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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. I could see this one coming down Broadway with the high beams on. Not even the least bit surprised by this outcome. The Raiders play tough at home. Granted, the Rams beat them 52-0 a few weeks ago, so they have some issues. But they played hard and their fans were great. We had it on the line, and we lost. Losing Dareus was critical. I think the new owners will open their checkbooks to bring this city a winner. It might just start with a new coach with some guts. I hope we knock New England out of home field advantage. That would make the offseason better for me.
  2. I was watching the game on tape delay on NFL Red Zone, but stopped when we gave Oakland 2 straight first downs by not tackling anybody. Down by 9. As predictable as any game in the last 15 years. Season on the line and can't win. So I came back to the computer to save an hour or so and found out they lost the game. Now I can do something else with the rest of the afternoon. By the way NFL red zone focused on the Dallas game most of the day. Even though they were up by 35, they showed that game over the Bills game. Typical. Season. Next year we'll have to wait a full day for the first draft choice.
  3. Man, I hope you're right. What I want most of all for Christmas is for the Bills to be playing for something on the last day of the season. The best scenario would be playing the Pats for a chance to get in the playoffs, and the chance to knock them out of home field advantage. That would be the best thing in 15 years for the Fans of the Buffalo Bills.
  4. Man, this game scares the crap outta me. I see injuries, pain, bad bounces, bad calls, bad weather, frustration, a lot of screaming, and not much good. Oakland 9-3.
  5. The new UB coach has managed to get his team into the national championship game.....for the final time. They are playing Mount Union, which is a juggernaut that always ends up in the championship game. Whitewater has somehow managed to win several of these championships......tonight they are shooting for their 3rd straight title. And after the game, he'll either be on their shoulders or shaking hands with the other coach and packing his bags. Game starts at 7 eastern time on ESPN U. Here's a tv story about the coach: http://fox6now.com/2014/12/17/leaving-on-top-lance-leipold-departs-uw-whitewater-with-lifetime-of-memories-successes/
  6. I'd feel safer standing in front of a mirror in Cabrini Green and saying Candyman three times.
  7. All these playoff if's and buts are driving me nuts. This I know: If the Bills lose to the Raiders, they are out. That's as far ahead as I want to go. Very proud of the team for beating the Packers. Surprised but not shocked. Orton really sucked. Most of the completed passes were not really that well-thrown. He's lucky he has guys who can catch the ball most of the time. Although the drop by Woods on the 20 yard line was horrible (the pass was a little behind him, but you gotta catch that one!), most of Orton's passes were not accurate. To me he looked hung over.
  8. I just want to see a fair game. The reason the Bills won was the defense played a great game against a great team. Last week the officials were horrible. I do believe had they called a fair game Manning would have managed a victory anyway. It's better when victories are earned.
  9. This will be a great offseason. The Pegulas overspent by a couple hundred million, and I think they won't deal with the "cash to the cap" philosophy. I think they'll operate under a "sign everybody you can and work the cap to your full advantage," and keep guys like Hughes, Spiller, etc. I could see Bulaga or Iupati, and a great tight end. Is there a free agent QB available? I know that St. Louis wants to move Bradford. The cap hit for next year is huge. I'd take him.
  10. I don't spend a nickel on Sullivan. I go to our site, twobillsdrive.com, and follow links. They ask me to subscribe, but I don't. I just read articles that seem to be of interest. I picked up a Denver paper at the airport yesterday, and they ran Sullivan's column on the horrible performance of Kyle Orton. So I guess I did spend some money on Sullivan when i bought the Denver paper. I listened to Denver sports radio on the way to the airport. Not much respect for Buffalo, but praise for Anderson the RB. And a lot of heat on "Peyton" for falling apart the last few games (they've only won 4 of the last 5.)
  11. I actually don't view this forum as publicity. I was just expressing my opinion of not only him, but people who tell those of us who see the officiating as problematic to Grow Up. It's crazy, man!!
  12. I am tired of Jerry Sullivan and his disciples who tell us that we are crybabies because we are angry at continuously unfair officiating. They're above it. Sullivan is okay calling Orton "horrible" for his game Sunday. He claimed that the yards were gained during garbage time when Denver was allowing the completions. Huh? You're kidding, Sully. The Broncos were not allowing anything. They were not in a prevent defense. Orton hit a first down on 4th and 16. Good try. I was at the game, we got jobbed by a rookie crew. Denver is a better team. They were in the Super Bowl last year. They have one of the greatest QB's in history. They were at home. They're supposed to beat anybody at home, and they usually do. They didn't need help from the zebras. Manning would have figured out a way to win the game either way. Sullivan called the Bills a bad team. The Bills are a rising team with a really good defense. It would not shock me if they beat Green Bay this week. We're underdogs. Take the home dog. I'm upset because the refs messed up the game. I don't think the Bills would have won that game, but it would have been a lot more fun to watch had the refs called it correctly.
  13. I don't see anything here except a guy blocking another guy. Where's the penalty?
  14. I don't know where that comment originated on them calling the wrong number on Robey's penalty. I was at the game, and I saw Robey make a great play, and then the flag popped out. They called illegal use of hands on number 37. The replay on the scoreboard revealed that it was not an infraction, but bull crap call. On Robey. Where did that rumor come from that it was on Aaron Williams? I looked at the game later and didn't see that anyway. The ref who threw the flag was looking at Robey when he tossed the flag. One of my favorite moments was after the bs call on Gilmore, the receiver waited till the calls were made and stood up and took a bow to the crowd. Good performance. I'm still not sure what the call was on Hughes. Did he yell at the ref? Here's the deal: If they got the call right, he would not have had to yell at the ref. So the ref should have penalized himself for being a dick head. Here's a hint: If the Bills ever have a running play of over 20 yards against a good team, you will see a flag. The penalty on Urbik might have been a hold, but there is that kind of deal on every stinking play. However, whatever happened had nothing to do with Freddie's run. It was all him busting tackles and making moves. Great play 32 yard flag, really. Now we're up over 250 yards in actual yards lost due to incompetent officiating. The Broncos only got 308 yards in the entire game. Denver is a better team playing at home with perhaps the greatest quarterback in history. They do not need help from the officials. Manning would have found a way to win that game if he had to. We all know that. I'm a little sad for spending all that money and time on getting to the game and watching the officiating debacle in person. Bad enough when you're at home. It was so bad I was getting texts from my sister in North Carolina about the calls.
  15. Both calls blew. I was at the game, and watched it later on t.v. The refs were 100% in favor of the Broncos. There was one makeup call after a bogus call on us. Other than that, pure unadulterated favoritism.
  16. Graham was running next to Gilmore down the sidelines, and a Bronco dove at Graham's knees. He sort of jumped over him, and that was about it. He did not do anything that could remotely be called a personal foul. It was absurd. Instead of having the ball at Denver's 42, they got it at their own 21. I'm sitting at my sister's home in Denver watching a replay of the game. It is worse than it looked on the field. Gilmore's play was awesome. I didn't see the head butt on our guy. I don't know when that happened.
  17. I love Peirera in his barcolounger saying this was the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. The refs fist bumped each other following a Denver TD, and nobody is allowed to notice? I was at the game. The refs were so bad my sister was texting me from Charlotte. The call on Graham on Gilmore's pick was one of the worst calls of all time, really. Wtf. At one point I yelled out, just leave a flag on the field, and point at somebody after the play. It was ridiculous. But this was Denver, and they've got Manning. We probably would have lost anyway. He would have managed it somehow. They didn't need the refs' help.
  18. Are you out of your mind? You thought that was an incomplete pass? You're kidding, right? Even Johnny Football himself said he thought it was a fumble. Even the Browns fan I talked to today knew it was a fumble. You are the only person I have encountered this past week, aside from the idiotic lying referee crew, that thinks that was an incomplete pass. Are you in the Holier than Thou club? That was one of the worst calls I've ever seen in my life. If we weren't winning the game by 13 at the time, I would have lost my mind.
  19. I was just having lunch with my peeps, and the first 15 minutes of NFL Live on ESPN was about the Johnny Football v. Hoyer issue. Every highlight of Hoyer was an incomplete pass or an interception. Every single one. Every highlight of Johnny Football was a completed pass v. Buffalo, or the touchdown v. Buffalo. They did not show the play where Kyle Williams flattened Johnny Football, forced a fumble, which was recovered for a touchdown by the Buffalo Bills. Why? The marketing of Johnny Football would not allow such a play to be part of his first game. All the highlights are of his completed passes and the brilliant touchdown run. The sack, forced fumble and ensuing touchdown are not real. They did not exist because it was just another incomplete pass. They changed that to an incomplete so as not to tarnish the Legend of Johnny Football. Cha-ching. Did you guys know that The League was about to change the time of the Browns game this Sunday to 3 p.m. if Johnny Football was named starting QB? Since Hoyer is the guy, the game will take place at the normal time. Nobody gives a damn about the Browns unless Johnny Football is starting.
  20. Here's why they reversed it: The marketing of Johnny Football would not allow such a play to be part of his first game. All the highlites are of his completed passes and the brilliant touchdown run. The sack, forced fumble and ensuing touchdown are not real. They did not exist because it was just another incomplete pass. The league was about to change the time of the Browns game this Sunday to 3 p.m. if Johnny Football was named starting QB. They changed that to an incomplete so as not to tarnish the Legend of Johnny Football. Cha-ching.
  21. He can recruit. I worked at Whitewater many years ago, so I follow the team. Division III is all about recruiting. You cannot really offer scholarships, so you have to find the right athletes to come in. He's a great hire. Anybody who can bring a program to the point where they beat Mount Friggin' Union 5 out of 7 years for the national championship is a great coach. I'm concerned for UW-W losing a great coach. I'll bet the rest of division III is looking forward to not facing this guy. He has 3 more games to win another national championship.
  22. I'm going to be there with my sister. We will try to get to the party and the tailgate. I have no idea where we are sitting. I'm stoked.
  23. Why don't they fire these idiots and get some replacement refs in there? (My favorite call by the replacement refs was when they gave the Skins a touchback on a punt that was stopped at the 4 yard line. Coach had to challenge to get it placed properly.)
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