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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Bring me Rex Ryan. He's funny, and the players love him. And I think he can coach.
  2. The players hardly seem heartbroken with this departure. They got tired of being flattened by the bus. Since this out clause was only three days after the season during which the owner dies, maybe it wasn't so dumb. If Marrone was worth keeping, they would have kept him. He basically got let go by the Buffalo Bills. They did not capitulate to his demands. He has no class. I hope the Jets get him. I can't see him being hired in Chicago. The fans and media would have him on suicide row before the season starts. They're more brutal than NY fans. Atlanta? Seems to me they're going after somebody who has proven something. San Fran? No way.
  3. I would like to know which franchise quarterback will be available with the 19th pick in this year's draft. Also, I'd like to know how you all think O'Dell Beckham Jr. would have done in Buffalo with EJ/Orton throwing to him. Would we have won 9 games with him instead of Sammy? Most people had us taking the tight end from UNC with the 9th pick. Would Ebram have helped us get to 9-7? There won't be a franchise quarterback available at #19. However, we can sign a free agent guard who is of greater value than the 19th pick in the draft. And move on. It's a money game. With a good quarterback and a better line coach, the sky is the limit for Sammy, Woods, Hogan, Marquise Goodwin, et. al. I don't know if Cutler is a guy for us, but I guarantee he has a chip on his shoulder and is still looking for the right place to become a star. His arm is amazing. His head is swimmy.
  4. Nadir. Wasn't he the fella who had all the problems with the Corvair?
  5. Marrone will try to bring Hackett along with him to New York, or to whichever team is dumb enough to attract his services.
  6. Yes indeed, Bob. We Bills fans are a tortured lot. Whatever. I just wanted to point out the history of the guy who made the call to pick up the flag was the son of the most demonized ref of the 70's (in my opinion).
  7. All about the bass, i mean, the money. I yelled "pass interference" when it happened, and was glad to see the flag. Started thinking ahead.....how many more yards will they need to get a field goal...should they run down the clock, throw deep....game planning in my head like when I'm watching the Bills. Next thing you know they're in punt formation. WTF? It was like the call earlier in the year when a flag hit Kyle Williams as he was being pulled down by the Bears....holding. No wait, no holding. No problem. Bring back the replacements.
  8. Jerry Bergman's dad Jerry Bergman, made one of the worst calls in the history of the Buffalo Bills. It was so horrific, that Ralph Wilson vowed he'd never officiate another Bills game. Wilson paid a fine for that, but Bergman never did another Bills game. Here's what happened: The Bills were losing to the Dolphins, I think it was 1975. The were in the midst of a huge comeback, and had cut the lead to 3 or something. Miami had the ball, and Mercury Morris was on a sweep and Tony Greene upended him to the point where he was upside down, about a foot above ground, and the ball bounced loose. The Bills recovered. Bergman not only ruled no fumble (down by contact), but he tossed a 15 yard penalty on Pat Toomay who had apparently elbowed an official as he was trying to recover the fumble. Instead of having the momentum and the ball at about the Miami 25, we were penalized and everybody was so upset, they couldn't focus. Next play Don Nottingham ran up the middle for about 55 yards, and the game was in effect over. The guy who determined the outcome of the Lions game today is the son of the guy who did that to the Bills. Beauty. The NFL wanted Dallas to advance. It is worth several hundred million dollars. Nobody gives a crap about Detroit. But everybody in the country either loves the Cowboys, or hates them because they call themselves America's Team, and they have the biggest douchebag owner in the world.
  9. Give it a minute to settle in. They saw Marrone and his bulldozer coming in, and they dealt with him. Whaley and his incompetent staff of scouts have somehow managed to put a great defense together, and a bunch of good, talented players are waiting for somebody to come in and show them how to become an offensive force. Clearly Marrone and his Hackett fellow were not up to the job, and had attitudes about how great they were. Any failures were on the part of the GM and/or the players. Despite Marrone's mantra of how it all falls on him, he ran out of fingers to point. Thankfully there was one left to point toward the door. It ain't rocket science. Who cares what other teams think? The game is played on the field. We need a coach who will not allow his team to go to Oakland and lose. A guy who can muster up a game plan that gets more than 13 rushing yards against the 27 ranked run defense in the league. Hell, hire Denzel Washington. Somebody can get our offense on the field and get some production.
  10. Bear in mind this was an article in the Daily News. I don't think this will have an impact on the hiring or non-hiring of Doug Marrone. The interviewing party should have more information than the press. They don't care about anything but winning. Doug's team whipped the Jets 3 times in a row. That Marrone was the head coach is evidence he knows what he's doing. Many people are taken aback by his unearned arrogance. That's fine. I don't like him any more. But he has gotten himself to this point in his life, and he's in the running for another coaching job. He's doing something significant. I don't blame the Bills for hiring him. Most people at the time thought it was a great hire. He took a horrible team and made them competitive.
  11. He's a jerk for not making a statement to Bills fans. And he should have called each player individually.
  12. Two more things: Shanny is an egomaniac social isolate. And he has a tanning bed in his office. That is why he looks like a Beggin' Strip.
  13. GW had a file folder with him when he came in here last year to buy a Tahoe.
  14. He scares me. Maybe this would be an opportunity to redeem himself from all the mediocrity since Elway left the Broncos. Our defense looks pretty set for a while anyway. Especially with Kiko on the mend. What needs fixing happens to be right in his wheelhouse. He still scares me. I don't see him fostering any loyalty or brotherhood in Buffalo. More mechanical and less emotional. We prefer some of both.
  15. My sister just called from Denver.....she's listening to some sports radio hack who said that Shanahan and Cutler are coming to Buffalo. I know that's just a rumor, but I think I could deal with that. If Cutler has any sanity and ability left in him, he could rock the Ralph. If that happens i would be okay. I don't care for Shanny, but I'd be okay with a coach of that magnitude and attitude.
  16. I think that the Pegulas are glad to be rid of Marrone and his offensive incompetence. He comes across as an arrogant jerk. In my opinion, they made the right choice by not giving Marrone and his staff raises and extensions. He walked, which saved them the trouble of firing him. Firing him would have cost another $4 million, which they can now use toward other things....like scouting improvements.
  17. I don't get the regression in Eric Wood and Cordy Glenn. I don't think our offensive line coach did a very good job with the players brought in by Whaley. But, let's see what happens with the new coach. The Mike Williams situation was absurd. Probably never should have made that trade. Whaley knew that Marrone had kicked Williams off the team in Syracuse, and he was just asking for trouble when he brought him in. I don't think Williams ever had much of a chance. I don't think his career is over. He's an excellent athlete. If resentments between coach and GM reach the point where they are screaming at each other in public, things have to change. Let's just look at the Oakland game. 13 carries for 13 yards against the 27th ranked run defense. Something is wrong. Needs fixing. Whaley did pull off some good maneuvers the past couple years. Kiko, Graham, #51, Hogan, the trade for Hughes. I think Bryce Brown is going to be a great player too. Can't wait to see who's next.
  18. Yeah, jump the shark is a Fonzie reference. he went a little overboard, so to speak. so did Doug. And he jumped ship.
  19. Come on. This is worth reading. The Pegulas let Saint Doug walk and saved $4 million by not having to fire him. He had two years left.
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