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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. The Pegulas knew about Doug's walkaway clause. They let him walk. This was in their plan. They were prepared for this. You don't plunk down 1.4 bil without knowing what you're buying. The 4 million that Doug tucked in his cummerbund is a drop in the bucket. It's dead cap money. It's gone. The toothpaste has left the tube. 4 million to the Pegulas is pocket change. It's the cost of doing business. They needed a new coach. A new offense. They didn't need to fight with this offensive genius and his sidekick man-child offensive coordinator. They needed a fresh start. If they fired him, they'd be out 8 million. They saved 4 million when he walked. There is a plan in place. He did them and all of us a favor when he jumped the shark. I can't wait to see what happens next.
  2. Lashing out like a 10 year old? I'm just being honest. When I read about that crap in training camp, I cringed. I remembered my high school coach. These are men out there.
  3. Now Bob, I have been watching the Bills with you for years. You are probably my best Bills Fan Friend. But I never said I hated Doug or Orton. Hackett, yes he had to go. I accepted Marrone as the coach and supported him. Orton just puzzled me. He had ability at times, but his best attribute seemed to be throwing the ball at Fred Jackson's feet.
  4. Firechan, you got me. Semantics. I wanted to support him, even though he creeped me out. I am glad he's gone, really. I think he's a bit of a psycho. We're all here because we are Bills fans. Man, if we met, I'd buy you a beer and we'd probably have more in common than you think.
  5. Hey Firechan, thanks for the research into my posts. I am a Bills fan, and I root for them to win football games. If he's in charge, I'm going to support him. Like him or not. When Chan was in charge, I rooted for victory. But I pay attention to what's going on. I didn't say I hated the hire from day one. I said I was a bit underwhelmed. That ain't hate. My dislike started to emerge when he did those things in camp. But if that's what he uses to motivate people....he is our coach. Like I said in another post.....9-7 not too bad. If you want to look at more of my BS, you'll see I have been asking for a new OC and OL coach for a long time. I've supported the talent on that line (3 all americans drafted last year, why did they lose their ability?). I was hoping that we would bring in anybody to get those guys to play together. When I read that Marrone was chastising Hughes publicly, I did not like that. A short time later he allegedly blew up on the sidelines to Whaley. That's not cool. Not cool at all. In fact, if you want to do more research, and I hope you don't because it's a waste of time, you'll see that I criticized his press conferences too, as having absolutely nothing to say. I hated the punts on 4th down. I thought they were gutless and compared them to Gregg Williams punting on 4th and 2 from New England's 31 yard line in 2004, which I believe may have killed my mom. I'm not some idiotic kid. I asked a question. When did you first start to dislike Doug Marrone. I never was fully on board, but when he told Hughes he didn't have to be on our team I started to dislike the guy. Please post some more of my thoughts if you please. I don't see any reason to question what I said. It's all consistent.
  6. I was always a bit underwhelmed by the guy. For all the hype, he struck me as a bit of an amateur. When I read that he changed the way of life at Syracuse, making them toe the line and wear suits, I thought whatever. His first year? 6 wins? Not impressed. But when he was at camp and making players run laps, yelling at Hughes, being an a-hole....didn't care for it. When I heard about him yelling at the other Doug in front of the team? That's when I disliked the guy. When he took it public. I'm glad he's gone. Prima donna had to go.
  7. Doug screwed it up by quitting, and putting undue responsibility on Polian's plate. He didn't want to hire a new guy and leave after 3 years. He took the easier route.
  8. I have been there. I am glad you and your advisors have come back. And I am particularly proud that you came back because Saint Doug has left the building. We've got a lot of talent on this squad. We need a coach who would not allow the team to lose that Oakland game. Our former coach said it was all on him then threw everybody on the team on the floor. Can anybody see Bill Cowher losing such a game? No. Doug acted tough but he was a finger-pointing cowardly money grabber. Welcome back my brother.
  9. If Bill Polian allowed Doug Marrone to have any impact on his decision, he's lost his ability to think football. Doug may have dropped a few "obviously" comments with a slight lisp, threw his hands in the air, and gesticulated in a moderate fashion. If that caused Bill Polian to take pause, other than to wipe Doug's drool off his sleeve, then Bill is lost.
  10. Something is gonna happen, and it's gonna be good. Being a Bills fan, I have the natural tendency toward feeling inferior and unwanted. Just yesterday somebody shared a link from August that showed Buffalo as the 2nd worst place to play football. Then Doug Marrone just turned his back on the team and is seeking greener pastures. There are no greener pastures than coaching the Buffalo Bills. The fans here are the greatest, most loyal people in sports. Ask Vincent Gallo. He said it best. Tim Russert. Jim Kelly. Our Bills backers everywhere. We get together every Sunday and watch a team, even though we haven't had a playoff team in 15 years. We get together and watch our team. This is our time. This isn't Doug's time. Doug's time is over. The Pegulas will bust some big moves and we will be better off without Saint Doug.
  11. Pegula thanked him as the door hit him in the arse. Doug should have bought a full page ad in the back of the Buffalo News (with his exit draw) and thanked the fans. We sold out just about every game, even though we only had a slight chance of being a playoff team. Fans in every community voice their displeasure with their team. It's sports radio, and web sites like this. Fun, meaningless rhetoric. Nobody showed up and killed his dog like they did in Green Bay. We supported the guy and his team while he was in house. Least he could do is say something to the fans. Classless bastard.
  12. ding ding ding ding ding. we have a winner. if he waits till he's done with the Bills, he'll be older than Ralph.
  13. Naaaaahhhh he didn't quit on the players. He quit on the community. He has no loyalty toward Buffalo and the fans. He's gone. I'm glad he's gone. His character was revealed. I read that he's having nice chats with the Jets owners. Good for them. Didn't take 24 hours for him to complete his transition from Buffalo Bill to this. Call it a business decision if you like. Remove the emotion and what do you have? Nothing. Without emotion I am not a Bills fan. I am pissed. Unconscionable. However, I am glad he and his incompetent offense are gone. Gone.
  14. No he won't. He will finally win the title in the right place. Buffalo.
  15. He's 71. He's not dead. He's a leader. He played here. He would lead us to our first Super Bowl win. Then he would retire and let whomever his assistant head coach happens to be take over and lead us to the next one. Maybe Dick Vermeil. Who cares? Anybody who is sincere and knows football. I couldn't stand Doug Marrone after he humiliated Hughes in practice, made them run sprints like they're Niagara Wheatfield in August. Then he screamed at the GM in practice. Next he became the Bright Elusive Butterfly during press time. I knew he was gone when he wouldn't discuss his contract Monday morning. He's gone. Obviously we need somebody who can coach the offense.
  16. Hey Doug, F U. Leaving the Bills like this. I sensed all year that this guy was not right. He automatically says that everything comes back to him, then he drops the blame on everybody else in sight. He's a psychopath. He hides the truth. He has a Napoleonic complex. We're better off without him. The text that said that the people in Bills village are okay with him leaving....he friggin' yelled at Hughes and told him he could play elsewhere....made him run laps. Totally wasted the season of CJ Spiller. He hired his college coach to coach professionals. Didn't work. Who did he blame? Everybody but himself. He's out. I'm glad he's gone. I'd take the coach of 1970's Kenmore West over this guy. Go coach the Jets you cheap dimestore hood.
  17. Buffalo is a great place to play. We continue to support our team no matter how bad they suck.
  18. I'll think of Kyle next time I'm hung over and unaware of my circumstances.
  19. What about Randolf Scott? You'd do it for Randolf Scott!!
  20. I hope he stays, but wouldn't be shocked if he left. Remember Cornelius Bennett. Here today, gone tomorrow. Albert Pujols left the Cardinals and a perfect situation.....for money. LeBron left Cleveland for fame and glory. Things happen.
  21. Nobody knows for sure. I am trying to be optimistic. Many of us agree that the offensive line needs fixing, and the offensive coordinator sucks. Maybe with those repairs the QB will have a better shot at success.
  22. OP here. Just trying to throw a positive spin on our QB situation. You don't just wake up and land behind the center at Florida State. You don't become MVP of the Senior Bowl without being an exceptional athlete. He seems like an intelligent person. Maybe if they throw up some decent protection he will be fine. JJ Watt's pick resulted in EJ's being benched for the rest of the year. That's sufficient discipline.
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