go crazy and get thrown out of the game. After that, there will be holes for our running backs to run through. Then Nick Fairley will twist a knee trying to tackle CJ Spiller, and he'll be out too. Bills 56 Bears negative three. I mean Lions. Da Bills.
  17. Look, man. He's only played 14 games. Most quarterbacks sit the pines for a couple years. Look at the Packers. If it doesn't make sense to you, that's fine. It makes sense to me. What should we do, cut the guy? He panics. He needs to learn the art of cool. The part about comparing 16th picks in the draft is to illustrate a point that maybe the 16th pick is not guaranteed to be a success, and if they whiffed on it, it's not that big a deal in the big picture. Moveon.org.
  18. I think people are overreacting to EJ's slow growth process. It's not like he was a top 10 pick, like Tanneyhill, Locker, Gabbert, Bradford, Sanchez, Jamarcus, Vince Young, Matt Leinart, David Carr. He was taken 16th, and here are the last several 16th picks. Manuel, Quentin Coples, Ryan Kerrigan, Derrick Morgan, Larry English, Rodgers-Cromatrie, Jason Allen and Travis Johnson. People trash the Bills like this pick was the most precious pick in draft history. Gotta give the kid time on the bench to see if he's got the goods. If we target somebody in the first round next year, we can make a move and get one. For now, I think we're doing the right thing. I just wanted to give historical examples of failed first round quarterbacks. And a great big pile of mediocre players chosen at number 16. The Bills got who they wanted at 16, and used the bonus pick on a certain linebacker who shall remain nameless till he chooses to return. Had they taken EJ number 8 and not gotten Kiko, that may have been a lot more of a disaster. Let's look at the Rams. They chose Greg Robinson number 2 this year, and he hasn't seen the field yet. A few years ago they took a tackle from Baylor, Jason Smith, number 2 in the draft. I'm not sure they've gotten their money's worth on Tavon Austin either.
  19. My buddy, a Chefs fan, said Orton "will look amazing one game and s##ty the next. But he will air it out. He also pointed out that Orton had 4 300 yard games in a row with KC. That sounds okay to me.
  20. I was really angry when that happened. We had them at 3rd and long twice on that drive and could not stop them. Then our db let their guy run past him for a bomb. However, we had the chance to atone for that when we had the interception in the 3rd, and EJ threw the pick 6. Game set match at that point.
  21. EJ reminds me of Tony Banks. Orton will play better than EJ. I firmly believe that if we had Orton starting yesterday we would have won that game by 17 points. I don't blame them for giving EJ yesterday's game. He was a first round pick, and he only played 10 games last year. He wasn't horrible in most of those games. He wasn't great in our first two this year. He was okay. But the last two games he was rotten. At some point the defense would mutiny and we'd be back to the bickering. EJ apparently had a "mental coach." Not a good sign. I don't think we can beat Detroit in Detroit. But the game will be better with Kyle Orton. Who knows? We could pull it out. With EJ I could not see a win under any circumstances.
  22. Maybe Orton comes in and gives us a better chance to win those games. The defense should help keep us in the games (hoping KW and Nigel Bradham come back), and we need a guy to not throw away the games. Maybe call some running plays on occasion. I see more of EJ taking a 3 step drop, bailing, and taking a bunch of sacks.
  23. If the goal of this team is to win games now, and to make it to the playoffs, they need to bench this moron and put somebody in who has played in the league a few years. If their goal is to waste another year finding out that EJ can't do it, then fine, play the guy and I'll give up right now.
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