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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. It reminded me of the call vs. Baltimore a few years ago when our WR Lee Evans caught a pass and went into a scrum, the pile just stood there for about 5 seconds, then the ball fell out (probably from fatigue). It was in overtime. The Bills were at midfield, and in a good position to win. But Woods was stripped of the ball yesterday. He should have put his knee on the ground and moved on.
  2. The extra time to prepare is a huge advantage. Do you think that Bellichek can't come up with an extra wrinkle or two with 72 extra hours? Plus the players get another 3 days without being jacked around on the field of battle. I feel better when I have an extra day off, and I'm a car salesman. Now we get the Titans, in Tennessee, with their having an extra WEEK to prepare. Watch out. We're in trouble.
  3. Come on. Get real. Imagine getting 3 extra days of rest after jackhammering massive humans around a football field. You don't think you feel better with 3 extra days rest? How about an extra week? From what I recall, the Bills had 6 games last year of this kind, and New England had ZERO. Give Bellichek and any coach an extra 3 days to game plan, and you are giving them a huge advantage. It's nuts.
  4. It's total BS. Our worst games so far (and likely in the past as well) against teams that had an extra 3-7 days to prepare. This week we have the Titans, who have an extra week. It's utter nonsense. So what, we get to play the Jets 3-1 right now, and then get an extra couple days to go to New England. Yeah, thanks for that huge advantage. These teams have at least 72 hours more to prepare an extra play, wrinkle, etc. that we have not seen on tape. They have an extra 72 hours to break down our defense, and to game plan. It's an unfair advantage, as substantiated by the losses.
  5. It looked like he broke up at least 5 passes, and made a few tackles. He is an awesome coverage guy. The penalty called on him was weak. He barely touched the guy and had no impact on the route. The pass was directed elsewhere. It wasn't a good call. But I see him as a shutdown guy already. Great game for him.
  6. You're good, man. I think the fans have abandoned the area. It was a tough game to watch. I, personally, think that the refs absolutely sucked today. Between their ticky tacky calls and the missed tackle by Bradham, the game was lost. I am with Rex in that it's good to have a team with a lot of heart. We have to get somebody to convince Hughes to walk away from the arguments. We can't take away his passion, but we need to insert some judgment in the middle. By the way, Darby is awesome.
  7. As long as we're missing Shady, might as well bring back Bryce. He's very fast, knows the offense, can catch the ball out of the backfield. Gotta be better than that kid from Notre Dame.
  8. It was a double team. Bad call. One of many many bad calls. The defensive hold on Darby was BS too. Holding on Tyrod's td bad call. Offensive pass interference on Clay. Bad call. Personal foul on Preston Brown, bad call. He was working his way out of the scrum. Bad things happen in there. When O'Dell was jacking with Brown, Brown got the call. Should have been on both of them. What was that thing on his lip? A mustache? Dirty Sanchez?
  9. Phantom holding on Urbik on Tyrod's td. Also, isn't a chop block when somebody goes after a player's knees? Incognito hit the guy on the hip, it's called double team. Two touchdowns lost on questionable penalties. Bradham should've dropped that guy in his tracks. The offense never got rolling till the second half. When the Giants got their pick, I don't know how that guy wasn't out of bounds. His back was out of bounds when he got possession of the ball. The penalty on Preston Brown was weak. There was a scrum and he was standing up to get out of it. Gave them 15, then Hughes probably yelled at the ref and got another 15. Later on, O'Dell was jacking around with Preston Brown, and he reacted, and got called. first and goal. The refs sucked.
  10. Quote from the study cited earlier: Based on the assumption that plays per fumble follow a normal distribution, you’d expect to see, according to random fluctuation, the results that the Patriots have gotten since 2007 once in 5,842 instances. When the league allowed everybody to use their own footballs, the Pats rate of fumbles was statistically improbable....odds being 5842 to 1 against their accomplishment. They cheated. Now that we're on an even playing field (officiating notwithstanding), the Pats have to rely on their talent and coaching to win games. With Brady in charge, they will win nearly every game. He's unreal.
  11. Next. Yesterday is gone. 8 sacks, 3 picks, 14 penalties, and we got beat. Next. They will learn from this game, and will become champions.
  12. Brady's unbelievable. Till he retires or somebody hurts him, they will continue to dominate just about everybody.
  13. Tom Brady is a surgeon out there, and his receivers generally catch the ball when it hits their hands. The Amendola catch was a thing of beauty. When he ran the hurry up the Bills did not have time to adjust at all. Cordy Glenn could use some help on the end out there. Can't wait to hear the press conference.
  14. I went to a Cards game a few years ago with Bill. He's a nice guy, and funny as hell. He's from Boston. What did you expect from a Boston comedian?
  15. I think he's got a lot of good years ahead of him. He is the kind of back who could run for 200 for the Pats. And we all know the Pats no longer fumble.
  16. I like Bryce Brown. He's 10 years younger than FJ, and is very fast. I'm glad he's still on the team. I understand why the team cut Freddie. I'm glad he ended up in Seattle, rather than New England. I think he's still got some left in the tank. I hope he burns it before we see him again. Who's this Christine guy? He had 250 yards in two years. What's the big deal? I don't care for guys named Christine. I sort of liked the car named Christine. Can't wait till Sunday.
  17. I voted yes. He's done a lot of work to make this team relevant. Cutting Freddie was a tough decision, but he is 34 and his leadership did not get us to the playoffs. Not blaming Freddie, but if you're going to hang a leader tag on him, you also need to look at the results. I didn't like his bridge burning tweet either. I think dumping Cassel was a great move. He is boring. Having him on the team for months may have inspired the other two to better results. We shall see. Can't wait till Sunday. I'm looking forward to witnessing what sort of chaos the defense presents to Andrew Luck. This should be fun.
  18. I remember that hit on Brady. He was a rookie, and I thought that may have knocked him out of the game. He jumped back up and beat us. SOB.
  19. I could not care less who won or lost that game, but it seemed to piss off the coach. There were plenty of boneheaded plays to go around. However, if that call was not made, we would have had the ball, and Detroit would not have scored that touchdown. I think it was a bad call, but that's fine.
  20. No, he was not offsides. I just looked at the replay. He was not in the neutral zone.
  21. I'm watching the replay of the game. On 4th down, Brooks made a great tackle, and the refs called #75 for lining up in the neutral zone. I rewound, and he was not lined up on the neutral zone. Every part of his body was behind the blue line that indicates the line of scrimmage. It was a bs call. They scored on the next play. I don't think they looked all that bad last night. Guys were playing hard.
  22. Maybe he's calmed down a bit. That press conference last night was a little out of control. It's the 4th preseason game, and he's calling out individuals. He was pissed. Love that intensity, but I think he should avoid calling out the players in public. Carpenter's knows he had a bad preseason.
  23. We traded OJ. People come and go. It saved the team a lot of money. I hope he ends up in a good place.
  24. The Pegulas will pay him. The cap is going way up next year. He is a monster, though. He played last night like his next contract was on the line.
  25. He will give up an occasional completion. The key to the whole defense will be the chaos created by the front 7. They aren't revealing any of that right now. We good.
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