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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Get over yourself. He barely moved a muscle, and their guy jumped at the snap count. They deserved the first down. But they also deserved to lose because they made idiotic mistakes.
  2. When was this one? I have the game on tape. I watched Henderson's illegal motion 8 times and i still think it was bogus. But that's me. They called one earlier this season on our wideout when he was standing so still I thought he was a statue. These refs kill me. The one where their guy had our guy's leg twisted up to make a wish was a good non-call because our guy was about to kick him in the nose.
  3. When I realized it was 13-3 and should have been at least 20-3, maybe 24. Wasted opportunities. Brown's fumble.
  4. I just watched it like 8 times in a row. Henderson flinched, as did two guys on the left side....if you call moving a quarter of an inch or so flinching. The defender didn't point right at henderson, he pointed in the direction because he had to point at something. By the way, we won't know if he was going to run a sneak, because KC jumped offside before the play was executed. Based on Marrone's gutless history, we probably would have punted anyway had they not jumped offside. Which they did.
  5. He flinched a bit AFTER 4 guys jumped. They jumped on the snap call. If he flinched at all it took a zoom lens to spot it. The reason they were offside had absolutely nothing to do with him. They were looking at the ball and not Seantrel. Bad call. Changed the game.
  6. The reason the Chiefs jumped was the snap count. We earned the first down and they took it away, and the game fell apart. Granted, Bryce Brown's fumble and Chandler's inability to fall on the loose ball did not help. The fumbled punt was the final straw. But the game turned on that nonsensical call. Another bad one was the offensive interference call on Chandler. He barely touched the guy.
  7. I met a Fins fan today at work. He's pretty cocky. Detroit should take them down. I don't know how we beat Detroit.
  8. Kahlil Mack is rocking it in Oakland. Might be an All Pro.
  9. CK was a great college player who needs development and training to get to the next level. I'm sure they've been working him like a dog all year, maybe he's ready to knock some people down. It's more of a coaching/learning thing, mental, if you will. He's got the physical size and ability to be a very good starting offensive lineman. He was projected to go as high as middle first round in the draft.
  10. He's pretty fast. Ran the 40 in 4.37 at the combine. He's intelligent. He hits hard. He's on our practice squad. Taxi squad.
  11. I joined this thread too late. I don't have time to read 17 pages. So if somebody mentioned Mark Rypien before, excuse me. That guy was a statue, but Washington built a wall in front of him, and he got sacked 8 times all year. And throttled the Bills in the Super Bowl. Put a wall in front of KO and see what happens.
  12. I just look forward to the Kansas City game. Win that, 6-3. Next? I don't know who's next. I don't look that far ahead.
  13. Bradham's taunting penalty came after the interception returned to the 30 yard line. It took us back to the 45, and we got nothing out of it. It was the third pick of the quarter, and it was on Smith.
  14. Certain words? Any lipreader with minimum skills could see that Rex used about 50 f-bombs when screaming at the refs. Where was his flag?
  15. I know he's been thrashed for missing tackles. But look who he's trying to tackle in an open field....Harvin and Vick. Once they got to the second half, he didn't miss tackles on anybody. I challenge anybody on earth to do a solo tackle on Harvin or Vick in an open field. Not fair. The TV replay never showed the taunt that resulted in a 15 yard penalty. What was it?
  16. The Jets couldn't have played worse. We could have played better. Hackett's playcalling is infuriating to the average fan. I'm an average fan. I think we have the ability to do a lot more with this group of athletes. I hope we continue our good fortune.
  17. When the Jets kicked the FG to cut the lead to 7, I was certain we would lose the game. Fortunately, the defense made a bunch of adjustments to stop Vick. He's fast, etc. But the playcalling. We had turnovers inside the 50 numerous times, and lost yards. Hackett is horrible. I can't believe that the new owner can put up with more of this nonsense. Bryce Brown should get the majority of the snaps. It's not his fault they handed him the ball with Sheldon Richardson standing one inch from his face. Bryce is fast, he needs to be the lead running back.
  18. I don't care for Elway. But he does prove the point that having a great quarterback is a huge factor in a team's continued success. Case in point: John Elway. What has Firemarshall Bill done since he left Elway? Another one: Brady. Where is New England without Brady? Middle of the pack. Elway got Manning. Manning is the best ever. Any old wideout will do. For us? I am glad for the new owners. I think they will sign whoever we need to keep to make this team a winner. Including Hughes. Dareus. Cordy Glenn. Not that Wilson was a cheap bastard, but we did let a lot of great football players walk over the past 10-15 years. I don't see that continuing. The Pegulas plunked down 1.4 Billion, probably about 400 million above market value, for the team. They won't balk at spending a few million here and there to build a championship team. Doug Marrone must get this team to stop making so many mistakes and probably axe his OC, or Marrone will be getting the heater.
  19. Way I see it Jimmy got some issues being a Jets fan to begin with. They moved to New Jersey so he don't have New York behind the team no more. Now he goes to New Jersey and thinks they got tough guys like Paulie Walnuts till he finds out that was just a tv show. And the Jets only get to be on the field about 50 hours each year. So far they been out there about 22 of them hours and have only had one time where at the end he can feel good about the Jets. So he thinks if he comes in here to our page he can use his tough neck size 21 to intimidate our fans. We will not be intimidated. Our team will take care of the Jets and be home by midnight whereas Jimmy has to wallow in his misery for another week or so.
  20. I am going to the Denver game, and I am planning on watching the Bills knock Manning out of the game. It will be a joy to beat those people.
  21. Richardson is a good run blocker. He's pancaked a few big guys, including JJ Watt. However, he cannot pass block. Yet. They can teach him. I think he'll need to drop 15 pounds in order to be quick enough to pass block. What about Hairston? Can he play guard?
  22. Bryce Brown is going to be a great player for the Bills. He was the number one rated running back recruit coming out of high school, screwed up in college, and played for Philly for a couple years. He's fast, and he's motivated. And very talented. Take him, put him in the back row and in a couple weeks you'll have a new starting running back.
  23. That was an absolutely idiotic call.....a squib kick, and a penalty on top. Gave them the ball at the 40. I don't care how dangerous Cordarelle is. They stopped him earlier. How dumb is our special teams coach? Not only make a bad call following our first touchdown, but they got holding calls on just about every return. One holding call was on a play where McKelvin avoided the punt. On another punt we had two penalties. WTH. If I were the new owner, I'd dump just about every coach on this team. Starting with Marrone. The fish rots from the head down. His offensive coordinator is exactly that. His pal can't coach special teams.
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