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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Sitting in a chair in a living room in St. Louis. I was wearing my good luck "Bo Don't Know Snow Thurman Do" t-shirt, and when Reich threw the pick 6 to start the second half I started to take it off and was going to put it in storage for another year, but something told me not to do that.
  2. A great line coach can take a band of retreads and get them to the Super Bowl. The Giants went to the dance with Glenn Parker and Dusty Zeigler starting, both of whom were cut by the Bills. The Pats always have a great line, despite not having big name talent. Sure. Logan Mankins (gone).....who had ever heard of him before he was drafted? Road graders. That's what we need. I think we have a few of those.
  3. I guess we'll have to see what happens this summer to the players Doug benched. Perhaps they were poorly coached. Before Marrone got there, Eric Wood and Cordy Glenn were considered to be solid good near-Pro Bowl calibre players. Wood fell apart, Glenn's play declined. Nobody on the line did well at all. Most of the players were at the very bottom of the league's rankings. Two years ago they were not that bad. They have not cut anybody yet. CK was rated as high as 10th in the draft. Richardson was a unanimous first team All-American at Baylor. Henderson is a superb athlete. They can't all be as bad as they looked. Sometimes players just need a different system. Look at Hughes. He was dumped by Indy for Kelvin Sheppard, and now he's a great player. Maybe the new system will give the line to play at a much higher and more productive level. Can't get much worse.
  4. Great move. Nobody will want to line up across from him. Now get Iupati, and some good coaching.
  5. I like the signing. Dude is crazy. Who wants to line up across from Richie Incognito? He has been a maniac from the get-go. He was trouble at Nebraska. That's why he lasted till the 3rd round. He had first round talent, but he is crazy. Great signing.
  6. I know there is a "K" ball for kicking, but I'm wondering if they use that ball also for punting. Does anybody know for sure?
  7. Jets fan, it was when I started to dislike him. Since I first posted this, I've grown to really dislike him. I can dislike a coach and still love my team. It's not uncommon.
  8. Do we get any? We seem never to get any of these!! Doesn't anybody sign our guys?
  9. Heroin is a huge problem. I've got two friends at work with kids who are battling heroin abuse. More kids died of overdoses in St. Louis than people who were murdered. If you know St. Louis, that's a huge number. But that spot was a total bummer. 10-4. Friggin' Tommy Noble. Where'd that chair come from?
  10. Because Schwartz was fired by Detroit, he may still be owed money by them. When the Bills released him, they may no longer owe him anything, and the obligation to pay him goes back to Detroit. Wouldn't that be nice? They really did not fire him. He's a great dc, but he and Ryan decided to part ways.
  11. Doug is the Assistant Head Coach, so obviously he has something to do with the hire. Hackett would have been better off being offensive coordinator for the Rams. Unless he has some assurance that he will be promoted once Jax tanks this year, moving Doug to HC and Hackett to OC. And the seasons they go round and round.
  12. I think the media should leave empty the seats in front of Marshawn's podium, and not ask him one question. He has nothing to say anyway, why bother asking. Make him sit there for the allotted time. Maybe every few minutes somebody comes over and says, "Why are you here?" and when he starts to answer interrupt and say, "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the podium."
  13. He has always been a hard-nosed competitor. He was player of the year in High School in Texas. only 6' tall, but was the best qb Missouri ever had, in my opinion. Pure athlete. Smart. I'd bring him in for a look. fo sho.
  14. Let's think about the concept of videotaping walkthroughs. Had Baltimore videotaped the Pats, they would have seen that new formation and been able to defend it properly. Maybe the Rams had some new plays put in that the Pats were able to counter and defend. Without that advantage, the element of surprise might have made for a more effective gameplan. FYI, I go to the "Kurt Warner" church. He joined before he had even played a down as a starter. He needed a place to call his home church. He and the Pastor seem to believe that he was put here in St. Louis to become the starter for the Rams and to help bring the message to the world....which he helped do with his comments after being the MVP of the Super Bowl. Mission accomplished for him. Couple weeks ago the Pastor mentioned that sometimes he is moved to pray for healing in specific areas. He talked about one Sunday a few years ago, when he was moved to pray against spinal cord injuries. Less than an hour later a football player broke his neck in an NFL game, and a doctor came up with a sort of miracle treatment that not only saved the player's life, but the player ended up walking three months later. We all know who that player was. The pastor said that sometimes God works in mysterious ways, and offered that as evidence that something good is going on here.
  15. Marrone made a fool of himself. He has lost credibility with players, management, and fans. Who would want a guy who put himself so far in the hole? What made matters worse is that Ryan took his job. Marrone was probably counting on the Bills having a hard time finding a replacement. Wrong. I wish the Jets would have hired him. Unfortunately, Bills fans won't be able to scream at him next year, because the Jacksonville game is going to be in London. Not Ontario, England. Had the game been at the Ralph, he would have been pelted with tomatoes and chicken wing bones.
  16. Gentlemen, Obviously the Patriots are to be admired for their hard work and dedication. Not only do I owe you an apology for the outrageous accusations and indignities caused by your intentional deflating of 11 of 12 footballs, I also owe you a personal thank you for lying down and letting my former team, the Buffalo Bills, win a game at your home field. Obviously the game meant nothing, yet you chose to show mercy and I obviously appreciate that so much that I walked out on my former team, the Buffalo Bills. Fortunately for me, I have received my dream job, which is coaching the offensive line for the fastest rising team in football, the Jacksonville Jaguars. Thank you again for your hospitality, and please accept my humble and personal apology for the outrageous treatment you boys received after cheating for so many years. I love you. Obviously, Doug "St. Doug" Marrone Assistant Head Coach/Offensive Line Coach THE Jacksonville Jaguars Jacksonville, Florida USA
  17. Just a theory. We don't have a first round pick, so I believe they'll compensate for that by signing a free agent guard, like Iupati. Remember that our OC came from San Fran, and it would make sense that Iupati would consider such a move.
  18. We won't need a guard, because they will sign Iupati in the offseason, and certainly one of our remaining players can man the other side. I'd like to see them get the TE from Minnesota. Maybe in the 2nd.
  19. You know what? He's got a great arm, and is a really good talent. But every time somebody breathes in the general direction of his knees, he's out for the season. I am certain he will be super motivated to reach his potential, but he will need a cast iron solid line in front of him.
  20. The Rams owe Bradford about 18 million, or they can renegotiate his deal. They've already done this a few times, and he has yet to pay off for them. I think they will cut him if they get Foles.
  21. They won't let Hughes go. This is why the Pegulas bought the team, so we no longer are the cheapskates, losing our best free agents every year. This is the year when we start to keep them. Hughes is first.
  22. Trust? Building trust? That didn't pan out. He feels this town. He loves the people here. At the end of the day he was not the most comfortable in Buffalo. He took offense when people said he was an "offensive coach". And then proved that he was not an "offensive coach". Good riddance.
  23. Mixed reaction where I work. Most people asked what I thought, and I said I think it's a great hire. One guy said Rex is the worst coach in the league. But he was also carrying two tickets to Mama Mia in his shirt pocket, and thinks U2 is the worst band in history.
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